Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2073: Finally eluting the sensation

2073, Yi Yi did not have the first time to find Fang Xiao Orange, he is now rumored to be riddled, he must first solve his own problems before he has a face to find her. bookmark our website

Yi Yi returned to the company and met with Wandou.

They have collected some evidence and got the surveillance video of the hotel. Yi Yi has watched the surveillance video and probably knows the passing of last night.

I also saw Fang Xiao Orange carrying clothes to the hotel to give him clothes, Guan Mei opened the door, the situation of the two women at the time.

It didn't take long for Fang Xiao Orange to go in, and the angry slammed the door. This picture stung the easy eyes and his heart.

I can imagine how much damage Fang Xiao Orange should have at the time, so she will be so unrequited for her.

After he finished watching the video, Wandou said, "The materials and materials we need here are all ready, but when we contact Guan Mei, she does not answer the phone. What can I do?"

"Don't worry, I contacted her. She promised to attend the press conference tomorrow." Yi Yan's eyes revealed a flaw. "If she still wants to mix in the entertainment industry, I believe she will come."

Not long after Wandou left the office, Yi’s phone rang, and looking down was actually Guan Mei’s call.

Easy to frown, pick up the phone, "Hey?"

The voice of Guan Mei came from the other side. "Hey? Is it easy? I am Guan Mei!"

"What do you call me?"

"It is like this, Yi Zong, I think I may not be able to attend the press conference tomorrow!"

"Cao Mei! What do you want to do? Don't give me a trick!"

Yi Yi couldn't help but scream, and all agreed to come. How can I go back now?

"Not easy, I really have a little trouble, I am a little tight..."

It turned out to be money!

The purpose of this woman began to show up step by step!

I began to promise that she was attending a press conference. Now I want money for this reason, and my appetite is not small.

“How much do you want?”

Yi Yi can't take care of anything now, just want to hurry up and settle this trouble.

"200,000, Yi always I am borrowing from you, waiting for me to earn money after the fame, I will return it to you." Guan Mei said a sincere face.

Yi Yan snorted, "The card number was sent to me."

In this way, Yi Yi gave Guan Mei a transfer of 200,000 yuan. The next day's press conference, Guan Mei really should have attended.

Guan Mei carefully dressed, as grand as the red carpet, at the press conference, can be said to have done its best.

The press conference was successfully held under the auspices of Wandou. Juxing Entertainment produced evidence and, with the explanation of Guan Mei, successfully clarified the anecdote of derailment for Yi.

Finally, the lyrical situation was eluted, and I was the first to go to the company to find Fang Xiao Orange.

"Orange, see today's Juxing News broadcast live? I am innocent!" Yi Yi and Fang Xiao Orange met, told her.

Fang Xiaolan looked at him calmly and suddenly asked, "How much is it spent? 200,000?"

"Orange, I..." Yi Yi, I want to know how she knows 200,000 things?

"Don't say it again, I don't care what method you use to flatten the woman, I don't care whether you and she have happened, I only know that it is impossible between us."

Fang Xiao Orange didn't know it, but Yi Yi ignored one thing, that is, he gave Fang Xiao Orange a card, bound to the information of Fang Xiao Orange, as long as he consumes, the other party can see the information prompt. .

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