Lin Ye curled his lips when he saw it.

But Sakura watched with gusto.

He swallowed hard as he watched the hunting team gorge themselves.

Lin Ye lowered his body and lay next to Ying's head, pointing at the leader-like woman who just walked out and said

"What's that man's name? Is he your chief?"

"Fortunately for her, our tribe doesn’t have a chief yet, but she can often bring back prey, so everyone listens to her."Ying shook her head and then said.

When Ying shook her head, her cat ears just rubbed against Lin Ye's cheek, making Lin Ye feel distracted again.

Standing up straight, Lin Ye once again put his hand on Ying's head and touched it gently. Her hair.

At this time, the huge long-haired pig was also divided.

The uneaten internal organs and fatty parts were cut into pieces and set aside.

These are perishable meat and need to be eaten first.

Then someone divided the meat piece by piece. When the person who divided the meat saw Lin Ye, it was Ying who explained:"Shi, he was picked up by me, and he has decided to join. We are tribal."

After hearing Ying's words, the man put a smile on his face again.

Then he put a piece of meat into Lin Ye's hand.

After getting the meat, everyone happily hugged it and gnawed it.

Only Lin Ye looked at the raw meat in his hand and felt guilty. Difficult.

He stopped Sakura who was about to stuff meat into her mouth and asked

"Sakura, have you always eaten raw meat? Is there no fire in the tribe?"

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Ying frowned and then said

"There used to be fire in the tribe, but it rained a few days ago and the fire went out. If there was fire, we could eat delicious cooked meat."

"But every time there is a thunderstorm, a tree will be hit by the thunder. When the time comes, just go and bring the fire back."

Lin Ye thought that the beast-eared girls in the tribe had always eaten raw meat. It turned out that they usually ate cooked food.

Lin Ye thought for a while, then lowered his head to Ying again and said:"Ying, what do you think if I can make a fire? , will everyone be happier?"

"Karma, can you really make fire? If there is a fire, Sakura can eat delicious cooked meat."

A look of surprise appeared on Sakura's face for an instant, and she spoke a little louder.

At this time, everyone around them heard that Lin Ye could make fire, and immediately stopped what they were doing and started The discussion started.

Soon, all the thirty or so beast-ear girls in the entire tribe knew that forestry could produce fire and they could eat delicious cooked meat.

Seeing the expectant eyes of a group of beast-ear girls, they affirmed. Nodding.

Then everyone burst into cheers.

At this time, Xingya came over and looked at Lin Ye and asked.

"What's your name and can you really make fire? Lin Ye looked at Xing, who was a head taller than him. Her red eyes and horns on her head made her extremely wild.

Lin Ye swallowed, then nodded and said,"My name is Lin Ye, you can call me Karma, I can start a fire. There is no guarantee that it will be successful, but the chances are high.

Then Lin Ye turned to Ying and said,"Ying, go and find two dry logs for me. The drier the better, and get a bone knife.""

Hearing what Lin Ye said, Ying put the meat in Lin Ye's hand and trotted off to find what Lin Ye said.

Several people also spontaneously helped Lin Ye find what he needed, including just now Shi was dividing the meat.

Soon, several people came back to this pile of wood.

After Shi put down the dry wood, he pulled out a bone knife from his waist and handed it to Lin Ye. Lin Ye gave Ying a piece of meat and reached out to take the bone knife handed over by Shi.

Lin Ye looked at Shi with a smile on his face and nodded to her. Then Lin Ye walked aside with Ying.

Shi and Ying had cat ears, but the difference was that Ying's ears and tail were black, while Shi's were orange.

Lin Ye took a bone knife and started looking for wood suitable for drilling firewood in a pile of dry firewood.

After rummaging through it, Lin Ye was surprised to find that several of these logs were actually flint wood.

This kind of flint wood was the earliest wood used to drill wood to make fire. The name of the Suiren family who first discovered the wood drill to make fire was based on this. It comes from wood.

To make a fire, you need a relatively thin round stick, a hard wood, and tinder for igniting.

First, Lin Ye picked up a piece of oily birch and held the bone. The knife cut off a lot of sawdust.

Then he grabbed a few dry weeds from the ground nearby, rolled them into a ball, and put the sawdust in.

Then Lin Ye picked up a piece of flint and dug it with a bone knife. A small pit was made, and then a small groove was dug out on the edge of the pit.

In this way, the wood chips and sparks produced when the sticks were rubbed in the small pit would gather together along the small groove.

Finally, the forestry trimmed it a little. A wooden stick was used as a hand drill.

Then Lin Ye half-knelt on the ground, put one foot on the wood that had just been dug out, and started to turn quickly with the wooden stick in his hand.

The other thirty people in the tribe stood in a circle around Lin Ye with meat in their hands, not daring to take a breath.

Everyone looked at Lin Ye in confusion, not knowing what Lin Ye was doing. What to do.

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