Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1002 Parallel Universe Is Just A Spell, Furukawa Arrives

"I don't know if you have heard of the Realm of the Only Reality?"

At this time, a member of parliament suddenly said.

"The only real world? Old guy, how old are you, and you still believe in such nonsense."

"That's right, this kind of talk must be false, I don't know where the rumors came from, it's just a good wish.

"We are already the strongest existence standing in the multiverse. I don't know how many parallel universes we have crossed, how many clones we have merged, and how many things we have seen, but we have never seen the only real world.

"That's right, even we haven't met, let alone other people.

"The so-called only real world mentioned above must be a false rumor."

Many congressmen discussed it, and they all shook their heads, thinking that this was just a false rumor, and it was not true at all.

"No, I don't think this is a rumor, because I have heard those monsters say similar things before."

A congressman's face was solemn: "At that time, the monster was slaughtering the lives of a parallel universe, and many powerful people rose up to resist, but none of them were opponents, and they were wiped out one by one.

At that time, a strong man shouted in grief and indignation, why did he come to slaughter them, but the monster shook his head, showing pity on his face, and just said lightly, poor, after all, it is just a life created by a spell, Death itself It is your fate, and you are false lives.

To be honest, I was also at the scene at that time, but I was proficient in the technique of pretending to be dead, avoided that massacre, and survived by chance until today. "

He couldn't help clenching his fists.

"You mean to say that the entire parallel universe, including us, was created by just one spell. How is this possible? Don't be joking, don't scare me here."

A congressman yelled and became angry from embarrassment.

He absolutely cannot accept such absurd things, he is just a false character, growing up in a false world, this fact is too absurd.

Even if it was true, he would never accept it.

And this kind of thing can't be done at all, and he doesn't believe that there is any existence that can do it.

It's like an anime character who suddenly realizes that he is just a creature on TV, not a real creature. This is simply unbelievable.

No one can accept such a thing.

"Yes, no matter how you look at it, we are all real creatures. We have flesh and blood, souls, and wisdom. How could we be false creatures?"

"If one technique can create countless parallel universes and countless lives, then how powerful is the existence that created this technique?"

"If such a level of power really exists, why do these monsters exist in the parallel universe and let them destroy the parallel universe continuously? Why is this?"

Many congressmen shook their heads. They didn't believe in such a ridiculous thing. After all, they had reached such a Realm, and their Dao hearts were extremely firm and would not be easily shaken.

"No, it's not impossible."

The speaker suddenly said: "I have also had several conversations with those doomsday monsters, hoping to get some information from them, and learned from them that the endless parallel universe is just a cage to trap them, and we are just that The pawns of a great existence are not worth mentioning.

The reason why they crazily destroy the parallel universe is to escape from this endless parallel universe cage, and they are just a group of prisoners.


As soon as these words came out, the congressmen present were extremely shocked, and their minds were swayed. They couldn't believe what they heard, but these words were spoken by the speaker of the original place.

This kind of existence is the strongest powerhouse in the original land. The words of such a person have weight, and they are definitely not a joke. If they are not sure, they will never say such words.

That said, there is a degree of truth to such statements.

But if this is the case, then the truth behind it is really too amazing.

Those terrifying doomsday monsters that destroy the parallel universe everywhere are just prisoners imprisoned in the parallel universe by a great existence.

And they are created prison guards, no, it should be said that they are cannon fodder, and even their own existence is false, created out of thin air.

So it doesn't matter how many people die or how many parallel universes are destroyed.

If this matter gets out, it will definitely cause shocks in countless parallel universes and cause huge waves.

For a moment, they didn't know what to say, they could only digest these amazing information deep in their hearts.

"Of course, these things are just my guesses. Whether they are true or not still needs to be verified." The speaker said in a deep voice, "It is also possible that those doomsday monsters are lying to shake our Dao heart."

"I see."

Hearing these words, many congressmen breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, it is not impossible. After all, the words of the enemy cannot be believed.

But even so, they also know that these words may be true. After all, how proud and powerful those doomsday monsters are. Compared with them, they are simply not creatures of the same dimension.

This kind of existence that destroys parallel universes is simply at your fingertips, and they don't bother to communicate with people like them. What they need to do is to destroy everything.

Just like human beings face ants, human beings don't need to say anything to ants, it has nothing to do with you to destroy you.

It can be said that 377, there is no need for an existence like this to lie to them, nor does it need to.

Also because of this, deep in their hearts they were in doubt, obviously leaving seeds of doubt.

And at this time, in the hall of this meeting room, a person quietly appeared, and this person was Furukawa. He had already entered the parallel universe and came to this original place.

After all, the entire multiverse universe is in his mind, so naturally he can go wherever he wants to go in an instant.

The surrounding councilors couldn't find any trace of Furukawa at all, and couldn't even perceive Furukawa's existence. After all, the two sides were not creatures of the same dimension at all.

Even if Furukawa stood in front of these people, as long as Furukawa was unwilling, the other party would not be able to find Furukawa.


Furukawa smiled slightly, looking at the many councilors in the conference room, they are all the strongest in the multi-universe time and space, and they all seem to be acquaintances, Daozu Hongjun, Luo Hu, Zhen Yuanzi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun, Nuwa , Fuxi, etc., are all great gods from the prehistoric world.

After all, he himself created this parallel universe based on the six-path universe, so the life born from the parallel universe is almost exactly the same as the six-path universe.

A life that can stand out in the six universes can naturally stand out in the multiverse. .

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