Lin Ye found that the gray wolf seemed to be unable to outrun him.

So he slowed down and waited for the gray wolf.

The beast-eared girls were all waiting at the edge of the woods in full formation.

But as time went by, the beast-eared girls were becoming more and more anxious.

Until they heard a loud howl coming from the woods.

The beast-eared girls all raised their crossbows when they heard the wolf howl.

But the wild horse underneath him made a commotion uneasily.

But as soon as the commotion started, the unicorn roared and controlled the wild horse.

The beast-eared girls waited for a long time with their crossbows raised.

Finally, Lin Ye appeared in the sight of the beast-eared girls.

Lin Ye also saw the beast-eared girls, so he immediately quickened his pace and ran at full speed.

This time Lin Ye ran to the side of the beast-ear girls in one breath.

"All ready. There were about thirty adult gray wolves!"

Lin Ye just ran to the side of the beast-eared girls and immediately reminded the beast-eared girls.

As he spoke, he took out two arrows from the quiver made of animal skins sewn on the unicorn's body, and added After hearing Lin Ye's words , the beast- ear girls looked at the woods ahead with all their attention.

Soon, the huge gray wolves rushed out.

First, his breathing stopped, and then he immediately started to take aim at the wild horse under the beast-eared girls. When they saw the gray wolf, all the fear came out of their bones.

But as soon as this happened, Lin Ye passed. After controlling the restless wild horses, Lin Ye also looked at the gray wolves chasing Lin Ye, and all of them had red eyes. There was a person standing on top of the row of wild horses.

There was a moment of doubt in his eyes, but he was immediately swallowed up by bloodthirsty desire.

The wolves rushed straight towards the beast-eared girls without slowing down. When the Wolf King appeared and realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

The gray wolf rushing in front had already entered the attack range of the crossbow.

"Aim and shoot!"

As Lin Ye roared, the sounds of bowstrings trembling sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the seven or eight gray wolves rushing at the front being shot. They were directly shot to the ground by the powerful kinetic energy of the arrows. They fell to the ground. After rolling around for several times, he fell to the ground motionless. When

Lin Ye saw this, he immediately realized that he had overestimated the defensive capabilities of these gray wolf furs, so he immediately shouted to the beast-eared girls.

"If replaced with ordinary arrows, they wouldn't be able to hold up a foot-operated crossbow!!!"

"Zhuge can't even move his crossbow!"

The power of the Zhuge Liannu is far less than that of the pedal crossbow, so these poisoned arrows are needed to increase the lethality.

After hearing this, the beast-eared girls immediately pulled out the ordinary arrows in another quiver.

After all, they could not come out. He only carried ten arrows in one trip.

However, it took several seconds to change the arrows.

The gray wolf had already begun to approach, and the eight members of his tribe were killed in one encounter. His eyes instantly turned blood red. Although he was the wolf king of the pack, he sounded awesome, but in the eyes of Lin Ye and Beast Ear Girl, he was just a little bigger than the other gray wolves.

No one noticed it.

The wolf king turned around a few times, then raised its head and let out a penetrating wolf howl.

"Ouch ow ow——!"

After this sound came out, the wolves immediately rushed towards Lin Ye and Beast Ear Girl even more fiercely.

But this time, Lin Ye also noticed the gray wolf.

Seeing that he was not rushing forward, there were several gray wolves that looked like bodyguards wandering around him.

But as it howled, the gray wolves around it also rushed forward.

At this time, the beast-eared lady had also finished loading the arrows again.

The gray wolf has also rushed within a hundred meters.

Lin Ye and the other five Zhuge Liannu have also raised their weapons.

Always be prepared to shoot a gray wolf that gets too close.

But with the second shot from other beast-eared girls.

The six gray wolves rushing in front fell to the ground again.

This time Lin Ye really saw what it would look like after the arrow fired from the crossbow hit the gray wolf.

Lin Ye just watched with his own eyes when an arrow hit the skull of a gray wolf.

Because the wooden arrows are not hard enough, and the gray wolf's skull is very hard.

So the arrow exploded directly after hitting it.

However, although the arrow could not penetrate the gray wolf's skull, the powerful force directly shocked the gray wolf's two eyes to become completely bloodshot.

I don’t know if the exploding arrow directly shattered your wolf’s brain underneath your skull.

Because then several more arrows hit the gray wolf.

The gray wolf that was charging forward was shot by several arrows, and its whole body rolled back.

After shooting the arrow, the beast-eared girls immediately began to string it.

At this time, the gray wolf behind had no intention of hesitating and continued to sprint forward.

The death of the same kind will only make these ferocious beasts more bloodthirsty, but it will not make them afraid.

It takes about seven to eight seconds for the beast-eared ladies to load and wind up on horseback.

And at the speed of the gray wolf, these seven to eight seconds can completely cover the distance of one hundred meters.

So Forestry was immediately ready to shoot.

At the same time, he opened his mouth to remind several other beast-eared girls holding Zhuge Liannu.

"Zhuge Liannu is ready, the gray wolf is coming!" As soon as

Lin Ye finished speaking, the gray wolf had already rushed to a distance of less than 70 meters.

There was no mark indicating the number of meters on the ground, so Lin Ye could only rely on feeling to control it.

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye immediately swayed After a moment of movement, an arrow was fired towards the gray wolf in Lin Ye's hand.

This arrow was also the signal to start shooting.

The other five Zhuge Liannu also started shooting. After firing the first arrow, Lin Ye stopped, holding the Zhuge Liannu, and kept aiming at the gray wolf rushing in front.

But soon there would be one or more arrows. The arrow was aimed at the gray wolf.

Lin Ye thought that if the animal ear girl missed the gray wolf or missed it, Lin Ye would make up for it with five arrows.

Zhuge Liannu's performance is very stable.

Every time Lin Ye takes aim, an arrow will fly over.

When the arrows in the five Zhuge Liannu are about to be shot, the other beast-eared girls will also shoot. After finishing loading and stringing, the beast-ear girls immediately raised their foot-operated crossbows and began to aim.

At this time, the five Zhuge Liannus fired all the ten arrows in the arrow chamber and began to reload.

At this time, Lin Ye already knew that the situation was decided.

After Zhuge Liannu fired fifty arrows, there were not many gray wolves left alive. Lin

Ye put down Zhuge Liannu and looked at the Wolf King standing in the distance.

It was about three hundred meters away.

The battle ended too quickly.

Before it could react , the wolf king was already dead.

At this scene, he took a pedal crossbow from Su Su's hand behind him and started to aim at the wolf king.

At this time, the wolf king seemed to sense that danger was approaching, and the gun suddenly exploded from his body.

The stunned state came to its senses.

At this time, the beast-eared girls had killed all the gray wolves, and now only the wolf king was left.

But the wolf king just turned around without any hesitation.


Lin Ye was taking aim, but before he could take aim, he saw Wolf King Saya running away.

Lin Ye shouted when he saw this.

"Chase! One got away!"

Then he raised his legs and ran out.

Lin Ye was faster than a unicorn.

The beast-eared girls had just reacted and urged the wild horses to start chasing.

Lin Ye had already disappeared.

Because Lin Ye was carrying a crossbow, The speed was slightly affected.

The distance between him and the wolf king was still small.

Lin Ye was a little anxious for a while, so he threw the crossbow in his hand and pursued it with all his strength. The distance between the wolf king and the wolf king began to get closer and closer.

The wolf king was now running frantically, and its originally fierce eyes now became frightened.

After running a certain distance, it glanced back..

As a result, the intruder just caught up with him!

This time, the wolf king had panic in his eyes and began to run away, but he could hear the sounds behind him getting closer and closer.

As the distance continued to grow, Lin Ye took the ax in his hand.

He exerted all his energy and sped up a little. Finally , he ran side by side with the wolf king who was running for his life.

The intruder had already rushed to his side.

Then, with the Wolf King's frightened eyes,

Lin Ye smiled cruelly at the Wolf King, and then used the hammer on the back of the ax to hit the running Wolf King's back. Wang received this heavy blow and his body flew up.

His spine was directly broken by Lin Ye, and he lost control of his two hind legs.

After the wolf king flew out, he rolled a long distance on the ground.

He walked over slowly.

Without any hesitation, Lin Ye ended his life with an ax as the wolf king howled.

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