Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1008 Gathering The Seeds Of Faith Is A Great Enlightenment

"Doomsday-level spells—true lies, you are my believer.

In an instant, Furukawa lightly pointed at the eater's forehead, and suddenly a doomsday-level spell erupted, penetrating the eater's sea of ​​consciousness.

And this magic method instantly changed the memory of the eater, making the eater think that he is a believer of Furukawa, so that the resistance of the eater can be reduced to the greatest extent

In fact, if the transformed beings accept the transformation willingly and let go of their hearts, then a lot of time and effort will be saved.

This is actually the big difference between Furukawa and a brainwasher.

If the brainwasher is here, according to its means, it is estimated that it can only use brute force to forcibly brainwash the other party and plant the seeds of faith.

In this way, if the resistance is too fierce, it will lead to the end of death. After all, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone the title of Lord of the Universe.

If the Lord of the Universe is pushed to a desperate situation, no one knows what will happen to the other party.

But Furukawa is different.

He directly uses supreme magic, distorting Karma, distorting reality, turning lies into reality, making falsehood into reality, directly distorting the memory of the eater, making the eater think that he is a follower of Furukawa.

This will minimize the difficulty of transitioning the nibblers, and achieve the effect of four or two.


In an instant, the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Eater shook violently. At this moment, a white ray of light instantly illuminated the world of the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness, making its mind go blank and completely absent-minded.

And at this time, it sensed that its own memory began to blur, as if it had been completely formatted, turned into a blank sheet of paper, and could not remember anything.

But in the next second, the white light scattered, and each ray of white light contained many false memories, which seemed to have constructed all of its memories, forming a memory maze.

At this moment, it is no longer a nibbler that traverses the universe sea, but a mortal, and a mortal who believes in the original ancient snake has been an extremely devout believer since childhood.

Every day's memory is so real, clear and traceable.

Originally, it was extremely difficult to change the memory of the Master of the Universe, a level title like the Eater, but the Eater was seriously injured by the whipping of the gods, his soul was wounded, and he was eroded by the power of infinite evil thoughts and sins.

This gave Furukawa a great opportunity to cast the doomsday-level spell of true lies, which instantly changed the memory of the eater and forcibly distorted the cognition of the eater.

Even if the eater wants to resist, it is impossible.

"So it turns out that the ones I ate are the four believers of the Lord."

The nibbler prostrated himself on the ground, looking at Furukawa, his eyes were extremely cruel, evil, and terrifying, but at this moment, his eyes showed pious, extremely respectful expressions.

It was as if a faithful believer was so excited that he burst into tears when he saw his own god.

"Let go of your own obsession, let go of your own mind, and accept the light of extradition."

Furukawa's voice came over, containing supreme divine power, buzzing, and spread throughout the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of the eater.

"Yes, Me."

Hearing these words, the nibbler did not hesitate, and immediately let go of Own's spiritual defense, allowing the huge light of transmutation to shine directly into the depths of Own's heart.

After all, the person in front of him is the Lord of his belief, the god of his belief.

Faced with the orders of the gods, he naturally obeyed them, and he also believed that the Lord would not harm him.


Without the resistance of the eater, the endless golden light of transition in the Book of Transition, like a tide, poured into the deepest part of the eater's soul, without hindrance.

In the depths of the void, countless believers are chanting the scriptures, generating a huge power of faith, which is all infused into the book of crossing, which greatly increases the power of the book of crossing.

In particular, the two original texts of the Book of Duhua condensed this power to the extreme, easily penetrated the soul defense, and entered the deepest part of the eater's soul.

"It's done."

Furukawa smiled slightly, and his heart was immediately overjoyed. He sensed that the Book of Own Transformation was about to successfully transform the Nibbler. He never expected that things would go so smoothly.

Originally, he was prepared to fail, but now it seems that the power of the two doomsday-level spells, the Book of Transfiguration and True Lies, "was beyond his imagination.

The combination of the two is simply invincible and invincible.

Gradually, the eater's body and soul were dyed a layer of gold. From the inside to the outside, the whole body was golden, as if it had been completely submerged by the light of faith.

The area with a radius of hundreds of millions of light years is shrouded in golden light. It seems that this area has become a place of faith. There are waves of believers singing hymns in the depths of the void.

All evil, darkness, Death and other powers are dispelled in front of the endless power of faith, leaving only the power of heaven and light.


At this moment, the eater's body and soul shook at the same time, the endless light of faith, and the crossing rune quickly condensed together, forming a golden seed of faith.

And this seed of faith has been deeply rooted in the soul of the eater, and it has begun to take root.

It can be said that with this seed of faith, even if the nibbler recovers its original memory, it cannot escape Furukawa's control, and it has completely become a believer of Furukawa.

.Thank the Lord for teaching, thank the Lord for removing the sins on my body. At this moment, I feel extremely peaceful in my heart. Everything in the past is just clouds and sins. Only by listening to the Lord’s teachings can I be filled with sin. Peace of mind. I am willing to devote myself to practice under the command of the Lord in the future, do good deeds day and night, and make up for the mistakes I made (Li Zhaohao) before. "

The nibbler prostrated himself on the ground, worshiping Furukawa sincerely, and has turned into a devout believer, with a completely enlightened expression on his face and an extremely calm expression.


At this moment, its entire body has undergone earth-shaking changes. Originally, it was the master of the doomsday, the messenger of death that brought the doomsday to all living beings, and it carried the breath of death, curse, darkness and terror, resentment, etc. on its body.

Ordinary people, even if they just glanced at it, their souls would be shattered and they would die.

But now, its whole body is wrapped in the golden power of faith, and its body is filled with quiet, peaceful, gentle, compassionate, kind and other breaths.

There are no negative emotions such as resentment, anger, jealousy, etc. deep in its heart, and they are replaced by gratitude, faith, kindness, fulfillment, guilt, etc.

It's like an eminent monk who has attained the Tao, and his body is filled with the breath of great compassion. .

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