Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 523: Suspected of being seriously ill

Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president!

Rong Shao, a heart on his wife, Yu Guang did not flick him, making Christine's face purple.

Looking at the Chinese and Western breakfast on the dining table, Rong Shao turned around and said to the servant behind him, "Go pour a cup of warm water."

He helped Luo Anning sit down, and the servant quickly brought warm water. He took it to Luo Anning's lips: "Come on, drink some water to moisten the stomach, and then eat breakfast no later."

"How come you have time to come so early, don't you go to the company?" Luo Anning took the drinking glass and took a few sips.

Rong Shao sat down next to her and waited on her own initiative. She filled a bowl of porridge with minced meat and shredded mushrooms. While slowly stirring to dissipate heat, she said, "You will finish breakfast before I tell you."

"What happened?" Luo Anning felt keenly that something had happened.

Rong Shao was amused by her vigilant look, raising her hand without thinking and rubbing her hair. "Don't worry, it's no big deal. Let's talk after breakfast."

Luo Anning nodded absently, took the porridge he handed over and drank it.

Catherine came downstairs and saw Christine leaning against the door frame of the restaurant. She puzzled: "Don't you go in? Standing here as the door god?"

"Do not go in, seeing someone has no appetite." Kristin gritted his teeth, said with a meaning.

Rong Shao did not raise his head, and Leng Yan returned to him with a sentence: "It just happened that I didn't see someone, which made my appetite wide and my appetite greatly increased."

Kristin was not to be agitated at all. When Rong Shao said this, he changed his stinky face, put on a fascinating smile, holding Catherine in one hand, and walked to the table to sit down.

The more Rong Shao didn't want to see him, the more he wanted to sway in front of him, and he should die if he was not angry!

The two big men awkwardly had breakfast at the dining table, and Luo Anning and Catherine secretly exchanged glances: these two men are really naive!

After breakfast, Rong Shao led Luo Anning upstairs and asked her to change her dress.

Luo Anning is unclear. So, why did he change, Rong Shao smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know by then. Good, let's change clothes now."


Bina International, a splendid meeting room on the first floor, gathered a large number of journalists from mainstream media.

The reporters are crowded together and want to come here to get first-hand information, which is derived from a latest gossip news this morning.

A few days ago, Rong Shao was dressed in a sick uniform and came out of the hospital pale. He was photographed by the media and published a headline on the news.

The title is more eye-catching and eye-catching: [Binner International’s current president Rong Shao, suspected to be seriously ill! Will Baina International's future direction be destruction or continued glory? 】

When the news came out, it made a sensation in the city!

The stock of Baina International began to fall from the morning. When Xu Zhiyuan received the news, he immediately suppressed the media and prohibited the news from flowing out.

Unfortunately, all newspapers and magazines have been sold, and it will not be easy for a while to recycle.

After Rong Shao knew it, he smiled without anger and asked him to immediately hold a press conference.

Although he could not figure out Rong Shao's thoughts, Xu Zhiyuan did so.

With exquisite and light makeup, a knee-length dress specially designed by famous designers fully outlines the slightly convex belly of An Ning, as well as the noble gas and pregnant taste that emanate from the bones.

When she took Rong Shao's arm and walked into the meeting room, the flash struck her in unison.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, squeezed secretly on Rong Shao's waist, and asked in a low voice, "What the **** is going on?"

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