Seeing this scene, Lin Ye was also stunned.

Aren't you doing some science popularization? Why are the beast-eared girls looking at the deer-antlered girls?

At this time, Su Su, who was standing aside, spoke up and answered Lin Ye's doubts.

"Lulu? Isn’t Lulu your name?"Su Su looked at the Antler Girl curiously and asked.

After hearing Su Su's words, Lin Ye suddenly realized that this was what happened.

The Antler Girl with the plum blossom birthmark on her forehead, although she was very shy, still raised her head proudly. Lin Ye looked at the crowd and quickly explained.

"This windlass and that Lulu are not the same thing, please don’t misunderstand."

After hearing what Lin Ye said, everyone turned back to look at Lin Ye.

Lulu also looked over, and after taking a look at Lin Ye, she said with a smile.

"It's okay, I don't mind."

Lin Ye looked at the antlered lady who was obviously a little wronged but still proudly held her head high and a little arrogant.

He didn't expect such a coincidence.

Lin Ye thought for a moment, waved to Lulu, and said

"Lulu, then you should try this windlass with the same name as you first."

Lin Ye quickly made an excuse to let Lulu come and experience using a pot to draw water to divert the attention of the beast-eared girls.

When Lulu heard Lin Ye's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then a happy smile instantly appeared on her face.

Although she was very happy, But Lulu still walked towards Linye with graceful steps.

"thisHow to use this thing?"

After Lulu came over, she looked at the windlass device with doubts on her face, and finally looked at Lin Ye for help.

Lin Ye smiled, then reached out and picked up the handle on the windlass, and said to Lulu

"Take this handle with both hands and turn it with me."

Lulu obediently put her hands on the handle.

Lin Ye turned it hard.

But he found that Lulu seemed a little nervous and never understood how Lin Ye turned.

So Lin Ye walked to Lulu and held Lulu's hand. The hands on the handle then turned with her.

When Lulu's hand was grasped by Lin Ye,

Lin Ye could feel Lulu's hand being held by him. , immediately became stiff.

Lin Ye turned to look at Lulu and gave her a gentle smile.

When Lulu saw it, two more red clouds appeared on her face. Not so stiff anymore

"Okay, follow my hand."

Lin Ye felt that Lulu's little hand in his palm was no longer so nervous, so he reminded him.

Then Lin Ye took Lulu's hand and shook it.

Slowly, Lulu finally found the trick, and Lin Ye also slowly let go Open your hands.

Lulu can also turn this device. Finally,

Lin Ye caught the bucket from behind, gave it to Lulu, looked at it, and said.

"Look, just turn the handle and you can pull the barrel up."

Lulu looked at the water she brought up in surprise, and then looked at the handle in her hand in disbelief.

The other beast-eared girls looked at the barrel in Lin Ye's hand and all made a sound of exclamation.

"Really, shake it a few times and the barrel will come up."

"It’s so magical. Isn’t this really witchcraft?"

"Wow, Ye, I’m holding Lulu’s hand."

"You can teach me this in the future, hehehe."

Lin Ye poured the water back into the well, then threw the barrel down, and then said to Lulu

"Okay, Lulu, you can let go."

"oh oh!"

Lulu was still in shock when she suddenly heard Lin Ye's words. She answered twice in a panic, and then brought the handle.

After the handle was released, the bucket fell straight down, and the handle also turned several times quickly.

Then Lin Ye said to Lulu

"You are responsible for teaching everyone how to use this windlass here. Everyone must learn how to use it. Once everyone has learned it, remember to cover the wellhead with the bamboo tube."

"I'm going to make all the pottery. After teaching everyone, I'm going to light a fire and prepare to eat baked potatoes."

The other beast-eared girls saw Lin Ye's Lulu hands, really teaching Lulu how to use the windlass step by step, and they all couldn't help but want Lin Ye to teach them the same way later.

But when they heard that Lin Ye asked Lulu to teach him, Everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

However, when they heard that Lin was going to make pottery, they all thought of the pottery bowls and spoons they had just made, and their eyes lit up with excitement.

Moreover, they learned. After learning how to use this, I will eat baked potatoes tonight.

The mood of the beast-ear girls instantly became sunny, with a look of expectation on their faces.

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he smiled at everyone. Set off to make pottery.

The beast-ear girls immediately began to take turns one by one to learn how to use the windlass device.

When Lin Ye came to the earthen kiln, the clay bricks had been dried, and Lin Ye took all the clay bricks. Put it into the earth kiln, then turn up the fire and start firing


After putting in the firewood for the last time, Lin Ye clapped his hands and left the kiln.

Just wait for the firewood to finish burning and the flame to go out on its own.

Lin Ye glanced at the sky. Night was coming soon and the moon was already hanging in the sky.

Lin Ye estimates that it will have to wait until tomorrow to take out all the pottery from the kiln.

After washing his hands, Lin Ye walked towards the clearing.

The beast-eared girls have all learned how to use that windlass device.

After all, you only need to shake the thing a few times, so everyone learns it very quickly, and even knows it after watching it a few times, just to experience it first.

Several fires have been lit in the open space, and the beast-eared girls are waiting expectantly for Lin Ye's arrival.

The washed potatoes were placed on the side of the stone. Everyone was excitedly discussing the pattern of their pottery bowls and what the potatoes would taste like later.

After seeing Lin Ye's figure, the beast-eared girls all looked over with expectant eyes.

Sakura couldn't wait to stand up from the ground, ran to Lin Ye, and said

"Karma, karma, are our pottery bowls ready? Can we start baking the potatoes?"

The other beast-eared girls also looked over excitedly, their eyes full of anticipation.

Lin Ye smiled and reached out to touch Sakura's head, then nodded to all the beast-eared girls.


"Eat potatoes!!!"

The beast-ear girls burst into cheers.

Lin Ye discovered that the beast-ear girls seemed to be particularly happy when it came to eating.

Walking to the fire, Lin Ye said mysteriously to the beast-ear girls

"Today I’m going to teach you a new way to bake."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the beast-eared girls made a sound of exclamation, and then all kinds of questions followed immediately.

"Wow, what kind of solution is this?"

"Are there many ways to bake something?"

"What is the best way to bake potatoes?"

Of all the beast-eared girls, only Shi asked a nutritious question. Lin Ye nodded with a smile and then said

"Yes, that's how you bake potatoes."

"Sakura, go to the back of the tent and pick a few of those big leaves."

After Ying heard this, she immediately started to roll and crawl towards the back of the tent. She almost fell down because she was running in such a hurry.

Then Lin Ye started from���Bian took a branch and began to dig a hole in the ground next to the fire.

While digging this, he said to the beast-eared girls.

"Dig a few pits next to those fires. They don't need to be too deep, just like digging traps before."

After the beast-ear girls heard what Lin Ye said, they immediately took the wooden sticks, ran to the fire and started digging.

The beast-ear girls were already familiar with digging holes.

The beast-ear girls had dug at least hundreds of them. The trap came out.

After digging the hole, Ying ran back with those big leaves.

Ying was out of breath as she ran along. Her two cat ears moved up and down with Ying's breathing. Lin Ye couldn't help but reach out and touch them.

Then Lin Ye handed some leaves to the beast-eared girls and began to show them how to do it.

"First put a layer of leaves on the bottom of the pit, and then."

Lin Ye said this for a moment, looked around, and then said to Shi

"Shi, bring the potatoes."

When Shi heard Lin Ye's words, he quickly picked up a few potatoes and sent them over.

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