"Is this the arrow just now? How did it stick to the tree?"

"Oh my god, it made a hole in the tree. How painful it would be if it hit someone."

"Karma, can each of us be so powerful?"

"Karma, can each of us get a bow?"

After seeing how powerful bows and arrows are, the beast-eared girls are even more eager to learn how to use bows and arrows.

"Tomorrow, all the bows will be made tomorrow, and then each of you will have a bow."

Lin Ye looked at the expectant eyes of the beast-ear girls and said to them.

After hearing Lin Ye's words, the beast-ear girls couldn't help cheering. After

Lin Ye looked at the beast-ear girls and cheered for a while, he continued to say

"Tomorrow when you make some arrows, you just need to round them. The arrows don’t need to be sharpened. They will be used for your training. Otherwise, the arrows that were finally sharpened will not be usable after one shot."

Lin Ye was still thinking that it would be best to make some scarecrows for the beast-eared girls to practice aiming at.

By this time, the sky had darkened.

The beast-eared girls returned to the fire excitedly.

They were all discussing with each other what Lin Ye had just done with his archery. Lin Ye returned to the place where the bow and arrow were made, picked up the horn and started to think about it.

Lin Ye broke it off and found that it was not that easy to separate them from the middle.

If we want a world where there is nothing, Lin Ye can only think of a way to break it off with all his strength.

But Lin Ye is afraid of destroying the horn.

He wants to break the horn from the middle bone. Cut it into two pieces.

Then grind the bone into a handle that can be grasped by hand.

In that case, the three-meter-long horn can be turned into two 1.5-meter-long short spears.

In the end, Lin Ye used the clumsiest method.

The method is to hold the bear's claw and start grinding it slowly.

Otherwise, Lin Ye would still be using the primitive bone knife to grind it for several hours.

Lin Ye kept grinding the horn against the horn for half an hour.

Lin Ye then grasped the two sides of the crack and successfully broke the horn into two pieces.

One hand and one horn, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

She carried two horns and sat down next to the fire.

She saw Lin Ye holding up two horns and smiling.

They came over and looked at Lin Ye in confusion, wondering what Lin Ye was happy about.

After Lin Ye sat down, Shi handed over a piece of barbecue and put it on the fire to roast.

The beef was chewing hard.

This kind of bison meat was very strong and it was very difficult to eat.

Sakura held the piece of barbecue with both hands and struggled to take a bite from it.

At this time, Xing asked Lin Ye.

"Karma, can you make all the bows tomorrow?"

Hearing Xing's voice, Lin Ye turned to look at her, then nodded and said

"That's right, all the bows will be finished tomorrow, and then everyone can start learning to use them."

After hearing what Lin Ye said, the beast-eared girls beside the fire all showed happy smiles.

Only Xing looked at Lin Ye and hesitated several times.

Lin Ye could tell that Xing must have something on his mind, but now everyone is paying attention to her. It seemed a bit inconvenient to speak.

At this time, Sakura was on the side, panting heavily from eating meat.

After resting for a while, she opened her mouth to fight with the beef. Lin Ye took the beef off the fire when it was only about half-cooked.

After blowing on the hot air, Lin Ye lowered his head and took a bite.

Mmm~ It was tender and juicy. The piece of beef given to Lin Ye happened to be the best fillet part of the cow.

Ying looked at Lin Ye enjoying it, then looked at Lin Ye with a pout.

Despite her look, he still handed him his barbecue.

After all, Lin Ye only ate two charcoal-roasted beef kidneys that were sizzling with oil and bloodshot, and then sat there all afternoon. She was making bows and arrows, so she wasn't very hungry now.

After taking a bite of the beef, Sakura's eyes lit up after chewing it a few times.

Sakura stretched her neck and swallowed the meat in her mouth.

Then she took another bite of her own roasted meat, and the light in her eyes disappeared again.

Her expression was constantly switching back and forth.

Her eyes almost turned into flashes, and they all looked at Sakura and laughed.

However, Lin Ye still looked worried.

After seeing Xing's appearance, he shook his head helplessly, thinking that these beast-eared girls had everything on their faces, just like Susu, the fox-eared girl sitting next to her, peeking at her from time to time.

One glance.

After reading it, he blushed and lowered his head and smiled.

He didn't even know that the meat in his hand was almost burnt , so he reminded him.

"Susu, if you keep laughing stupidly, the meat on the fire will be really burnt."..........................................................................

PS:Asking for flowers, recommending votes, rewards, and all support! Beg on your knees!!!..........................................................................

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