Lin Ye once again received the knowledge of system rewards in his mind.

However, with the last experience, Lin Ye quickly came back to his senses.

"Trapping is originally the technique of finding a location to set up traps for hunting. Moreover, there are not only traps for wild animals, but also traps specifically for humans."

Lin Ye received the knowledge transmitted by the system and had a general understanding of the trap technique in his mind.

Then Lin Ye looked at Xing and found that she was still holding the bucket and drinking.

Sakura, who was standing next to Xing, was looking expectantly. looking at her


Finally, she put down the barrel after drinking for a while.

She made a sound of satisfaction from her mouth. Sakura saw that Xing was drinking so much that she couldn't wait for a long time.

Seeing that Xing had finished drinking, she couldn't wait She grabbed the bucket, raised her head and started to drink.

After taking the first sip,

Sakura was stunned for a moment, and then started to drink from the bucket again. Get up.

Xing stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and said to Lin Ye in surprise.

"Karma, what's going on? Why has this water turned sweet? Can this thing turn water into sweet? This is amazing!"

"How did you do what Wudu couldn't do? With just this thing, you can turn water into sweetness."

Xing looked at Lin Ye with admiration in his eyes.

The water the beast-ear girls always drank was water with a peculiar smell.

So they usually wait until they are very thirsty before they come to drink water.

But now after being filtered by the water purification device, the odor in the water has been basically eliminated.

So when Xing drank the odor-free and sweet water for the first time, she was beyond shocked.

She had never thought that water could be like this. It tastes good.

Lin Ye has always been a mysterious man in Xing's heart.

Whether it was the previous method of drilling wood or the current water purification device, Lin Ye could not explain it to them.


But in Xing's heart, Lin Ye was already more magical than the witches of other tribes.

After hearing Xing's words, Lin Ye shook his head with a smile and explained.

"That's the original taste of water, I just removed the odor inside."

At this time, Sakura was also full and put down the barrel.


After drinking a lot of water, Sakura began to hiccup uncontrollably.

Moreover, with every hiccup, the body will jump up violently, and the tail will also work hard together.

"Hiccup~karma, how come the water in the bucket, hiccup, becomes so, hiccup, so delicious."

After Sakura finished saying this intermittently, she found that she couldn't help but hiccup non-stop, and reached out to cover her mouth.

But although she didn't make a sound, her body still jumped up.

Lin Ye saw that Sakura was stupid Looks like this, I couldn't help laughing

"Don't worry about that for now, just do it with me, breathe in and hold it in"


Ying, after hearing what Lin Ye said, she obediently inhaled along with Lin Ye and then held it in.

The two of them held their breath together, standing there with big eyes and small eyes.

After holding it in for a while, Lin Ye signaled with his hand gestures, and then together Exhale


Then Lin Ye said to Ying again:"Repeat a few more times.""

Yingying nodded doubtfully, but still obeyed.

Lin Ye found at this time that Xing was looking at him with complicated eyes.

After Xing's eyes met Lin Ye, a trace of panic suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Xing saw Lin Ye The smile he showed just now was a little disturbing for a moment.

Then when he heard Lin Ye asked Ying to breathe with him, Xing began to have doubts in his heart, so he looked at Lin Ye with doubts, confusion, and admiration.

Looking at himself, Xing felt his cheeks feel a little warm, and couldn't help but lower his head and touch his face. Lin Ye looked at Xing, who had always been wild and unrestrained, and suddenly blushed and felt cute.

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth turned up slightly.

But why was she blushing? At this time, Lin Ye was still breathing in and out, and the sound of exhalation interrupted Lin Ye. Thinking of this, Lin Ye turned to look at Ying. Lin Ye felt that it was almost done, so he called out to Ying.

"Sakura, okay, do you still hiccup now if you try?"

When Ying heard Lin Ye's words, she stopped obediently.

After being silent for a while, she raised her head and looked at Lin Ye in surprise and said

"Ye, I really don’t hiccup anymore, Ye, you are so awesome."

Seeing that Sakura really stopped hiccupping after doing what Lin Ye said.

Xing looked at Lin Ye again in shock.

He took a few simple breaths and held his breath.

Sakura, who couldn't stop hiccupping just now, was fine.

Lin Ye wasn't ready yet. Knowing that he just cured Sakura's hiccups,

Xing was shocked again.

"Karma, you haven’t told me yet, how did you make the water taste so delicious?"

"It was the first time for Sakura to drink such delicious water. Will Sakura be able to drink such water every day in the future?"

After Ying found that she stopped hiccupping, she rushed up and hugged Lin Ye's arm.

She raised her head and looked at Lin Ye with her smiling eyes.

Lin Ye reached out and stroked Ying's hair twice more.

After thinking about it, he used Ying's Explain it to her in a way that she can understand.

"In the past, it was because there was dirt in the water that it smelled bad when you drank it."

"After filtering the water with a water purification device, the dirt in the water will be cleaned, and the taste you drink will be the original taste of the water."

"Will Sakura be able to drink such delicious water every day from now on?" Sakura asked impatiently.

"Of course, not only you, but everyone can drink clean and delicious water in the future. Lin Ye said while stroking Ying's hair.

Just when he was about to reach out to her cat ears and try to stroke her for a while,

Ying suddenly ran away from Lin Ye. He ran to take Xing with him again, and then said happily:"Fortunately, Ye said, everyone can drink such delicious water every day from now on."

Lin Ye saw Sakura beside Xing, her hand still in the air, and regretfully grabbed the air twice...........................................................................

Asking for all support!..........................................................................

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