Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2417: Love if the South wind comes 17

My life has been ruined by you.

You can continue to be the president of Fengtian Group, who is high on you, but I fell into the dust and was broken.

Joe Ruoyan looked at him calmly, "Mr. Feng, can I go now?"

Her eyes are clear and clear, and there are no impurities in the eyes, clean and translucent.

Such a pair of magical scorpions seems to have met each other.

At this time, Feng Nan did not think deeply. He only felt that Joe was brave enough to anger his bottom line, and his heart’s anger was even worse.


The thin lips are slightly moving, and a word is drawn between the teeth.

Feng Yu Nan opened her, and Joe Ruo slammed his back on the door, causing a pain.

Rolls-Royce was on the side of the road, and Joe was able to breathe as he fled.

The black luxury car sprinted away, and Joe Ruoqiang stood in the sun, and he had already had a cold sweat.

The man’s sense of oppression was too strong. He talked to him a few words and almost sent her half life.

The conversation is not happy, so it is best.

Those who did not belong to a world, there is no need to have any intersections in the future.

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since I joined the company, and I went to the monthly inspection time.

In addition to the 20th anniversary of the anniversary, the top leaders of the Fengtian Group came to visit, and the rest of the inspections were only visited by the senior headquarters.

Don't worry at all that you will meet people you don't want to see.

Ordinary patrol shop will stand at the customer's point of view to review everything in the store, no need to queue up, all the clerk can do their job.

When Joe Ruo couldn't figure out what was going on, she was temporarily transferred to the counter in the corner by the original front desk counter.

The location is particularly remote and belongs to the most inconspicuous location. Even if the leader visits, it may not be able to find her.

In fact, Joe Ruo did not know, it was because the store manager Bao Chrysanthemum, she was too good to look at, worried that she was too aggressive, so she temporarily transferred her to the corner.

At the customer's door, Joe Ruo started to introduce the jewelry they like and asked them to try on.

At the entrance of the store, a group of people who came under pressure from the black.

The store manager, Bao Chrysanthemum, discovered that the patrol shop leader had come, and immediately greeted him. Many shop assistants also became nervous, looking at the door from time to time.

The two high-level leaders who walked in front waved and said, everyone.

Bauhinia gesticulates and lets the clerk concentrate on the officer.

The patrol shop leader came in and was staggered. Afterwards, he walked out of a tall and straight figure, with an unstoppable coldness.

Everyone did not expect that today, the general patrol shop, their handsome **** Wu Yushu, the wind and the handsome president of the sky, was once again approaching.

Halley's comet, which is hard to see in 76 years, is still rare.

And it is quiet, does not need to line up the reception, the movement is small like the emperor micro-service private tour.

When the president raided, the female clerk found out that he was suddenly confused, and all of them were excited and bitten their tongue when they introduced the product.

Originally, there was no need to routinely patrol the store in the south, but at the morning meeting, I heard the director of the Dililing department report a daily patrol job.

He even told the gods that he was going to participate, and he was famous, and he went to the store with the customer's mentality, and wanted to see more real side.

So, he came silently.

Standing at the door of the store, I swept over and did not see the **** woman.

The first thought is, is it because he criticized her last time, and then she was fired by the store manager?

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