Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2312: Rebirth from adversity

2312. I used to spend tens of millions of arteis on the piano. It was the piano of Jing Xi's mother. Later, she gave the violin to Jing Xi and Huo Yunshen as a wedding present.

So, right now, she has to find a good piano.

Xue Yating checked the market of the violin auction market and saw the Christie's auction house. Recently, there was a theme of musical instrument auction.

Among them, a violin made by a world master was in the auction, and after reading the description of the violin, she was moved.

Now she is not short of money, no matter how much it costs, she decided to take the piano.

The auction was held on Saturday night, and for a few days, she was practicing at home with an ordinary violin.

The main time of the day, in addition to picking up her daughter to go to school, all in the piano room at home.

In Xue's villa, the sound of melodious music was raised again, and Xue Yu was very pleased.

I can see that my daughter has been born again from the adversity and rekindled her fighting spirit. This is more than happy to earn billions of dollars.

The time soon arrived at the weekend, Xue Yating handed the child to the father and the servant at home to help look after, at night she went to the auction house.

Christie's auction house.

Xue Yating was dressed in black, and appeared in the low-key scene. After getting the number plate, he entered the venue and waited patiently.

At 8 o'clock, the "Sound of Music" theme auction officially kicked off.

In the event of on-site auctions, all of them are musical collectors and music lovers.

Several antique instruments that began to be auctioned, including saxophones, accordions, and pianos, each of which is a perfect collection, worthy of collection.

At the end of the auction, a violin is listed inside the glass cover.

It is a famous piano made by the world famous Italian luthier Antontisradivari. It has the same name as the arteis that used to be Jingxi's mother.

It also has a beautiful name named after Greek mythology - hecate, which in Greek mythology represents the goddess of the night and is also the goddess of ghosts and magic.

This piano is as beautiful as this name, with the magic that makes it easy for people who love musical instruments to take a look.

When Xue Yating read the introduction on the Internet, she recognized the piano. Now, after watching it on the spot, she is more satisfied.

If the violin is not protected, she hates to rush, hug the baby piano, and touch it.

The auction was finally started, and the starting price was 100,000.

Xue Yating did not hesitate to greet the first one. The auctioneer called her number. Then, many people followed the placard.

Looking at the brand that has risen and fallen, and the price of rising water, Xue Yating has a sweat in his heart. How many people want to grab this piano tonight?

Xue Yating continued to grab the film, and the price of the violin has soared to 8 million.

The price is getting higher and higher, the less the person who is shooting, the more she noticed that the No. 7 card, the price is almost every round, and the price just overwhelmed her.

In order to get the piano, Xue Yating is almost the other side of the bar, and continues to bid.

All the way to the 25 million, the price has far exceeded Xue Yating's heart to bear the scope, she is considering whether to continue to increase the price, the other party actually directly levy 30 million.

30 million……

She remembers that when she took arteis a few years ago, she spent 30 million. Now the market for violins is rising, and the auction price is much higher than the price of a few years ago.

Xue Yating bite his teeth and call the price to 31 million. After more than 30 million, only she and Mr. 7 are asking for the price. Others are stunned.


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