Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president!

Things have become obvious now.

The MMS reminder sent to her by the Tang Dynasty was deleted by He Jingyan, and then the Tang Dynasty called her again to knock on her side and wanted to remind her, but she was stupid and could not hear it!

Deserve it!

It deserves such an end.

Suddenly his vision was blurred, Wu Xuewei reached out to wipe away the tears, and the eyes were quickly filled with tears, just like the faucet opened the gate, and he couldn't stop it.

He Jingyan pursed her lips to see her crying out of breath, her heart depressed.

"Don't cry, crying for such a man is not worth it." Tired of wiping her tears over and over with a tissue.

"He Jingyan, I deserve...all this...I deserve it...I shouldn't, I shouldn't fall in love with him..." Wu Xuewei's heart was filled with depression, and he was suffocating.

If she knew it would end like this, she shouldn't have encountered it at the beginning, and she shouldn't be asked to leave a heart on him.

She thought they were two people, but did not expect to be just the wrong person.

"Don't cry... Don't cry..." He Jingyan comforted her.

At this moment, he wished to be uncomfortable for her, pain for her, to see how she could not breathe, he really had the urge to kill Feng Churui!

Why Wu Xuewei was crying for him, but he took a new look!

The car finally stopped at the door of Wu family. The guard saw Wu Xuewei from the window and came over to pull the door. "Miss, you are back!"

The next second, when she saw Wu Xuewei crying into tears, the guard looked nervous: "Miss Xuewei, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't ask, let her go back to rest." He Jingyan got out of the car and followed the guard to help Wu Xuewei carry her luggage to Wu's house.

At this time, Wu Changshu and Mrs. Wu were not at home. The housemaid saw Wu Xuewei's return, and was frightened by her crying before she could be happy.

The maids were busy in a group and carefully supported her upstairs. Someone quickly picked up the phone and called Wu Changshu without saying a word. !

After hanging up the phone, the housemaid called Wood Chang again: "Sir, Miss, crying all the way home, I don't know what happened!"

Finally, Mrs. Wu called: "Madam, Miss Xuewei is having a big deal!"

Wu Xuewei was helped back to the bedroom and lay down. The maid went into the bathroom and screwed a hot towel out to wipe her face and wipe her hands. The maid also watched her grow up. She had never seen her cry so miserably, so collapsed. Her face was distressed and persuaded her: "Miss, stop crying, what grievances, when the old man comes back, you will be the master. Don't cry anymore, what can you do if you cry and break your eyes?"

He Jingyan stood aside and couldn’t help with anything. Finally she shook her hand. “Don’t think about anything, get a good night’s sleep. There are always solutions to big things, big hurts , Time will always heal you."

An hour after He Jingyan left, Wu Changshu and Mrs. Wu came back.

At this time, Wu Xuewei's emotions were still calmer, but she cried too long, and the whole person was breathing out uncontrollably. The thin body took three breaths and took another breath. It looked pitiful like a puppy abandoned.

Wu Changshu's military uniform didn't have time to change. Woodchang had the same rigorous black suit. Mrs. Wu had a smart and stable black professional suit. When the three appeared, the domestic helper seemed to see a straw.

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