After collecting the charcoal.

Lin Ye put together the pebbles and charcoal he collected along the river.

Then Lin Ye started walking around, trying to find a smooth stone to sharpen the bone knife.

Forestry wants to chop down a giant bamboo to make a water purification device.

But the bone knife has been sharpened to the point of losing its edge after several days of use.

As a result, before the forestry stone was found, I first saw a group of beast-eared girls standing together with their ears drooped and frowning.

"What happened? My ears drooped."

When Lin Ye saw this, he walked over with some doubts and asked casually. When the beast-ear girls saw Lin Ye coming, their faces were even more clouded, and they looked at Lin Ye with babbling eyes.

"Yes, many people in the tribe fell ill, even two people in the hunting team fell ill."

One of the rabbit-eared girls with white rabbit ears said anxiously to Lin Ye.

When Lin Ye heard this, he was slightly startled.

Only then did Lin Ye realize that Ying had not seen Ying for a while after she went to the cave to deliver water. Thinking of this

, Lin Ye walked quickly towards the cave.

Soon, Lin Ye came out of the cave. When Ying saw Lin Ye, she ran to Lin Ye anxiously. said

"Karma, what should I do? Many people are sick. They became like this as soon as I came back."

When Lin Ye saw that Ying was fine, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Take me in first and take a look."

Lin Ye touched Ying's head, comforted Ying, and then said

"Um." Sakura nodded, and then walked into the cave with Lin Ye.

Lin Ye, who entered the cave, saw Xing Zheng looking at the two members of the hunting team who were lying on the ground in pain and holding their stomachs with a sad face.

He saw Lin Ye walking in Xing looked at Lin Ye with a helpless look.

Because of the situation of the hunting team members in front of him, Xing could only look anxious. Not only did he not know the reason, but he also had no solution at all.

Their feeling is somewhat mysterious and reliable, but in Xing's opinion, even Lin Ye can't solve the unknown situation of the members.

Lin Ye stepped forward, stood next to Xing and asked.

"How does it look? Do you know why?"

Xing shook his head and then said

"When we came back from fetching water, they were already like this. Those who didn't go to fetch water were basically sick. Only two people were not sick."

Hearing what Xing said, Lin Ye nodded slightly.

Then Lin Ye walked to the place where the barrels were placed in the cave.

The barrels were placed in the innermost part of the cave. If you didn't look carefully, you really wouldn't be able to find them. There were so many barrels.

No wonder Lin Ye didn't find any barrels here when he woke up in the cave. When Lin Ye walked in, he found that there were nearly ten empty barrels on the ground after taking out the dozen buckets of water he had retrieved from the river today..

There was also a bucket where half of the water had been drunk.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye probably understood what was going on, so he walked to Ying and lowered his head and said to her.

"Sakura, go and ask the two people who are not sick if they haven't drank water today."

Hearing what Lin Ye said, Sakura nodded immediately, turned around and ran out of the cave.

Then Lin Ye came to the two people lying on the ground. The two beast-eared girls had two small antlers on each forehead.

There is one with the same horns as Xing, which curves from the top of the ears to the forehead.

The only difference is that Xing's horns are white, while the horns of this Yangjiao Niang are gray.

Lin Ye also found that the face of this Yangjiao Niang is similar to Xing's. There were a few similarities.

His beautiful face was even more beautiful than that of Xing's, but his pale face was a little less wild and a little more delicate due to his illness.

Lin Ye knelt down and reached out to touch the two of them gently. On his forehead, he wiped away the cold sweat caused by the pain, and then asked.

"Did you start getting sick after drinking the water from the bucket today?"

"right."The two beast-eared girls endured the abdominal pain and squeezed out a word through their teeth.

After getting the answer, Lin Ye stood up, came to Xing's side and said

"When some of you fell ill in the past, did it happen when the water you got back was left out for several days?"

Xing tilted his head, thought for a moment, and then looked at Lin Ye with wide eyes.

"It's true, we've never noticed before why this is the case."

Lin Ye lowered his head and pondered for two seconds, and then said

"Because the water you brought back from the river has been kept in the cave for many days, and there are many small insects in it that are invisible to the naked eye."

Linye went to the river today to see if he drank the flowing river water.

With the digestive system trained by the beast-ear girls since childhood, there should be no problems.

The problem lies in the storage of the water.

The dark and humid environment is a breeding ground for bacteria.

It’s strange that she doesn’t get sick after drinking this water. But it may be because of the physical condition of the animal.

It seems that no one has ever died from drinking unclean water. They only had stomachache for a few days, and then they became lively again.

After all, they had lived in the primitive world since childhood, and they still had some animal blood in them, so some bacteria and parasites could not kill them.

She was startled by her words, and her eyes looked at the barrel deep in the cave with horror.

But Lin Ye's next words made her feel relieved again.

"Don't worry, I have found a solution, and the problem of getting sick from drinking water will soon be solved."

When Lin Ye said this, a strong self-confidence appeared in his body.

Fortunately, he was shocked by the sudden aura of Lin Ye.

For a moment, he forgot to react. He only stood there and stared at Lin Ye blankly..

Although Xing didn’t know what method Lin Ye was talking about,

Sakura ran in from outside and shouted as she ran.

"Karma, karma, just like you said, the two of them only ate berries and did not drink water today."

The news brought back by Sakura once again confirmed Lin Ye's words.

Sakura's voice also woke up Xing who was in a daze.

Lin Ye was stroking Sakura's hair and cat ears lovingly.

He heard Xing's eager voice next to him.

"What method? You said you have a method to solve the problem of getting sick from drinking water? What method is it?"..........................................................................

Asking for all support!..........................................................................

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