Forestry thought about it.

Finally, I decided to come up with a once and for all solution.

Get down the pipes and get running water!

The last time Lin Ye went to the river together.

Remember that the path along the way is basically uphill.

And the terrain of the creek is getting higher and higher.

The next step is to find materials.

It is not impossible to use bamboo directly.

It’s just that the bamboos growing here are too thick.

Moreover, not all of the bamboo can be opened. There is a dead layer in the middle of each bamboo section, and it takes time and effort to open them all.

While Lin Ye was thinking, the beast-eared girls came back with buckets in their arms.

Every beast-eared girl was panting from exhaustion and walked towards the cave with their buckets in their arms.

Lin Ye went up to find Xing and asked

"Lucky, do you know any trees around here that have hollows in the middle?"

Although Xing didn't know why Lin Ye wanted to ask this, he still answered.

"There is the tree you mentioned in the upper reaches of the river. Except for the roots and the top, the middle of the tree is completely empty. The wooden cups we drink from are made of that tree."

"Is the quantity large? How long is each tree? Is it easy to chop?"Lin Ye asked directly three times.

Xing frowned and glanced at Lin Ye doubtfully, but after seeing Lin Ye's eager eyes, he still answered.

"There are quite a few of them, and those trees growing all over the upper reaches of the river are the same kind of trees."

"A tree is quite long, usually seven or eight times as long as me."

"It's quite troublesome to cut down. The tree is quite hard. Every time we pick it up, it gets blown down by the wind. The roots of that kind of tree are very shallow and can easily be blown down by strong winds."

After listening to Xing's words, Lin Ye nodded thoughtfully.

"Seven or eight times that long?"

Lin Ye looked up at Xing again and looked at it from top to bottom.

"Well, one branch is more than ten meters long. This kind of tree is very suitable for use as a water pipe." Lin Ye thought

"Is there such a tree in the tribe now? I'd like to take a look."

Lin Ye thinks it's better to take a look first.

After all, there are so many plants here that he doesn't know.

This is related to the water use of all the beast-eared girls in the tribe, and there is nothing to be careless about.

Lin Ye is just a tentative question. I didn't expect that there are other plants in the tribe. There were a few intact ones.

They were brought back to be used as wooden cups for drinking water, but there were a few left that were not used up. Lin Ye told Xing about his plan on the way. once

"I want to bring the water from the river directly to the tribe, so that I don’t have to fetch water every two days."

Xing was startled by Lin Ye's words, and his first reaction was that it was impossible.

However, these days, Lin Ye has created too many impossibilities.

Although Xing felt that this was impossible.

But because it was It came from Lin Ye's mouth, which means that Lin Ye has a way to do it.

I don't know when, but I started to feel a little dependent on Lin Ye.

I thought that there would be water in the tribe at any time in the future.

Xing couldn't help but look at Lin Ye and asked.

"How can we divert river water to the tribe?"

Lin Ye shook his head and said slowly

"Don't worry, I want to take a look at the hollow tree first and make a decision."

"Moreover, I still need everyone's help for this matter, and I can't do it myself."

Xing saw the confident look on Lin Ye's face.

The disbelief just now had turned into expectation.

Xing led Lin Ye to the edge of the camp.

Several black trees were randomly placed on the ground.

Lin Ye squatted down. , picked up one and started to look at it.

The diameter of this tree was only about ten centimeters, but the trunk was surprisingly hard.

Forestry walked to both ends and found that this tree basically grew vertically from the root to the top. , basically the same thickness.

The more Lin Ye looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

Finally, Lin Ye picked up one with both hands, swung it hard and hit it on a tree on the side.

"With a"thud" sound, the tree trunk in Lin Ye's hand broke.

Lin Ye walked to the break and was surprised to find that this kind of tree is dead except for the top and roots.

The middle part is hollow, which is a perfect natural water pipe.

Lin Ye laughed happily and looked at Xing. Xing stood aside and watched Lin Ye playing with the tree trunk with confusion.

"Call everyone together and have a meeting! Lin Ye said to Xing with a big grin.

"Meeting? What's the meaning?"Xing looked at Lin Ye with a confused look on his face.

Lin Ye curled his lips slightly and covered his forehead with his hand.

After thinking for a moment, he said to Xing again.

"Just call everyone together to talk about things."

Xing nodded in confusion.

Then he turned around and went to summon the beast-ear girls.

After a while, all the beast-ear girls came to Lin Ye and looked at Lin Ye in confusion.

Lin Ye cleared his throat.

Then he held his hand Holding the trunk of this hollow tree, he said to the beast-eared girls

"Today we are going to do a big thing. We are going to use the trunk of this tree to directly bring water from the river to the tribe."

"This way, everyone won’t have to walk so far to fetch water from danger or the river every now and then!"

"I can't do this alone, so I need all of us to work together to bring water to our tribe."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the beast-ear girls looked at Lin Ye in disbelief.

They were all shocked by Lin Ye's bold idea.

The beast-ear girls, who had grown up like this, had never had such an unconstrained idea.

But they were shocked. After that, the eyes of the beast-ear girls became firm again.

Although they didn't know how to bring the water from the river to the tribe, since Lin Ye said this, they chose to believe him unconditionally.

"Karma, we believe in you and we all listen to you"

"That's right, karma, we all listen to you"


Originally, Lin Ye thought he would give the beast-eared girls a detailed explanation.

However, the response of the beast-eared girls was beyond Lin Ye's expectations.

He looked at the beast-eared girl in front of him, looking at him firmly.

Lin Ye nodded happily.

Then he began to tell the beast-eared girls in detail what to do........................................................................... ps: Please give me flowers, recommendation votes, rewards, and all support! Beg on your knees!!!..........................................................................

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