Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2077: Want to threaten her

2077, she has already guessed that Guan Mei came to her, there must be something, or it is impossible to come to her suddenly one month after the last incident. bookmark our website

"Easy Mrs. is really a refreshing person. If so, I will open the door." Guan Mei paused for a few seconds and spoke again. "Since the last thing, I was pregnant!"

"..." Fang Xiao Orange suddenly heard her say that she was pregnant. She only felt that her scalp was numb, but her reason prompted her to still be calm and calm. "Are you not clarifying at the press conference? You have no relationship with him. Now tell me what this thing is doing?"

Guan Mei had to explain with a hard scalp. "The last time because I always gave me 200,000, let me say that, but now, I found myself pregnant, I have to come to you again. Mrs. Yi, don't think too much, I didn't think about destroying you and Yi's family. I just want to feed the children in my stomach. After all, the children are innocent."

"..." Hearing that the little orange couldn't help but hold his forehead, saying that she didn't trust Yi Yi, but how did Yi Yi do it again and again?

Now people say that children have it, what do she think?

Even if his heart was angry, Fang Xiaolan asked coldly. "How do I know if your pregnancy is true?"

"This is my pregnancy test report."

Guan Mei showed his true pregnancy test report, which coincided with the last night's sleep incident.

Fang Xiao-Ou read the report and asked with a deep breath. "What do you want to do when you come to me?"

She can see at a glance that Guan Mei is looking for her privately with a report. It must be another plot.

"Mr. Yi, I didn't tell Yi Zong about this matter. I only told you, I just want to ask you for help. If you are willing to give me a sum of money, I will leave Yujing immediately and never appear in you again. In the whole life." Guan Mei said his true purpose.

Fang Xiao Orange stared at her coldly, looked at her for a long while, and finally told her rudely, "I don't have money, I just don't have money for you. As for this child, you look at it yourself. Anyway, I am with you. Yi has been divorced, and he can't control his affairs!"

Fang Xiao Orange said this, and took the bag directly.

She deliberately said this, so that Guan Mei could not find her weakness, so she would not be threatened by her.

As for whether Guan Mei will go to Yi Yi, then Yi Yi will definitely handle it himself.

Guan Mei knows that she and Yi Yi have been divorced from Fang Xiao Orange's mouth. My heart is more or less a bit uncomfortable. If it is not because of her self-smartness, she may not be divorced.

But now that she has reached this point, she has not turned back.

In Fang Xiao Orange, it didn't work here. After that, she went to Yijia again, when she told the Yijia old lady about her pregnancy.

Nowadays, Mrs. Yi will not be confused by the goblin outside, and will directly give Guan Mei a big meal and win her dog blood.

"A shameless woman, dare to come to the door! My son has never touched you! Now it's a good idea to take the kids to fool us! When are we blind? Give me a roll! Don't roll me and take the broom!"

Mrs. Yi took the broom and drove Guan Mei out of the door of Yijia.

Guan Mei did not take advantage of this time. I didn’t expect the old family of Yijia to eat the children at all, and they could only escape from here.


After the embarrassing news, many friends knew that there was a problem with his marriage between Fang Xiao and Orange.

Jingxi, who is far away from the Dragon Kingdom, saw the news of Yi Yi through group chat, and called Fang Xiao Orange for the first time, and expressed condolences.

"Orange, what's the matter with you and Yi?"

...... I want to talk with more like-minded people. "The price is good, it’s super!" "WeChat pays attention to "good reading literature" to read novels, talk about life, find friends~

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