Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 871: I don’t want her life to be [3]

871, the taste of sleeping on the bandits is really not easy to describe, the first time to come, Wandou and Ni Xuelin, are not very good to sleep.

As Xu Xi said, it was a certain realm, and I fell asleep.

Xu Xiyan is lying on the bandit, remembering that Huo Yunshen should be here at the moment?

I don't know if I have saved Tang from there.

I thought about my husband and daughter, and I didn’t feel that I was in a difficult situation. I was sleepy and naturally fell asleep.

Lan Linger and Shen Mengyuan, they really couldn't get used to it, tossing it very late, getting up the next day, not resting well, it seems that the spirit is not good.

She and Sala Bi both hang **** circles, and they have a lot of powder to barely see.

Xu Xiyan here, she can sleep well, that is, wronged Wandou and Ni Xuelin two gimmicks, but adjustments will be good.

Today, the weather is warm and sunny. After the road is dried, the transport team of the Love Group enters the village one by one.

Xu Xiyan and the other two love ambassadors together sent love to the residents here.

After a busy day, I took a lot of roads and went back to the house to rest at night.

I heard that the love group made adjustments on the itinerary. After spending one night here, we must go to the next place to visit the children in the mountains.

The dinner meal was slightly improved. After everyone had finished eating, they were ready to go back to their place to rest after the chat.

"How? Still living habit?" asked Ye.

"We are very good, you live in a tent, is it okay?"

"Nothing, we are big men, are you afraid?"

It’s good to live outdoors, that is, there are more mosquitoes, and I am busy catching mosquitoes every night.

"That's good."

When Ye Xun left, he threw a bottle of deworming water to Xu Xiyan. "There are many insects here, and holding prevention, this effect is particularly good."

"Thank you for the second brother, you keep it for yourself, Yunshen also helped me with it."

In this case, the husband has a pain, and he has to take back the matter. "If there is something, give me a call, I will come right away."

"Oh, I see."

After saying goodbye to the leaves, Xu Xiyan took them to the house.

On the other side, Lan Linger and Sala Bi also went to their residence.

Thinking of the purpose of this action, Lan Linger asked Sarabi, "All arranged?"

"Well, it has already been arranged."

"Hah, there is a good show at night."

Tonight, Lan Linger will let people give Jingxi their first gift.

The accompanying bodyguards lived outside the stockade, and the distant water could not solve the thirst. At that time, even if several women wanted to ask for help, there was no way.

This trip to the mountainous area, she had to wait for Jingxi's life.

After the dinner, everyone will take a break.

Xu Xiyan and Wandou and the three of them returned to the temporary residence. When Wandou went to make the bed, a quilt was found, and there was a poisonous snake hiding in the mosquito, which scared her to scream and rush to hug Xu Xiyan.

"Ah, ah... there is a snake, Jingxi sister..."

Xu Xiyan fixed his eyes and saw a poisonous snake crawling on the bed.

After the snake saw them, they set up the upper body, spit the red snake scorpion, and made a "Sith" sound, as if they would jump at any time.

Both Wandou and Ni Xuelin are afraid of snakes, and they are scared of a large layer of goose bumps, hiding behind Xu Xiyan.

"Jing Xi, let's ask someone to help!"

Ni Xuelin is afraid that the poisonous snake will hurt people. Here, if it is bitten by a snake, it is estimated that it is too late to go to the hospital.

"Yes, I am going to call people now."

Wandou said that he was going out.


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