However, something unexpected happened to one of the thirty-one arrows.

There was an arrow that shot very accurately, straight towards the heart of a pig-headed man.

But after the shot, the force was too weak and it did not penetrate the pig-headed man's thick fat. The pig-headed man grabbed the tail of the arrow and pulled it out.

Then, an arrow shot by Shi pierced his throat and he fell down.

This arrow was shot from Sakura's bow.

Sakura also wanted to cheer when she saw her arrow hit, but then she saw the pig-headed man reaching out and pulling out her arrow.

When Sakura saw this scene, she was stunned for a moment, then pursed her lips in frustration.

Lin Ye also saw this scene. Lin Ye had already thought of this. When Ying was practicing on the scarecrow, Lin Ye discovered that although Ying's arrows were very accurate, Ying did not have enough strength to draw the bow.

This resulted in the arrows Sakura shot being very accurate, but not lethal enough.

Lin Ye saw Ying's unhappy look, reached out and picked Ying out of the trench, and then said to her in her ear

"Don't be unhappy when I see you shooting arrows. You shot very accurately, but your strength is too weak. When you grow up, you can be like other people."

Ying was suddenly picked up from behind, and she was so frightened that she suddenly became alert.

Just as she was about to turn her head, she heard Lin Ye's voice coming from her ears.

After hearing what Lin Ye said, Ying's originally depressed mood was also relieved by Lin Ye's words. Dispersed.

Ying turned around with a smile on her face, squinting at Lin Ye, and then nodded to Lin Ye, who also smiled and touched Ying's head, and then continued to talk to Ying.

"You go back to the tent and help me get my two horns."

After Ying listened, she nodded, and then ran towards the tent.

After Ying left, Lin Ye looked solemnly at the pig-headed chief and the shaman of the pig-headed tribe in the distance.

The pig-headed chief was also shot out suddenly. Arrow was shocked.

For a moment, he saw that the few pig-headed warriors he had left fell again.

The pig-headed chief was roaring furiously, and then kept urging the pig-headed warriors to lie on the ground. The soldiers advanced.

Lin Ye looked at the huge body of the pig-headed chief and felt that the bow and arrow in the hands of the beast-eared girl were strong enough to shoot through his fat layer, so Lin Ye asked Ying to go back to the tent and get the two horns for him.

I'm afraid there will be a hand-to-hand battle with the pig-headed chief.

Moreover, the shaman of the pig-headed tribe has been standing beside the pig-headed chief, looking at the beast-eared warriors with dark eyes.

After landing on the ground, they accidentally escaped the second wave of volleys from the beast-eared girls.

The pig-headed men lying on the ground saw the arrows flying over their heads, but they themselves were not hit. A little damage.

These pig-headed men thought that the arrows flying from the front, like the traps on the ground, could not hurt them as long as they lay down.

After dodging the wave of arrows, the pig-headed men found that they were not hurt. Hurt.

Then the pig-headed men relaxed, with cruel smiles on their faces, and began to crawl towards the trench where the beast-eared women were.

When they saw the pig-headed men, they suddenly lay down and avoided the arrows they shot. Arrow.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

But the beast-eared girls reacted immediately and aimed at the pig-headed men lying on the ground.

They were moving slowly and couldn't even dodge. At this time , the pig-headed men really became targets.

Moreover, the pig-headed men lay on the ground and crawled forward, with their heads stretched out in front of them.

The power of the arrows increased a little.

The beast-eared ladies aimed their bows, and then began to shoot arrows at the pig-headed men lying on the ground.

The pig-headed men looked at the beast-eared ladies and shot arrows at them again.

The pig-headed men naively thought that these arrows were hurt. They couldn't see them.

They turned a blind eye to the arrows flying towards them, and it wasn't until the arrows flew in front of them that they realized something was wrong.



Following several frightened screams, the pig-headed man lying on the ground suddenly saw seven or eight more pig-headed men with arrows stuck in their heads.

This time, the pig-headed men were hit by arrows in the head and died almost instantly.

After the wave of arrows was shot out, the beast-eared girl didn't pause at all.

Waves of arrows continued to be shot from the trenches.

Each wave of arrows can take away the lives of several pig-headed men.

In a very short period of time, out of more than fifty pig-headed warriors, only twenty were left under the bows and arrows of the beast-eared lady.

In the end, it was because the corpse of the dead pig-headed man in front blocked many subsequent arrows fired at the pig-headed man that the pig-headed man had a chance to react.

The twenty or so pig-headed men who were still alive found that their arrows would be blocked by the corpses in front of them.

They covered themselves with the corpse of the pig-headed man in front of them and lay there, not daring to move.

Let the pig-headed chief roar crazily from behind.

Those pig-headed warriors didn't dare to move one step further.

The pig-headed chief looked at his remaining fifty or so pig-headed warriors.

In the blink of an eye, half of them died again, and the body of the pig-headed chief began to tremble.

The pig-headed chief stared at the beast-eared girl in the trench with his bloodshot eyes.

The anger contained in his eyes almost made fire burst from his eyes.

Lying on the ground, the pig-headed man used the corpse in front of him to block his body, so that the animal-eared girl could not shoot into their bodies.

After the beast-eared girl shot a few more arrows, they all stopped and looked at the shivering pig-headed man in front of him lying behind the corpse.

The beast-eared girls frowned and began to think.

The bows and arrows in their hands are not so powerful that they can penetrate the corpse of the pig-headed man in front and attack the pig-headed man hiding behind.

At this time, Lin Ye looked at the way the beast-eared girl was helpless against the pig-headed men who had turned into turtles.

He shook his head with a smile, and then opened his mouth to remind the animal-eared girl:"If you can't shoot a pig's head, it's the same as shooting a pig's hooves. You can't kill them directly, but you have to make them lose their fighting ability."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, The furrowed brows of the beast-eared ladies immediately relaxed, and then a smile appeared on their faces again.

Then, with sweet smiles on their faces, the beast-eared girls drew their bows and loaded arrows at the pig-headed man.

Those pig-headed men hid behind the corpses and acted like turtles.

But everything from the buttocks down was exposed.

The beast-eared girl began to aim at the pig hooves and pig buttocks of the pig-headed men, and then continued to fire arrows to start a new round of attacks.

Those pig-headed men who were still alive hid behind the corpses, burying their heads in the soil, closing their eyes tightly, and their whole bodies were shaking with fear.

They plundered so many tribes.

There are also many tribes with witches among them.

But they had never seen such horrific witchcraft before.

So far, they haven't even met anyone on the opposite side. There are only a dozen or so pig-headed men left among more than a hundred.

But suddenly, they heard the nightmarish sound of arrows flying through the air.

Hearing this sound, the pig-headed man quickly pushed his pig's head under the corpse.

But then I felt a sudden sound coming from my pig butt and hooves.���severe pain


Then several pig-headed men with arrows in their lower bodies let out shrill screams.

Those pig-headed men did not dare to look up, which amplified their inner fear infinitely.

As the pig-headed men who were hit by arrows let out painful howls, the pig-headed men who were not hit by the arrow also let out a cry full of fear because of the fear in their hearts.

"ah! That witchcraft is here again, ahhh!"

"ah--! My ass! ah——!"

But as the arrows in the hands of the beast-eared girl continued to shoot out, all the pig-headed men were soon spared.

Moreover, because the pig-headed man's buttocks are the biggest target, they are taken care of by the beast-eared girls. Every pig-headed man's buttocks are full of arrows, and almost no intact part can be seen.

Those pig-headed men were tortured by the fear in their hearts and the severe pain in their lower bodies.

It kept making a blood-curdling cry.

The worst thing is that there is also a pig-headed warrior.

A beast-eared girl wanted to shoot him in the butt with a bow and arrow, but he twisted his butt because of the severe pain.

As a result, the arrow shot by the beast-eared girl accidentally hit the pig-headed man's pig whip.

The moment the pig-headed man was shot, his whole body stood still for two seconds.

Then the pig-headed man made the most miserable sound that Lin Ye has ever heard.


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