Lin Ye was walking on the road, feeling very happy that it was cloudy today.

Otherwise, it would be too painful to have to travel while the sun is shining.

As we walked, we made a big discovery in forestry.

Lin Ye saw that there was a lemon tree growing in front of him.

This tree is quite large, with many green lemons growing on the crown.

With Forestry from the Plant Encyclopedia, pretty sure this is the lemon.

Beat one off with a horn and break it open with your hands.

Stick out your tongue and lick it lightly.

After taking a lick, Lin Yezhen froze.

The beast-eared girls standing next to Lin Ye looked at Lin Ye in confusion. After watching Lin Ye eat a wild fruit, his whole body froze. They thought Lin Ye was poisoned.

Just as they were about to step forward to check, they saw Lin Ye with a gentle and warm smile on his face, holding the broken fruit in his hand, and said to them

"You should also try it. This fruit is delicious. Lin Ye said as he handed the lemon to Xing's hand.

Xing looked at Lin Ye's gentle smile, stretched out his tongue, and licked it lightly.

Then his whole body froze, and Xing looked at Lin Ye in confusion. Lin Ye's facial muscles were twitching. Xing couldn't hold on to that gentle smile.

He immediately understood what was going on. As soon as his eyes rolled, a smile appeared on the corner of Xing's mouth, and then he was soon sour again. He took it back.

Then he handed it to Su Su without saying a word. He just nodded to Su Su and said that the fruit was really delicious.

Then he quickly turned his back to them and faced Lin Ye. He couldn't help but put on a mask of pain on his face. After finally recovering, Xing glanced at Lin Ye with a strange look. Lin Ye was trying hard to hold back his smile, and

Su Su was holding the lemon in his hand. Without thinking much, he took a hard lick.

Then his whole body felt bad, and he looked at Xing He Linye in front of him with confusion.

Lin Ye shook his head slightly at Su Su, and then looked at him. , let Susu hold it back and pass it to the people behind.

Susu understood directly, collected the sore saliva from the corner of her mouth, and then handed it to Shi with a smile.

In this way, the beast-eared girl passed it on one by one. , until the twin raccoon girls tasted it, they were so sour that they could not speak. They just looked at the people in front of them with puzzled eyes.

It turned out that everyone who had tasted this fruit before had now. They were all so sore that they all put on masks of pain and were trembling all over.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Lin Ye was so sore that he was still laughing happily.

Lin Ye originally just thought that he could deceive everyone.

But he didn't expect that the beast-eared girls understood it so quickly.

In the end, everyone tasted it.

A few After the people calmed down, they all looked at Lin Ye with puzzled faces. The twin raccoon girls put their hands on their waists, pouted, and said angrily to Lin Ye in unison.

"Karma, you are bad, this fruit is not delicious at all, and you have joined forces to deceive us both!"

After hearing this, the other beast-eared girls also shouted injustice in unison.

"I was also deceived by my karma. It was my karma that didn’t let me say it out!"

Susu said aggrievedly to the twin raccoon girls.

Lin Ye laughed so hard that tears almost came out. He finally stopped and gasped.

"I'm not lying to you. This fruit is called lemon. It's really a good thing."

"When eating barbecue, squeeze some lemon on the barbecue and the barbecue will become delicious."

Lin Ye didn't say that lemons are rich in vitamins or anything, and even the beast-eared girls couldn't understand it.

It was enough to tell them that lemons and barbecue would be delicious together.

Sure enough, after Lin Ye said this, these beasts Er Niang looked at the lemon on the tree with saliva, but Lin Ye spoke again at this time.

"Put these lemons here first, go find the salt first, and then come back in a few days to dig up the lemon tree and plant it directly in the tribe."

As soon as Lin Ye said this, the beast-ear girls remembered what they were doing here this time, so they all nodded and continued to set off.

After walking for a long time, after climbing over a small hillside, they saw a salt field more than ten meters wide. Appearing in front of Lin Ye.

The moment he saw the salt field, Lin Ye's face showed a happy smile, and then he quickly walked up to the edge of the salt field.

"Karma, this is what you are looking for.. Salt?"

Xiao Rou, the deer horn girl, stood aside and asked softly.

Lin Ye turned his head with a smile, nodded vigorously, and then replied

"Yes, this is it. This is salt. Quick, fill the barrel you brought."

Hearing Lin Ye's answer, Xiaorou also showed a happy smile, then picked up the barrel and filled it.

Lin Ye looked at the topography of the salt field and guessed that it might have been a saltwater lake, and then it dried up to form this article. Salt field.

Lin Ye bent down and picked up a piece of salt the size of a table tennis ball. After careful observation,

Lin Ye found that the salt field was all composed of rock salt.

Moreover, because there was no pollution in this world, there was no excess in the rock salt. Impurities.

By simply filtering and refining it back to the tribe, Lin Ye can turn the rock salt into table salt that can be safely consumed.

Looking at this salt field, the tribe can't finish all the rock salt in a hundred years with this reserve.

The barrel was filled to the brim in no time.

In order to get back to the tribe before dark, Lin Ye, Zhuo Erniang and the others started to return to the tribe without stopping.

As they walked on the road, Su Su came over and asked curiously.

"Karma, what do you want with these stones called salt? I just licked them. This stuff is so bitter.

Lin Ye couldn't help but darken his face after hearing Su Su's words.

He complained feebly in his heart:"You should stay away from Ying in the future. You have been infected by her stupidity!""

After Lin Ye complained in his heart, Lin Ye thought for a moment and replied.

"Why are you licking it? Of course it tastes bitter now."

"This thing is very important and is also used for eating, but it has to be processed before it can be eaten. After processing, it becomes salty."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, others also came together.

Xing Xing was beside Lin Ye and asked as he walked

"Is this something important? What will happen if you don’t eat?"

The other beast-ear girls also looked at Lin Ye in confusion, waiting for an answer.

Lin Ye looked at the rock salt in the bucket, and then said to the beast-ear girls

"Do you feel that you have no strength today? Have you noticed that other people in the tribe are pale, and some people feel sick?"

Lin Ye asked the beast's ear girl in return. After hearing this, the beast's ear girls thought about it for a moment, and then they all nodded to Lin Ye.

Shi, the most attentive among them, took the lead and said

"When I came up this morning, I saw that everyone seemed to have no energy, and several people vomited. What was going on? Lin Ye nodded and continued.

"That's because everyone is short of salt"

"In fact, the barbecue that everyone eats every day contains a small amount of salt."

"Every time you drink animal blood, there is more salt in it. You just know that if you don’t drink animal blood, you will have no strength, but you don’t know that it is because there is a lot of salt in the animal blood."

"It’s been so hot these days, and everyone sweats a lot, so the salt in the body runs out with the sweat. If there isn’t enough salt in the body, it will be like today."

"If you don't eat salt anymore, your symptoms will get worse and worse, and you may even fall into a coma."

Lin Ye tried his best to explain it in a language that the beast-ear girls could understand.

After hearing Lin Ye's explanation, the beast-ear girls' faces became solemn.

Xing looked at Lin Ye and asked worriedly

"So what should we do? Lin Ye, is there any way you can save everyone?"

Lin Ye looked at Xing who was confused by caring, smiled helplessly, and then said

"Aren’t we just here to look for salt today? Haven't you found it now?"

"I'll process the salt when I get back and put it into the potatoes. After everyone eats it, everything will be fine soon."

"Oh, by the way, salt and pepper are the same. They taste great together with barbecued meat and potatoes, but they taste terrible when eaten alone."

As soon as they heard about eating, the eyes of the beast-eared girls lit up like a conditioned reflex.

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