Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2083: Pain killer

2083, Yi Yi was taken away by handcuffs, but it is conceivable how great the impact. There are a lot of paparazzi around the building every day. At this time, they saw the CEO of the stars dressed in handcuffs by the police. The pictures taken away are all coming to grab first-hand information.

Soon, the news about the suspected murder of President Yixing Entertainment was overwhelming.

This time, it was too shocking for the employees of the entire Juxing. After Wandou knew it, the first time he contacted Fang Xiao Orange.

"Sister Orange, it's not good, I always got him caught by the police!"


Fang Xiao-Oi took over the phone of Wandou and realized what happened. Even though she and Yi Yi had various contradictions, Yi Yi was a very important family member in her life.

Now that he was informed of the accident, Fang Xiao Orange immediately put down his work and drove to the police station to understand the situation.

When I went to the police station and didn't see Yi Wei, Fang Xiao Orange quickly drove to the Tang Group to find Tang Yizhen. He used to be a professional lawyer, and he definitely knows this.

Tang Yizhen has not been a lawyer for a long time. He has always been the president of the Down Group, but Fang Xiao Orange and Yi Yi have a good relationship with them, and they are still a neighbor.

Therefore, on the one hand, Tang Yizhen did not worry about Fang Xiao Orange, and on the other hand, he helped Yi Yi find the best lawyer.

The lawyer came to the police station to understand the situation and found the death case of Guan Mei. The suspect was locked into Yi Yi. At the time of the incident, there was no evidence of absence. Moreover, there was a lot of evidence that was unfavorable to Yi.

The lawyer also saw Yi Yi and learned about the situation. Yi Yi always denied that he had killed himself, and told the lawyers about the passing.

Lawyers appease their clients, and they will find ways to prove his innocence.

After the murder case broke out, the spearheads of public opinion also pointed to Juxing Entertainment and Yi Yi. Before and after the contact, the netizens who did not know the truth thought that Yi Yi wanted to get rid of Guan Mei and hurt the killer.

Forms are also not good for Yi, because the outbreak of this incident led to a series of chain reactions.

The reputation of Juxing Entertainment was affected. Many cooperation plans for film and television were terminated. The stocks of Juxing Entertainment were also greatly affected and plummeted. The shareholders of the company held an extraordinary general meeting to claim that they were relieved of the position of President Yi. Let Yi Yi bear all the losses and responsibilities.

Temporary company size and affairs are handled by Yi Lu’s assistant Lu Nan.

Yi Yi himself, now detained in the detention room, is suffering.

He didn't know what happened after he left. Why did Guan Mei be killed?

What he is worried about now is not his own, but his wife, children and family, who will certainly be disappointed by him.

First, "derailed", then "children", and now "killing."

His "black" history is getting more and more, and the wash can't be washed.

He understood how terrible the power of public opinion was. Even if he didn't do it, now he can't help himself to wash his grievances.

Fortunately, fortunately Fang Xiao Orange decided to leave him, and the man who was so unbearable to him did not deserve her waste of youth.

Just as Yi Yi was in pain and unable to extricate himself, a police officer informed him, "Easy, someone wants to see you!"

Yi Yi looked up, some awkward, he did not know who came to him, these days, the only ones I have seen are lawyers.

In the reception room, Yi Yi walked in and saw a small orange sitting quietly at the table. Somehow surprised, how could she come?


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