Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 811: Dare to touch his woman [3 more]

811, but what she did not expect is that the result of her one sentence is that the fans of both sides are mutual.

Xu Xinrou has accumulated fan popularity for many years. Weibo fans have more than 10 million fans, but because of her poor appraisal, many of them have become black powder.

And Xu Xiyan's Jing Gongzi Weibo, shortly after debut, the number of fans is almost five or six hundred thousand.

These fans were all accumulated after she and Huoyun sang and after Huo Yunshen’s anecdote.

Although the quantity is not too much, but the quality is very high, I love her loyal fans, for her out of the hustle and bustle of Xu Xin soft, very deflated.


One day a week later, Xu Xiyan suddenly received a message from the lk party and informed her to go to a lk.

Near the evening, ending the filming, Xu Xiyan is going to go back with Wandou, but Wandou is going to the toilet because of eating a bad stomach.

She greeted her and left, but the nanny car broke down and could not send her.

So Xu Xiyan had to stop a taxi and went directly to lk.

Xu Xiyan walked into the elevator of the lk building. When it was on the rise, the elevator suddenly stopped, the power was cut off, and she was stuck inside.

She rang the bell in time, but the alarm did not respond. She called on the mobile phone, but the elevator was completely enclosed and there was no signal inside.

Have you got a dog, is there any more bad luck than her?

Xu Xiyan can only wait patiently, there will always be people to take the elevator?

As long as someone finds that the elevator is out of order, it will definitely be called for repair.

However, Xu Xiyan could not think of it. The security guard in the front hall was placed at the elevator door and placed a "failure repair" sign.

At the same time, a reporter photographed Jingxi and a wealthy wealthy businessman to go to a star hotel to open a house.

The news quickly spread to the Internet with the title:

This scandal came out quickly and spread faster. Within half an hour, it was covered by the entire network.

And a group of water soldiers specialize in writing negative reviews, all in Hei Jingxi.

This led to the fact that Jingxi’s real fans had a feeling of being beaten after seeing the news.

Fortunately, they are calm enough and are waiting for the official explanation.

Because they don't believe, Jingxi will be such a woman, not to mention, she already has such a good male **** like Huo Yunshen, who can use other men?

After the gossip came out, the first one to intercept the scandal was Huo Sanchao, who immediately passed the news link to her own brother.

Others, such as Yi Wei, Xiao Yuqi, Tang Yiqi, etc., reported the situation to Huo Yunshen in a timely manner.

Jingxi out-track?

Huo Yunshen looked at the news forwarding notices that appeared in his mobile phone, and the links were opened. They were all about the Jingxi out-track scandal.

Jingxi and the wealthy businessmen entered the back of the hotel room together, can not see the traces of ps, the woman's silhouette on the photo looks really Jingxi, even the clothes are the set she went out in the morning.

How could she possibly...?

The darker and darker the twilight, rolled up a sharp dark man, and the faint chilling air came out.

Huo Yun bite his teeth and almost broke the screen of his mobile phone.

The first reaction is that whoever dares to touch his woman is dead!

He believes that Jing Xi will never betray him.

The best way to verify is to call the party directly.

Huo Yunshen called Jingxi’s phone, but the mechanical voice came from the end: Sorry, the call you made is temporarily unavailable...


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