Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 1029: Loved thoroughly and hurt thoroughly【133】

Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president!

Feng Churui glanced down at his clothes, then nodded, "Alright."

He called the caregiver to take care of Wu Xuewei, and asked the hotel to bring chicken soup before he left the hospital and returned to the apartment.

Wu Xuewei is indeed hungry. She also knows that her body is now extremely weak, her legs are soft and weak, and her waist is pantothenic. Feng Churui is gone, and she is also in a mood to eat.

After taking care of the chicken broth from her feeding, she drank a drop of leftovers, and then lay down to rest.

After a while, she heard a sound of regular footsteps and gradually leaned over. Wu Xuewei opened her eyes fiercely and saw a tall and handsome man looking at herself.

Startled, she sat up halfway and watched the strange man alertly: "Who are you?"

"Relax, I'm not a bad person." Du Xiaoran looked at the panic rising on her face and the pretentious calm, and smiled lightly.

Wu Xuewei frowned: "But I don't know you, and it's rude to enter my ward without permission."

"Sorry, I was rude." Du Xiaoran smiled harmlessly and sat down on the chair beside the bed.

Wu Xuewei frowned again: "Please don't sit down and be rude again."

"Hehe... Miss Wu is really cute." Du Xiaoran said, stood up, put his hands in the suit pants pocket, lowered his head, and looked at her with a smile on his eyes: "Speaking, I should thank you. Correct."

"I don't know you at all, why would you let me thank you?" Wu Xuewei really felt that this person was inexplicable, broke into her ward for no reason, and said something unintelligible.

Looking around for a moment, none of the caregivers are there, where have they all gone?

"Looking for your care?" Du Xiaoran broke her mind with a word.

Wu Xuewei was not stupid. He could hear his self-confidence from his words. After a little conjecture, he thought, "You have taken care of you."

"Snow is smart."

He smirked and reached out her hand without touching the head, Wu Xuewei wanted to avoid it, but he first retracted his hand and put his hands in his suit trouser pockets. , You helped me get rid of unnecessary trouble."

"I don't understand what you are talking about. What did I help you, do you want to thank me?"

Du Xiaoran didn't intend to answer her, but turned and walked away. Wu Xuewei hurriedly stopped him and shouted at his back, "Hey, you haven't told me what your name is!"

Du Xiaoran paused, then turned around and looked at her with a small smile, "Remember, my name is Du Xiaoran. Because you helped me solve a problem, so I promise you an opportunity to wait for you to encounter difficulties. , You can come to me."

Wu Xuewei had an unreal illusion, she asked Du Xiaoran: "Are you really sure I am the one who helped you solve the trouble? Won't it go wrong?"

Du Xiaoran is still smiling, his smile gives a very comfortable feeling, the tone is not fast, his voice is very special, not girly, but it will not look rude, between magnetic and low between.

Just like the cello sound, it gives a very comfortable listening enjoyment, and it is easy to remember his voice.

He looked at Wu Xuewei and asked, "Are you doubting my ability?"

She shook her head, "No, I'm just worried that you made a mistake, and finally found out that there was an oolong."

"No." Du Xiaoran said: "It's not wrong, it's you, Wu Xuewei."

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