Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2401: Sakura Baofan’s finale

241, Sakura has only wanted to quietly finish high school and college courses in this way, and does not want to expose his life to the media too much.

Outside of school, she only has time, and occasionally will do live broadcasts to her fans.

However, most of her time is in the family, her three babies, her husband, have become the most valuable asset in her life.

When the children were three years old, there was good news from the Royal Hospital of the North. They found a suitable source of heart and could arrange a heart transplant for Huangfuxuan.

The couple were very happy to hear the news, which means that if the operation is successful, Huangfu Xuan will not be troubled by heart disease after the night, and will be able to live a normal life.

However, surgery also has great risks, and the success rate is half and half, so Sakura is very worried.

This day, morning.

Sakurabao puts on the clothes for the children, and also helps the emperor to arrange the tie at night. The family of five leaves the Palace of War.

Today is the day of Huangfu Xuan’s night surgery. Ying Bao takes time off and stays with his children.

On the Royal Hospital side, everything has been arranged properly. After Huang Yixuan’s night check, he was replaced by a patient suit.

Before entering the operating room, he specially kneeled on the ground to see three sons.

"Dabao, Erbao, Sambo, when your father is not there, you must listen to your mother's words, don't be mischievous, who is the most embarrassing, who will give dad a big reward, okay?"

The three handsome little princes replied with a milky voice, "Okay."

Touching the cute little faces of the children, Huangfu Xuan again hugged the children one by one, kissed the little face and was full of heart.

Finally, I faced Sakura Po. There are a lot of words in my heart. I want to tell her, but I haven’t opened my mouth yet. My eyes are already moist.

"Wife, if there is anything wrong with you, don't be too sad, old and sick, human nature."

"You are still young. If I am not there, you can rest assured to find new happiness.

"I hope that you will always be happy."

The emperor’s night is like a confession. He said something in advance. He fears that if the surgery fails today, he will not even have a chance to speak.

He has already made a will, and the throne can be passed to his eldest son.

He left his wife with a wealth of wealth and the right to mate again.

He properly arranged everything, but he did not consider it for himself.

Sakura Po shed tears of tears and plunged into his arms. "Uncle, I don't want anything, I won't leave you, I will wait for you, wait for you to come back. You won't leave me, right?"

"I won't, I will try to come over for you."

"Our sons have not yet named, and after you have successfully operated, give them."

"Yeah. I love you, wife."

"I love you too, Uncle."

The two men squinted until the doctor came to inform him to enter the operating room, and Huang Yuxuan left the room with reluctance.

The man's back disappeared at the door of the operating room, the door closed, and Sakura's heart began a long wait.

An hour has passed

Two hours passed

Five hours passed

The operation, which took nearly ten hours, was finally completed, and the lights in the operating room were extinguished.

Sakura Po waited until the doctor came out and greeted him at the first time. "Doctor, how is my husband?"

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