Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2346: a little fascinated

46. ​​She took the courage to call him. It took a long time for the end to be connected. The voice of the monk came, "Hey?"

On the phone, I could hear some noisy voices there. Xue Yating held her breath and asked, "Ji Chuan, where are you now?"

"Bar, are you looking for me?"


"Then come over and look for me."

An Jichuan told her the name and box number of a bar. After Xue Yating finished the call, she drove to the bar.

When I arrived at the bar, the waiter took her to the box where An Jichuan was, standing at the door, and Xue Yating looked at the scene inside.

Several men sat inside to drink, except for An Jichuan, other people she also know a few, for example, Mu Chenguang with Wandou, and the last auction that Qin Yanzhi, the other two men face stranger.


Wandou found out that she was coming. She got up and greeted her the first time. "An always said that a friend came over and it was said that you were."

"You are all there!"

Xue Yating can only walk into the box with her scalp.

Wandou pulled her to the side of the seat, just as Xue Yating and An Jichuan were separated by a Qin Yanzhi, and quickly took a look at An Jichuan.

An Jichuan looked at her and asked directly, "Dinna, what are you looking for?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter what matters."

After the seat, Xue Yating regrets a little, and my heart can't say it in front of so many people!

"Then play, if you can sing, you can sing!"


Xue Yating just wanted to say that she would not sing, but Wandou had already handed the microphone to her. "Tingting, they drink, we sing."

"Forget it, you sing! I am not very good at singing."

"I have all ordered, sing together. I am also incomplete!"

At the invitation of Wandou, Xue Yating was in a tough mood, and together with Wandou, he sang the origin of Cai Jianya and Sun Yanzi.

Xue Yating rarely sings, but it doesn't mean she can't sing. She opens her mouth and the sound is amazing.

"When you hug, your mood is a little painful.

Also go to feel lonely early, when you leave

I only hear silence, how can I choose other than silence?

Don't be sorry for me, don't always feel owed to me.

Now he is by your side, just be nice to him."

Wandou looked at her singing style, and she was not good at singing when she was spreading her hand to the morning light.

After singing a part, Xue Yating stopped, and the beans were picked up. The two sang together.

Singing to the back, Wandou basically did not sing, because Xue Yating sang so good, she was a little fascinated.

When the end of the song, everyone cheered for her, and Qin Yanzhi next to it was not praised. "I didn't expect Xue not only to play the violin, but even the songs are so beautiful."

"Thank you, ugly."

When I was thankful, I took a peek at An Jichuan, and the man was looking at her with a look of indifference.

"Let's have another one! I want to invite Xue to sing a song! Thank you, Mrs. Mu for helping me, thank you."

Qin Yanzhi took the initiative to invite, Xue Yating wanted to refuse, but Wandou had already made a good song.

It is a love song for men and women singing, she will sing, but sing with Qin Yanzhi, is it right?

Xue Yating noticed that Qin Yanzhi had whispered something to An Jichuan, and An Jichuan glanced at her side.

"Xue, you have started." Qin Yanzhi reminded.

I really don't want to sing with Qin Yanzhi, but she should have sang together with Wandou. If she refused Qin Yanzhi, she was really afraid of offending her friends, so she had to sing hard.

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