Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2415: Taobao Extra 69

2466, Jing Xi raised an eyebrow, now it seems that her daughter has already chosen the target.

She thinks that her daughter has inherited her clothes, this acting is really in place!

Yesterday came early, but it was only at the time of today's wedding. I also made myself so embarrassed. This bitterness can give a full score of one hundred percent.

Both husband and wife are more open-minded. They don’t feel that their daughters are embarrassed because Sakura’s marriage is disturbing the wedding. They all think that marriage should follow their own choices.

If they really love each other, can anything stop them?

However, the wedding scene was broadcast live, the national live broadcast of the wedding, the king temporarily escaped from the marriage, but also let the people of the country be shocked.

The most uncomfortable thing should be Shen Xinxin, who was abandoned by the king in public. What other faces does she have to stay on?

The priest probably did not expect that such a scorpion would come out today, and he would come back to God. According to the account of Huangfu Xuan, the public announced to everyone in public. "This is God's guide. The two sides of the marriage did not go to the last step before God. Representatives, they still have the right to re-select"

The priest said a lot, the overall meaning is that Shen Yuxin and Huangfu Xuan night were not blessed by God. Now the king has left, and the wedding is over.

The wedding ended like this, and the people all over the country saw the picture of the groom running away.

Many people are talking about who is the woman who is getting married?

Unexplained people think that she is a third party, destroying the marriage between the king and Shen. Therefore, Shen Xinxin has become a party of public sympathy.

Although the wedding was not completed, Huangfuxuan night also hosted all the guests according to the etiquette, and the guests from the original road were properly arranged.

Huo Yunshen and Jing Xi took the children away from the main hall of the Palace of War, and met Tang Feimo outside.

Tang Feiyin has been waiting here, seeing them coming out and welcoming them and asking, "Jing Jing, are you all out? Isn't Sakura Bao going in? Is the wedding not done?"

"Well, Xuan night took her away. Let her stay here, let's go back. Do you want to go back with us?" Jing Xi asked.

"Okay, go back together."

Sakura has successfully stopped the wedding and is also with the emperor's night. It doesn't make sense to stay here. It is better to go back with them.

"Non-Mr. Brother, handle!"

Little strawberry is very happy to see Tang Feimo, but he wants to take her little hand together.

Tang Fei came up from the little girl and walked out of the Palace of War with them, and also told them about their experiences last night.

The Jingxi couple only understood when they heard it. Their daughter was not working on the bitterness, but was really sinned for one night last night.

Above the main hall, all the guests, including the priests, all left, leaving only Shen Xinxin.

From the moment she said sorry to her at Huangfuxuan night, she has become a laughing stock of the people of the country.

The hatred in the heart has reached the extreme, but she is holding her skirt and trying to restrain her emotions.

Today, the cherry princess brought her shame, she remembered it all!

This bitter, she can't swallow!

Wait and see!

She will not let those two people live happily!

It is said that Huangfu Xuan took Sakura to leave the main hall and walked out of the camera lens.

Bypassing the main hall, Sakura was walking barefoot, accidentally stepping on the hard stone, the soles of the feet hurt, the body smashed, and the brows wrinkled together.

Huang Fuxuan saw her eating pain in the night, almost no hesitation, directly hit her.

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