Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 806: Destroyed the atmosphere [4 more]

806, a group of black fog flew in front of me, "嘭嗵" screamed at the table, the big round table shattered from the middle, and even the people took a table of food soup all in one place.

what happened?

Xu Xiyan, they still maintain the position of chopsticks, but found that the table was gone.

A few people looked up and saw a line of black bodyguards rushing in, all of them had weapons, and there were invaders under General Heilen’s men in the private room. For the sake of defense, they all took the first time. Firearms.

Lying - trough -!

Just eat a meal, how can I still do it?

The two sides were in a confrontational state. At this time, a glorious dark figure strode into the meteor, and the man in the peach blossoms was filled with haze, and the chilling atmosphere filled the room.

If anyone dares to hurt his big baby today, he will definitely let the other party die without a place to die.

After receiving the call for help from Jingxi, Huo Yunshen took the first person to come to the rescue.

I made the worst plan in my heart. After breaking into the door, I didn't see my guess.

A few people in the room were eating, but because of their arrival, the atmosphere was destroyed.

Cold Rui's gaze searched for people in the room. His eyes were fixed on Xu Xiyan's face and opened. "Jing Xi?"

It turned out that Huo Yun was coming, and he was shocked!

Xu Xiyan quickly lost his chopsticks and ran over to hold Huo Yunshen’s arm. "Husband! Come here!"

"Well, do you have anything? Have they told you how?"

The man’s brows are stunned and his eyes are filled with worry.

"No, it's a misunderstanding. Come, I will introduce you."

After Xu Xiyan explained, he was ready to hold his arm and introduce him.

He Lian Qing Yu has taken the lead to get up, and his keen eyes looked at the opposite man. "Mr. Huo, I met again."

Huo Yunshen also recognized He Lianqing Yu at this time. "It turned out to be General Helian. Don't come innocent."

Because the Holmes Group and e countries have export trade, the two have dealt on the scene, be friends, but He Lianqing Yu does not know that Huo Yunshen still hides other identities.

"At the time of the last South Tour, it was you who happened to meet you. I am simply a brother and a brother. I have to ask you for a drink!"

He Lianqing Yu later heard that he was injured and was sent to the hospital. Huo Yunshen, he later went to see him, but found that he had been discharged from hospital.

"Yeah, but the banquet was smashed by me. This should be my request."

Huo Yunshen made the East, and he re-required the box and greeted He Lianqing.

Xu Xiyan was a little surprised at the interaction between the two men. Shantou asked, "Have you already known?"

"Yeah." Huo Yun nodded.

He Lian Qing Yu looked at the intimate look of the two people and asked one more question, "Mr. Huo, is Miss Boya’s boyfriend a you?"

Huo Yunshen replaced him with the posture of Xu Xiyan, and corrected, "No, it is a husband."

"Is it married?"

He Lianqing was surprised enough because Jingxi looked like a very young age.

"People are not only married early, but also the baby will be soy sauce!"

Li Ruochu is not afraid of death to add a sentence, can make a man not happy, her heart is very cool.


He Lianqing Yu gray is often shocked, shocked, at the same time, the inner cluster of small flames are also extinguished.

What if he found a girl who saved his life?


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