Not just luck.

After the other beast-eared girls heard that Lin Ye was really good at witchcraft.

They all became excited.

Lin Ye looked at the excited beast-eared girls, smiled and nodded to them.

Immediately afterwards, the beast-eared girls burst into cheers.

Lin Ye stood there, watching the beast-eared girls cheering crazily.

Wait until they slowly calm down.

Lin Ye continued to speak.

"This matter is not important now. Next, I will lead you to dig a well in the tribe."

After saying that, Lin Ye was ready to be bombarded with questions again by the beast-ear girls.

The situation was just as Lin Ye expected.

When the beast-ear girls heard Lin Ye saying that he would take them to dig a well, their faces instantly changed. He looked at Lin Ye with a puzzled expression.

"What is a well?"

"Dig a well. Is the well also a trap?"

"Are karma and water wells related to water?"

Linye heard that Beast-Ear Girl finally connected the well with water.

It seems that his constant output of civilization has begun to affect the thoughts of Beast-Ear Girl.

Lin Ye followed the voice and looked over, and it turned out to be Wen, the pony-tailed girl. That’s right.

Then Lin Ye said loudly:"Okay! very nice!"

After all the beast-eared girls were shocked, Lin Ye began to explain to the beast-eared girls

"A water well is a hole that is dug downwards on the ground until water comes out. You only need to follow my instructions. After you dig out the water, you really don’t have to worry about the lack of water anymore."

"Moreover, the water dug from wells can be mixed directly without filtering, and it may even taste better than filtered water."

"Then everyone come with me and I will tell you what to do."

After saying that, Lin Ye turned around and led Beast Ear Girl toward the place he had chosen yesterday. As

Lin Ye was walking on the road, he thought that he would have to dig thirty meters further to the other side of the river at the location he looked at yesterday. He hadn't looked at the side yet, in case there was a place closer to the underground river.

So Lin Ye temporarily changed his destination and came to the other side that he had not explored before.

Without hesitation, Lin Ye squatted down and put his hands on the ground. , activated the detection technique.

A wave of energy flowed into the ground along the palm.

The God's perspective appeared in Lin Ye's mind again, and the first thing he felt was the beautiful legs of the beast-eared girls.

Then Lin Ye was surprised to find, Not far from here, there was a spring formed by a granite fault.

It was only five or six meters away from the ground. Lin

Ye carefully noted the place, and then he ended his exploration.

Fortunately, it seems that there is some kind of providence.

If we didn't think of it, we wouldn't have found this spring.

There are actually many springs on the earth, which appear directly on the surface. But

Lin Ye found that he only needed to dig down five or six meters.

The previous place was as high as a ten-story building.

Lin Ye said with a smile on his face. They walked to the top of the spring, placed the shovel in their hands, and drew a circle with their hands. The beast - eared girls kept following Lin Ye, not knowing what Lin Ye was doing.

After that, he stood up, pointed at the circle on the ground and said to the beast-eared girls.

"This is where the well is to be dug. Wait for me here."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he ran towards the bamboo forest.

A group of beast-eared girls were left standing there, looking confused.

After Lin Ye left, the beast-eared girls all looked at the circle drawn by Lin Ye in confusion.

Sakura opened her eyes wide. eyes, raised his head and asked Xiang Shi

"Is there another river below that circle? Did Lin Ye just find it while squatting on the ground?"

As soon as Sakura said this, the other beast-eared girls turned to look at the place where Lin Ye used the detection technique before.

Shi lowered his head and looked at Sakura, then shook his head at her and answered.

"I don’t know either, but if karma says it exists, it should really exist."

Ying tilted her head and thought for a moment, then followed Lin Ye's example and crouched down with her eyes closed and one hand on the ground.

The other beast-eared girls saw this and followed suit.

When Lin Ye came back dragging a bamboo , and found a group of beast-eared girls squatting on the ground with their eyes closed, learning how to use probing techniques.

After Lin Ye approached, he heard their exchanges with each other.

"Do you feel it?"

"What do you feel? Why can't I feel anything?"

"I feel like the ground is shaking a little"

"Um? I feel like I want to fart"

"The ground seems to be really shaking. It seems like something is moving on the ground."

"Really I feel it too." forestry:"……"

Lin Ye looked at the beast-eared girl squatting on the ground speechlessly.

"Snapped! Snapped!"

Then he clapped his hands expressionlessly to remind the beast-eared girls.

But to his surprise, the beast-eared girls were still squatting on the ground with their eyes closed and motionless.

Hearing the sound of Lin Ye clapping his hands, he even said excitedly

"I heard a snapping sound"

"I heard it too!"

"Is this the sound of the underground river? Lin

Ye saw this scene and said with a dark face.

"That's not the sound of the underground river, that's my voice."

When the beast-ear girls heard Lin Ye's voice, they opened their eyes suddenly and squatted on the ground to look at Lin Ye.

Then everyone stood up from the ground with red faces.

Some looked at the sky, some looked at their toes, and some They looked at each other as if nothing had happened.

Lin Ye sighed helplessly, then smiled again and said to the beast-eared girls.

"You all are watching, and now you all have to listen."

After Lin Ye saw that the beast-ear girls were all looking over, he continued.

"Sakura, take a few people to collect some bark for making hemp rope, and then make it into hemp rope."

"Susu, go to the empty barrel in the cave and come over."

"Fortunately, you brought someone to cut the bamboo into sections, leaving both ends open."

"Good luck, bring a few people back to find some larger bark or hard leaves."

"Shi, go find some heavier stones. It’s best to have about the same weight. It doesn’t have to be too heavy. It should be something you can hold up."

"Okay, let's get moving."

Lin Ye meticulously assigned everyone's tasks.

After Lin Ye finished speaking, everyone dispersed and prepared according to Lin Ye's instructions.

Lin Ye first cut off a section of bamboo with the bear's claw and came to the circle..

A circle was drawn around the bamboo.

The bamboo was specially selected by Lin Ye. It was about one and a half meters in diameter.

Then Lin Ye put the bamboo and the extra shovel aside. We started digging.

At first, the soil on the ground had become very hard due to years of trampling and exposure to wind and sun.

After we dug a little deeper, the darker, softer soil was revealed. Lin Ye first dug out the edge of the well.

Then Lin Ye began to dig downward vigorously.

Even the soil here was relatively soft, and it was much harder than the trap he dug before.

It took me half an hour to dig down half a meter.

Then Lin Ye took the bamboo tube and pointed it at the edge of the big hole he had just dug.���go.

By this time, all the beast-eared girls will be here.

Only Sakura and the others have not returned yet since it is a long and time-consuming process to collect bark for making hemp rope.

Lin Ye asked Shi to find four stones, and Shi led his men to bring ten back to Lin Ye.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye complained silently in his heart

"Shi Fang must have been the kind of high-level part-time worker that the boss liked on Earth in the past."

Then Lin Ye asked Shi to find three beast-eared girls who were about the same size and strength as her, and each of them would move a stone.

This kind of thing couldn't be easier for Shi.

Without letting Lin Ye wait, Shi directly ordered three Cat-eared girl.

Then Lin Ye came over holding a similar stone, and asked the four of them to stand around the bamboo tube, with the distance between them being about the same.

Then Lin Ye told them.

"I'll shout one or two later, smash it!"

"You just hit the bamboo tube at the same time. You don't need to use a lot of force, just hit the bamboo tube with the force of the falling stone."

The four cat-eared girls nodded solemnly to Lin Ye.

The four cat tails of different colors tensed up nervously.

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