Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2411: Love if the South winds come 11

After making up his mind, Joe Ruo called the recruitment phone and the other party informed her to go to the interview.

It may be that she was lucky, the interview process went smoothly, and the store manager informed her that she would be employed the next day.

After three days of pre-job training, Joe Ruozhen officially went to work.

This flagship store is the largest store in the country, and it is decorated with high-end atmosphere and low-key luxury.

The store displays a lot of valuable diamond jade and jade, etc. Looking at the sparkling and different diamond rings, Joe Ruo likes it.

No woman doesn't like diamonds, she likes it too.

Especially when designing them into unique shapes and giving meaning to happiness.

On the first day of official work, it was just the 20th anniversary of the anniversary. I heard from my colleagues that today the group leaders will come to the store.

"I heard that the 20th anniversary of the anniversary, today the general will come to the patrol shop."

"All said that the president of Feng's family is mysterious and low-key. The dragon is not seen at the end, and rarely appears in front of the media. If it is not the 20th anniversary, he will not be able to personally patrol the store."

"Who do you know what the general manager looks like?"

"I don't know, but I heard that he is even more handsome than Hu Ge Wu Yanzu, the first-class diamond king."

"Really? Really? Great, finally have a chance to see the general side."

"The point is, I heard that he is particularly cold, never close to women, not even scandal. Such a good man, why not give me one?"

"You have no hope. As far as I know, there are already girlfriends in the family."

"Ah, who is it?"

A few excited colleagues haven’t finished yet. I don’t know who shouted. “Leaders are coming, hurry up!”

Joe Ruoyi put down the ring in his hand and got up and walked to the door, welcoming the team.

Not long after, a group of people poured into the flagship store, headed by a tall and straight-looking young man, a pure hand-colored suit, set off the perfect figure.

The handsome man is handsome, like a knife, a pair of black eyes, cold without the slightest temperature, and it is a cold and awkward field that is unique to the king.

Pride, expensive, can't be a lifetime.

The people beside them are respectfully followed on both sides, only the man is the leader.

"Good handsome, handsome man"

"The seal is really handsome, I am going to faint."

There were several female colleagues whispering in the ear, and Joe’s brain was full of doubts.

How do they look like the man of the snn that night, the president of Fengtian Group, who is the **** of their mouth?

Look carefully, it is really him.

Thinking of his identity, Joe Ruo’s brain exploded.

Sealed in the south of a pair of ink-colored 瞳眸, exudes a cold and sharp light, eyes sweeping through the audience, and finally, if there is nothing like falling on a girl's body, the eyes are slightly stunned.

Seeing the man's toe approaching his side, Joe Ruo's guilty bowed his head, has confirmed that it was the man that night, so she can only secretly tear off the badge to hide.

Please, please don't be recognized by him.

At the beginning of the inspection, everyone was holding their breath and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

The female clerk was full of emotions on her face.

A female store clerk who deliberately pulled the black sling down and was named by the president.

"you can go now."

One sentence ended all the fantasies of the female clerk, including the job just started.

When the president’s adult Jinkou opened, he fired a clerk, and the other clerk who was scared had some convergence, and dared not show off his body again.

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