However, a hand saw costing RMB 6,000 is not cheap.

After all, a bottle of [Talent Awakening Potion] only has 5,000 points.

However, after spending more than 6,000 yuan, Lin Ye didn't feel any distress.

One is that I have accumulated a lot of forestry points now.

Also, the forestry industry believes that this saw must be purchased sooner or later.

Make partitions for the wooden house at the back.

We also need to make carriages and build bridges, which require a lot of wood.

With a saw, forestry can be much easier and production can be much faster.

Lin Ye touched the teeth on the saw in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

The products in the system store are expensive, but the quality is really good.

Then Lin Ye started to cut the wood with a saw. This time Lin Ye had a saw in his hand, and it was much faster to cut the wood.

Diona was shocked when she saw something suddenly appeared in Lin Ye's hand from behind Lin Ye.

Diona held her little heart to herself.

I was thinking silently and shockedly in my heart

"Did Ye perform witchcraft again? It's amazing that you can conjure things out of thin air!"

Diona looked at Lin Ye's busy back with admiring eyes.

Moreover, this figure was still making a bed for herself.

This made Diona's eyes become even more admiring and admiring.

Lin Ye chopped down with an axe The section of the piece of wood was simply trimmed with a saw. Otherwise, it would be too uneven.

Then I compared the lengths and cut two pieces of wood in the middle.

A small single bed was made.

This small bed looks like it is made of two building blocks.

Although it is simple, it is very strong. It is made of solid wood and is much stronger than a bed made of wooden slats and wooden boards. And it’s easy to move. It’s just two pieces of wood.

After putting the two pieces of wood together, Lin Ye said with a smile to Diona.

"Go up and try it, your bed is ready."

Diona was still looking at Lin Ye with admiration. When she heard Lin Ye said that her bed was ready, her face was filled with a smile of surprise.

When she came to the bed made of two square logs, she looked at it with surprise. The bed he made, he said to Lin Ye in a smiling voice.

"Ye, is this Diona's bed?"

Lin Ye nodded with a smile, and then said

"For those made specifically for you, go ahead and try it."

When Diona heard Lin Ye's words, she pressed the edge of the bed and climbed up eagerly.

Although there was nothing on the bed,

Diona didn't know what the purpose of this bed was.

But Diona was lying on it, As soon as she thought that Lin Ye had made it for her personally, and it was the first thing she had made for him, Diona couldn't help but feel happy inside, and she lay on the bed and rolled around in circles.

"Gigg cluck cluck~~~"

Diona was on the bed, smiling happily.

Lin Ye looked at the little Loli who was so happy simply making a bed, with a gentle smile on his face.

While Lin Ye was watching Diona rolling happily on the bed, Sakura walked out of the door of the cabin.

Hearing Diona's laughter, he looked over here.

Sakura felt like she had lost part of her memory in her mind.

"How could I wake up in a wooden house?"

"Didn't you go out to pick mushrooms with Ye?"

Ying frowned and walked towards Lin Ye and Diona.

Lin Ye also saw Sakura walking towards this side.

Then he said something to Diona

"Look, Sakura is awake and heading this way."

Diona was rolling happily on the bed. After hearing Lin Ye's words, she quickly sat up.

Seeing Sakura walking towards this side with a blank look on her face

, Diona jumped off the bed and ran towards Sakura.

"Sakura, wake up, you scared me to death just now."

After Diona ran to Sakura, she pouted and said to Sakura.

But Sakura had a blank look on her face, looked at Diona in confusion, and then asked in confusion

"Diona, why am I in the wooden house? Shouldn't I be picking mushrooms with Ye and everyone else outside?"

Diona's eyes suddenly widened when she heard Sakura ask this. Looking at Sakura as if she really didn't remember anything, Diona began to tell Sakura what she had done just now.

"Everyone is picking mushrooms, and then suddenly you go to forestry…………"

"Later, Ye said that you were like that because you ate poisonous mushrooms, and it was Ye who brought you back to the cabin."

"You first giggled in the wooden house, and then suddenly fell down and stopped moving, which almost scared me to death."

Diona told Sakura what she had done in front of everyone, and then asked another question

"Don’t you remember all of this?"

When Sakura heard Diona's words, her eyes widened in shock.

"Ah~~me.. I actually.. Thinking of the karma as a mushroom"

"I also took off Karma’s clothes in front of everyone, ahhhhh!"

After Ying listened, she suddenly felt her face start to get hot.

She stretched out her little hand and put it on her face. Ying blushed and glanced at Lin Ye.

But soon Ying's shy mood was overtaken by shock.

And Ying She wasn't quite sure why she wanted to do it again. She had already seen it a few times before, so it didn't matter if she saw it again. She just felt like she should be shy about seeing it in front of so many people.

But soon, Sakura's expression returned to normal, because there was a bigger problem.

After listening to Diona's words, Sakura was shocked to find that she had done so many things and could not remember any of them. Sakura had no memory of the matter at all. When Diona asked herself, Sakura shook her head at her and said

"how come?! I don't remember it at all!"

At this time, Lin Ye also came over.

He happened to hear the conversation between the two of them and looked at Ying with a little worry. What

Ying Bi ate was a poisonous mushroom.

And Ying was still young and had been immersed in the hallucination for such a long time. Lin Ye was also afraid that Ying's brain would be damaged again, so Lin Ye took two steps quickly and approached the two little lolita. When

Diona saw Lin Ye coming, she said to Lin Ye anxiously.

"Karma, what should I do? Sakura has lost her memory!"

Lin Ye was also a little worried, so he asked Ying

"Sakura, have you forgotten something? Do you have any other feelings?"

When Sakura saw Lin Ye looking at her with concern, a sweet smile suddenly appeared on her face.

While smiling, she scratched her head and said to Lin Ye

"I just don’t know why I woke up in the wooden house. I just remember that I seemed to have eaten a mushroom, but the mushroom was delicious. After I vomited it, I continued to pick mushrooms."

"But I don’t know what happened next. When I woke up again, I found myself in the wooden house."

Lin Ye saw that Ying's smile was still the same heartless or carefree as before. When he heard Ying speak again, her language was fluent and logical, Lin Ye nodded with relief.

A smile appeared on his face. , said with a smile to Sakura and Diona

"It's okay, Sakura just lost her memory after eating poisonous mushrooms. When she wakes up now, it means that the poisonous mushrooms are no longer poisonous, and this will not happen again."

When Lin Ye said this, the two cat-eared little lolita breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing that Ying was fine, Diona immediately excitedly took Ying to see the wooden bed that Lin Ye had just made for her.

And Ying After seeing the wooden bed, he put his memory loss behind him and rolled around on the wooden bed with Diona. Lin Ye couldn't help but smile as he watched the two of them playing. He picked up Sakura from the wooden bed and said to her.

"Come on, I'll do it for you next."

Lin Ye thought, since Sakura has woken up, let's just make one for her.

Their two little lolita are both much shorter than the other beast-eared girls.

And the two sisters Xing and Yun are shorter than the others.

The beast-eared girl is much taller, so the beds for all four of them need to be specially customized.

After making the bed for Diona, a piece of square wood with the same height as Lin Ye is cut.

It can be used as a bed for Yun directly.

And Sakura is a little shorter than Diona.

Then use two new ones to make her, and then cut off a piece, and the rest can be used as a bed for Yun.

The heights of the ear girls are not much different, and they can all be mass-produced with a length of 1.

9 meters.

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