Early the next morning.

Lin Ye woke up in a daze.

Before I even opened my eyes, I felt how cold it was underneath me.

After rubbing his eyes, Lin Ye opened his eyes and looked.

It turned out that I didn’t know when last night, I kicked off the Kuzi in my sleep.

And it was kicked off together with the inner treasure.

That's nothing.

The embarrassing thing was that Sakura didn't know when she had woken up.

Sakura was looking at it curiously with her big eyes flashing.

And the direction of Sakura's gaze.

It was an indescribable scene.

Damn it... this... seeing this scene, Lin Ye was also confused, and he didn't know how to end it for a while.

Just when Lin Ye didn't know how to end it, Ying asked curiously:"Why is Ye different from us...and it's so cute."

So cute?

Hearing Ying's description, the corners of Lin Ye's mouth twitched slightly.

Lin Ye didn't know where Sakura saw the cuteness.

And just when Lin Ye was thinking about how to answer Ying and teach Ying a small lesson, Ying tilted her head again and said to Lin Ye curiously:"Ye is too cute, Ying can……?" ah?

What can I do...?

After Lin Ye heard Ying's words, he didn't react for a while and was slightly stunned. Lin Ye didn't know what Ying was talking about here.

But at this moment, before Lin Ye could say anything, Ying……


Lin Ye couldn't help but let out a sharp breath, and unconsciously slapped his head to kill him.


When Lin Ye walked out of the tent, Ying was looking puzzled and wiping her mouth with a bit of resentment.

At this moment, Lin Ye felt that his body was lighter today.

It was simply wonderful...

By this time, all the beast-eared girls had woken up.

But the eleven groundhogs were not awake yet.

Those beast-eared ladies didn't know how to go up and wake them up.

But they were not idle either, they were all busy polishing arrows.

At this time Sakura also came out of the tent.

Then he looked at Lin Ye with resentment and went to the cave to drink water.

Lin Ye thought for a moment and followed Ying to the cave.

After arriving at the cave, Ying drank a glass of water purified with a water purification device and rinsed her mouth as Lin Ye taught her before.

Then I also gave Lin Ye a drink.

Lin Ye suddenly choked on the water when he saw Ying's actions.

After a while, Lin Ye came out of the cave with Ying Ying holding an empty barrel in his hand.

The two came to the clearing together.

Lin Ye said to the beast-eared girls who were busy at work.

"I have good news for you all."

As soon as Lin Ye said this, the eyes of all the beast-eared girls were attracted.

When all the beast-eared girls looked at Lin Ye, Lin Ye then continued.

"From now on, everyone in the tribe no longer has to worry about going hungry."

The beast-ear girls were stunned by Lin Ye's sudden words.

After being stunned for a while, they suddenly burst into a burst of fierce cheers.

"Karma, are you telling the truth? Is there anything you can do?"

"Great, what Ye said must be true, it must be true!"

"Karma, have you found any food? Tell us soon."

Lin Ye took out a piece of potato sprouts from the storage space.

Then he opened his palm to the beast-eared girl and looked at the potato sprouts in her hands and said

"With this, we will have an endless supply of food in the future."

The beast-ear girls saw Lin Ye holding something yellow in his hand.

They all stepped forward to take a closer look.

"Karma, what is this? With this, everyone no longer has to worry about going hungry?"

"Yes, karma. What is this? Can it be eaten? Lin Ye said to the beast-eared girls with a smile,

"Yes, this thing is edible and delicious. With this, we will have endless food in the future."

Ying on the side, after hearing Lin Ye say that potatoes are delicious, she was about to take them from Lin Ye's hand and eat them.

Lin Ye quickly stopped Ying's hand, and then said

"You can't eat them now. These are seeds, and they are poisonous after they germinate. If you eat them, you will be dead."

As soon as Ying heard that this thing was poisonous and would kill her if she ate it, she quickly retracted her hand.

The other beast-eared girls also took half a step back in fear.

But they still looked at the thing in Lin Ye's hand curiously.

They all knew that since If the forest industry says this thing is edible, then it must be edible.

"Karma, is the whole thing called a seed?"

"Karma, how can you eat this stuff if it’s poisonous?"

"Karma, do you mean that if everyone dies if they eat this, they no longer have to worry about starvation?"

When Lin Ye heard what Beast Ear Girl said, he was impressed by their brain circuits.

He had no choice but to start explaining to Beast Ear Girl what was going on in detail.

"This thing is called a potato. What I am holding in my hand now are potato sprouts, which are also considered seeds."

"When potatoes don't sprout, they are not poisonous and very delicious."

"But after sprouting, the potatoes turn into poison, and if you eat them, you will die."

When Lin Ye said this, another animal-eared lady raised a question.

"Karma, how can so many people in the tribe eat just this one potato sprout?"

After hearing this, the other beast-eared girls also felt that it made sense and nodded in agreement.

Lin Ye also smiled and nodded, and then continued.

"Yes, such a small potato sprout is certainly not enough for everyone to eat, but if you plant it in the soil, it can grow a lot of potatoes."

"By then, this one potato sprout will be able to harvest several big potatoes."

"Moreover, the harvested potatoes can be planted into the soil after they sprout, so that we will have endless potatoes to eat."

The beast-ear girls listened in confusion.

This was the first time they heard about farming, so they didn't understand what Lin Ye said.

Lin Ye sighed helplessly, and then continued.

"Come with me. Today, I will teach you how to grow potatoes."..........................................................................

PS:Asking for flowers, recommending votes, rewards, and all support! Beg on your knees!!!..........................................................................

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