Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2406: Love if the South winds come 6

The man began to whisper in the mouth, "Keer"

The posture is too embarrassing, and Joe Ruo tried to break free. "Sir, if you are thirsty, I will give you water."

"Can you not go?"

"Sir, I won't go, I, I will give you water."

The hair of Joe’s body was erected, and the small heart also mentioned the eyes of the scorpion.

"Don't be watery"

Taking advantage of "thirst", not water, is this product sick?

When Jojom struggled to get up again, the whole person turned around.

"Kel, I only want you"

Wrong wrong

Joe Ruo finally understood that his heart might be a personal name, not that he was "thirsty."

Was he mistaken to treat her as the person in his heart?

"Sir, I am not please let me go."

Joe Ruoqiang was terrified to the extreme.

The room in the morning was blocked by the heavy curtains, the room was still dim, and the girl in her arms moved a little because she was uncomfortable sleeping.

Feng Yunan was aware of it and opened a slightly tired but deep-eyed eye.

Can't help but kiss the girl's forehead, "Cell, you are finally my woman."

The girl is still not awake, Feng Yunan raised his hand to open the bedside lamp, turned his head and looked at the girl in the arms, and sucked a cold air.

At first glance, he thought his beloved girl was plastic, and then he took a closer look. The girl didn’t know him at all.

"stand up!"

Joe Ruo was awakened, and his delicate brows were huddled together, and some felt overwhelmed.

She feels tired, just wants to sleep, she doesn't want to blink.

The shoulders can be shaken by force, and she can only blame if she can continue to fall asleep.

With his sleepy eyes open, Joe Ruoyi shuddered at the handsome, but murderous face.

A handsome man, have you seen it before?

The man’s thin lips whispered and asked coldly, “Who are you?”

This is what she wants to ask. Who is he?

“Why is it in my room?”

The face of Feng Yunan has been so cold that it has reached a terrible level, and her cold eyes are straightforwardly glaring at her.

Joe Ruoqi climbed up, rolled up the quilt to cover his body, and explained, "Sir, I am the waiter here."

Waiting for her to finish, the man interrupted her coldly, and the momentum was extremely mad. "Who gave you the courage? Do you dare to climb my bed?"

Compared with the man's anger, Joe Ruoqiang calmed down. "You. It is Mr. You gave me the room card."


He didn't remember how much wine he had drunk last night, and he couldn't remember when he sent his room card.

It must be that the waiter here took the opportunity to steal his room card, intending to climb his bed and want to snn with him.

After all, with his worth, there are countless women who want to snn with him.

"Do you think that this low-level reason I would believe? Give me medicine, take the initiative to devote myself, dare to say no purpose?"

"No, I didn't take the medicine."

Joe Ruoqiang tried to clarify that his expression was innocent.

"Of course you won't admit it."

Feng Yunan disdains that she performed an innocent and pure trick in front of him, and snorted, "Say, how much do you want?"

Last night, the woman who had been adored by Yu Nan was put down the pigeon again. She was in a bad mood and came to a friend’s club to drink.

What he didn't expect was that the waiter here dared to take medicine in his drink.

The sarcasm of a man, like a fine needle, slammed into her heart.

My heart hurts, and my tears can't help but turn around in my eyes.

Did she not want to happen last night?

Now everything is ruined and irreparable.

Thinking of this, Joe Ruoyi has a distressed heart, "I don't want money, please forget that last night, nothing happened."

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