Lin Ye and Ying stood on the river bank, looking at the river.

The water level in the creek has dropped by half at some point.

When Lin Ye saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat.

As the water level drops, so does the flow rate of the water.

No wonder the flow of water from the water pipes has become smaller.

Lin Ye couldn't help but frowned, looked at Ying and asked

"Sakura, does the water in this river often become like this?"

Ying looked at the river, nodded with certainty, and then said

"Well, every time the weather gets hot, there will be less water in the river. Once there was no water in the river, so we all quenched our thirst by eating berries."

"Only when it rains will there be water in the river again."

Hearing Ying's words, Lin Ye's brows became more tangled.

He didn't expect that this small river would dry up.

Looking at the water inlet of the water pipe, it was almost exposed to the water.

Lin Ye began to think about countermeasures.

Lin Ye looked at Regarding the water pipe, he decided to dig deeper.

Although this would only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, it would at least last for a while and give Lin Ye time to do what he said. Lin Ye asked Ying to wait for him and lift him up. The sleeves began to be dug.

Ying stood beside Lin Ye, watching Lin Ye dig down unsteadily, and from time to time she was eager to help Lin Mali dig a few times when the water pipe was first placed. It was already more than one meter deep.

Now Lin Ye continued to dig down, and gradually the summer sun started to show its strength. Lin Ye was already sweating profusely.

Unable to bear it, he ran to the shade of a tree and looked at Lin Ye with a smile.

Lin Ye stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Now his arms were out of reach and he continued digging, but Lin Ye felt that the depth was still not enough.

Look at the sun in the sky.

Lin Ye simply jumped into the river with a bang.

Lin Ye, who was hot from the sun, felt a refreshing coolness as soon as he jumped into the river. She happily swam in the river.

The water here was crystal clear and the water flow was very slow, so Lin Ye jumped into the river without any hesitation.

In the river, he was startled. He ran to the river and saw that Lin Ye was swimming in the water like a fish. When

Ying saw Lin Ye's appearance, her mouth widened in surprise.

Ying didn't know. What is swimming? Moreover, Ying is a cat-eared girl and is naturally afraid of water.

Seeing Lin Ye's light body in the water, Ying felt so awesome. At this time, Lin

Ye saw Ying standing on the shore and looking at her. Lin Ye waved to Ying to get into the water, but Ying shook her head like a wave drum and said nothing.

Lin Ye felt a little funny when she looked at Ying, and then started to splash water on her. Ying.

After being splashed twice, Ying screamed and ran back under the shade of the tree.

Listening to Lin Ye's happy laughter, a little smile appeared on Ying's face.

Then Lin Ye swam over. He lay down on the river bank and began to dig down.

Soon, he dug down more than one meter, and then dug down some of the areas behind the water pipes, because these water pipes are made of hollow tree trunks. There was no flexibility at all, so we had to dig the river bank into a slope so that the water pipe could be inserted diagonally into the water. After digging deep and burying the water pipe, Lin Ye climbed up from the water and shook his hair.

He wiped his face with drops of water.

All his clothes were soaked and stuck to his body, feeling very uncomfortable.

Lin Ye simply took off his clothes, squeezed the water from his clothes, and hung them on a small tree under the sun. Up.

Sakura looked at Lin Ye like this. Although it was not the first time, her face felt a little hot for some reason.

However, Sakura's eyes did not move away, but she stared at Lin Ye carefully. There were water stains on his body, and his strong body was a little reflective under the sun.

Sakura swallowed involuntarily, feeling that her face seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, and her small cat ears also turned a little red.

Lin Ye didn't shy away from it and walked towards Sakura swaggeringly.

Sakura watched Lin Ye coming over and couldn't help but take a breath and cover her eyes with her hands.

But his eyes kept peeking through his fingers.

Lin Ye saw Ying's appearance and walked over with a smile.

He reached out and touched Sakura's head, then walked to the tree and sat down.

After sitting down, the grass on the ground was still a little prickly.

After moving several places, I found a comfortable place.

Lin Ye sat on the ground, leaning his upper body against a tree, waiting for his clothes to dry slowly.

After Ying saw Lin Ye sitting down, she also ran over and sat next to Lin Ye.

There, the forestry industry began to think about how to solve the water source problem.

Sakura moved slowly, and finally lay on Lin Ye, looking at the sun in the sky through the gaps in the leaves.

Lin Ye had just come up from the river after taking a bath, and his body was very cold. Ying lay down and felt very comfortable, so Ying leaned on Lin Ye and stopped leaving.

Lin Ye was thinking about it and suddenly felt a little hot.

Looking down, I found that there was a beam of sunlight shining through the leaves, coating them with a layer of gold.

Very magnificent.

And Sakura was looking at herself with a blush.


I don’t know how much time has passed, but the clothes have been drying on the small tree for a long time.

Lin Ye stood up refreshed, jumped into the river and washed himself briefly, then went ashore to dry himself in the sun.

After putting on his clothes, Lin Ye looked at Ying's choked eyes and looked at him redly, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Unlike before, this time it happened so suddenly that Sakura responded instinctively.

Lin Ye smiled coquettishly, then took Ying's little hand again, and the two began to return to the tribe.

It had been a morning since the two of them had been out. In fact, it didn't take much time to bury the water pipe again.

But behind them, under the shade of a tree, the two of them stayed for a long time.

The two walked for a while, and when they were about to reach the tribe, they happened to meet a hunting team returning from hunting.

This time they returned with a full load, each of them dragging a prey behind them and carrying small prey such as rabbits and pheasants in their hands.

After seeing Lin Ye, the hunting team happily greeted Lin Ye.

Lin Ye also walked over with a smile and saw that these prey did not have any extra arrows on their bodies. They were basically killed directly by one or two arrows.

Looking back now, it was a very correct decision to spend so long teaching the beast-eared girls how to shoot.

At this time, Su Su and Shi looked at Ying curiously.

Then Sachi and the other beast-eared girls also looked over.

It seemed like there was something strange on Sakura's face.

Lin Ye watched the beast-eared girls say nothing and looked at Ying, and then followed his gaze with confusion.

At this moment, Lin Ye saw that the corners of Ying's mouth were still a little dirty.

"Sakura, what's that on the corner of your mouth? Did you just eat something?"

"Yes, it seems we have never seen this thing before."

Susu and Shi asked Ying in confusion.

When Ying heard what they said, she immediately seemed to realize something. She quickly reached out and wiped the corners of her mouth.

Looking at what she wiped off the corners of her mouth,

Ying's face immediately became confused. Blushed.

Then, he turned his head and glanced at Lin Ye with a smile.

He touched his nose and looked away.

"No...nothing, just a kind of berry in the wild, the taste is a bit strange!"

Ying saw several people looking at her with doubts and said hurriedly.

But the way Susu and the others looked at Ying and Lin Ye, it was not as simple as what Ying said.

There were more and more doubts in their hearts.

Everyone has been feeling that something is not right with Sakura lately. She is always giggling.

Just when she was about to continue asking, Lin Ye spoke first.

"You guys have killed so many prey and you haven’t returned to the tribe quickly. The weather is so hot and the meat will stink."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, the beast-eared girls were startled, and then hurriedly started dragging the prey back.

Lin Ye watched them dragging the prey back, covered in sweat, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

It seems that they have learned how to do it. After getting the bow and arrow, there will be no shortage of prey in the future, but transporting the prey back will be a troublesome thing.

Wait until the water source is solved and see if there are props or production knowledge such as carts or wheels for the beast-eared girls. One.

Then Lin Ye couldn't stand it anymore, so he went up and took all the vines from the hands of the beast-ear girls. Then he dragged seven or eight prey by himself and started walking towards the tribe.

Ying became more playful and even rode one. Lin Ye didn't mind dragging her away from a prey that looked like a wild horse.

The total weight of those prey weighed three to four tons, and Sakura couldn't feel it at all since it weighed less than a hundred pounds.

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