Everyone can't wait to practice on the new moving target.

So I eat very quickly.

Even after putting it in my mouth, I haven’t swallowed it yet.

He stood up and ran towards the new target with his bow and arrow.

After Lin Ye finished eating, he sat there and rested for a while.

Soon Lin Ye was the only one left sitting by the fire.

Lin Ye rested for a while and then stood up.

He walked to the side and watched the beast-eared girls practice moving targets.

The first time she aimed at a moving target, it was difficult for the animal-eared girl to hit at first.

Moreover, surrounded by so many people, the groundhogs were panicking and running around erratically on the ground.

After Lin Ye watched for a while, he found that the beast-eared girls were still shooting arrows directly at the scarecrow fixed on the ground.

Lin Ye shook his head, then walked up, letting the beast-eared girl stop first.

Then he took the bow and arrow from Sakura and explained it to them.

"When you were shooting, did you notice when you aimed and shot the arrow that the prairie dog would run back and forth, and the arrow would be dodged by the running prairie dog, right?"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, all the beast-eared girls nodded quickly, and then said

"Yes, every time I finally took aim, the scarecrow ran away when the arrow shot out."

"These prairie dogs are so annoying. They run around with scarecrows and take a long time to aim."

"Yes, these prairie dogs are so annoying that they can’t be eaten, huh!"

Lin Ye smiled and looked at the troubled expressions of the beast-eared girls, and then continued to speak.

"That's because you're aiming at the wrong place, look at me."

Lin Ye said, he drew his bow and pointed it at the scarecrow on a prairie dog that was circling the wooden stake.

Lin Ye's eyes looked at the scarecrow, but the arrow moved forward slightly, aiming at the open space in front of the scarecrow.

Then Lin Ye cast his bow, and the arrow flew straight into the open space in front of the scarecrow.

Just when the beast-eared girls thought Lin Ye's arrow was about to miss, the woodchuck suddenly appeared with the scarecrow on his back. In the direction of the arrow's flight.

Then the arrow hit the scarecrow's head accurately and fell to the ground. The woodchuck was also startled, screamed and started running back.

Seeing this scene, I instantly exploded

"Oh my gosh, it's like the scarecrow hit an arrow."

"It’s amazing, it’s like Lin Ye knows where that prairie dog is going to run."

"Karma, how did you do it? Please teach us."

Then the beast-eared girls began to act coquettishly towards Lin Ye.

Lin Ye's bones went numb when he heard this, and then Lin Ye nodded and continued.

"It's actually very simple. When you aim, don't aim directly at the scarecrow."

"You need to observe the direction in which the prairie dog moves, and then aim at the place in front of it, so that when your arrow flies out, the prairie dog will also run to that place."

Anyone who has played games before knows that this is the simplest prediction.

But how can the beast-eared girls in this world understand this?

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the beast-eared girls nodded in understanding.

Lin Ye Let them try again according to the method he just said.

The beast-ear girls aimed according to Lin Ye's instructions, and then shot the arrow. The result was that it was either too close or too far.

Personally, I had experience shooting wild deer.

With the method Lin Ye just mentioned, they all successfully shot the scarecrow.

They all looked at the bows in their hands and thought they were. It wasn't luck.

Then he immediately drew the bow again and shot the arrow, and the arrow hit the scarecrow accurately.

Now they understood what the other beast-eared girls were doing. , everyone in the hunting team succeeded. They immediately continued to try without giving up, and then walked away with a smile as each of the beast-eared girls cheered.

Lin Ye went to the side to collect a pile of hay, carried it back to a place not far from the beast ears, and then found a stone to sit on. After all ,

Lin Ye was ready to make straw sandals for the beast ears.

Now each beast-eared girl can have her own suitable straw sandals, which is also a potential way to improve the combat effectiveness of the entire tribe.

"Susu, come here first. I want to make straw sandals for you. Come here and let me measure your feet."

Lin Ye shouted to Su Su to come over first.

When Su Su heard that Lin Ye was going to make straw sandals for herself, she ran over happily.

The other beast-eared girls also looked here in confusion when they heard that Lin Ye was going to make straw sandals for her.

They didn't know what straw sandals were.

When Xing heard that Lin Ye called Su Su over first, she opened her mouth in jealousy, and then continued to shoot at the scarecrow fiercely, but because her heart was disturbed by Lin Ye, she shot out. None of his arrows hit the scarecrow, and his attention was all on Lin Ye's side. He glanced at Lin Ye and Su Su from time to time.

Su Su ran to Lin Ye and looked at Lin Ye expectantly.

"Lift your feet up and point your soles toward me."Lin Ye said to Su Su in front of him.

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Su Su quickly raised her feet.

But because of the excessive force, Su Su lost her center of gravity and was about to fall.

Lin Ye quickly reached out and grabbed Su Su's calf. , held her in place.

It was Lin Ye's grasp that gave Su Su an unusual angle.

It was also this glance that made Lin Ye discover a big problem in this world. Second time!

For a moment, Lin Ye couldn't help but froze, and his hands froze in mid-air...........................................................................

PS:Asking for flowers, recommending votes, rewards, and all support! Beg on your knees!!!..........................................................................

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