Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1010 The Frightened Destroyer Of Everything, Convert To My Lord

Boom boom boom!!!

The forces of the Eater and the Exterminator collided together, and a big explosion occurred, just like the opening of chaos, and it spread to a distance of hundreds of millions of light years in an instant.

The chaotic time and space in all directions are like confetti, easily distorted.

"too strong."

In the distance, many congressmen who were frozen by time and space saw this scene. They all gasped, trembled, and felt a huge shock.

It turned out that these doomsday monsters didn't really move at all, they just used negligible power, which was enough to destroy parallel universes one after another.

And they actually thought ridiculously that after their continuous improvement, they might be able to kill these doomsday monsters. Now it seems that they are still too naive.

It is estimated that even if they merge the clones of the infinite universe, they will not be able to defeat this desperately powerful doomsday monster.

But how powerful is this mysterious character who can fight against doomsday monsters, and even win them? Could it be that he is really the God of Creation who created multiple parallel universes?!

There were endless waves in their hearts, but they couldn't move now, and they couldn't say anything.

"Damn it, Nibbler, what the hell are you trying to do? Stop me from killing this kid.

The Exterminator was shocked and angry, and he was crazy.

It simply can't understand the behavior of the gnawers. Although they don't have a good relationship with each other, they are companions after all, and they have a common enemy. They should join forces to fight against the enemy.

But now, this guy actually tried to stop him from beheading Furukawa, he was simply crazy, even if he wanted to break his head, he still couldn't figure out why the gnaw would do such a thing, could it be that he betrayed him?!

Or is it that the Nibbler has already made some kind of deal with this kid, planning to betray him, the Destroyer of Everything and the Brain Eater?!

For a time, many thoughts emerged in its heart.

"This fellow daoist, when is the so-called retribution of grievances? Killing people can't solve any problems. You might as well put down the butcher knife and surrender to my lord, so that you will be redeemed."

The Nibbler looked at the Exterminator seriously, trying to persuade the Exterminator to surrender.

Hearing these words, the Exterminator was stunned, completely stunned, even more confused than before: "Eater, what the hell are you talking about, these words came out of your mouth, what are you doing?" are you crazy?"

In its eyes, the Gnaw is a universe sea monster that is many times more ferocious than itself. The universe it gnaws kills more lives than itself.

Just such an extremely ferocious Universe sea monster, now he fucking says that killing people can't solve any problems, and he also said when it's time to repay the wrong, and let himself put down the slaughter

It wondered if it had fallen for Furukawa's Illusion Art, otherwise, how could such absurd things happen, when did the nibbler become such a benevolent and compassionate figure like an eminent monk.

It's like a hungry wolf suddenly turning into a sheep eating grass.

Especially seeing the kind and kind eyes of the nibbler, for some reason, it felt a little nauseous. A murderous guy has turned into such a virtue.

It's weird, it's really weird.

The Exterminator can't use any words to describe his mood at the moment.

"Destroyer of all things, if I'm not wrong, I'm afraid the eater has been transformed." The eyes of the brain eater showed a cold light, and it also saw that something was wrong with the eater at this moment.

The current Nibbler is no longer the Lord of Doom, a universe sea monster that carries endless doom and brings destruction to all living beings, but a devout believer.

Although it doesn't know why the eater became like this, there is no doubt that the eater has been planted, completely planted, and the current state is many times more miserable than death.


Hearing this, the Destroyer gasped, and looked at the Gnaw and Furukawa with horror in his eyes, "It suddenly felt shuddering and fearful.

You must know that it is the master of the universe with the pinnacle title, the universe sea monster that has been rampant for hundreds of millions of years in the Universe Samsara, it has never done anything, it has never experienced anything, and it no longer knows what to be afraid of.

But now, it actually felt a kind of deep fear and awe, which is the sorrow of the rabbit dead and the fox.

It is not afraid of death, but it is afraid that life is worse than death, completely losing its own reason and will.

"What did you do, what the hell did you do to the nibbler?"

0. Ask for flowers...

The Exterminator let out angrily, staring at Furukawa, it knew it must be the kid who did the trick, if it wasn't for the kid, the Nibbler would never have become this virtue.

It knew that this kid had been disappearing before, but suddenly appeared, and absolutely nothing good happened. Looking at it now, it really is the case.

"I didn't do anything, it's just that the eater came to his senses, realized all his mistakes and sins, and that's why he willingly took refuge in me and recognized me as Lord."

Furukawa Road.

"Put your mother's shit on."

The Destroyer of Everything cursed loudly, how could the dignified pinnacle title of the Lord of the Universe be so enlightened that the Dao heart has long been indestructible after reaching this Realm, and it is impossible for others to shake it.

Now that things are still talking about being enlightened, isn't this a lie?! It must be the trick of this kid, otherwise the nibbler would definitely not have become like this.

"That's right, this fellow daoist, if my Lord hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have woken up and realized all the mistakes and sins in the past, all kinds of things in the world, everything has Karma, it's not that the time has not come. Now I, my heart Very peaceful."

The eater clasped his hands together, his body was filled with golden light, flowers were falling from the sky, and golden lotuses gushed from the ground.

It seems to have turned into a Buddha, with endless golden faith runes permeating its body, and supreme Dao scriptures appearing on its skin, which are unfathomable.

There is also infinite transmutation power permeating from it, as if listening to this voice of faith, countless lives will be transmuted in an instant and converted to my lord.

"Calm shit."

The Exterminator went completely crazy, and cursed loudly: "Eater, you have been transformed, you have been completely transformed, you are now a puppet, a puppet, wake me up quickly, don't be fooled by this kid!" I was deceived, you are no longer a famous eater, you are a puppet, do you know?"

It tries to wake up the nibbler.

"Duhua? No, no, fellow daoist, my lord didn't convert me, but awakened me, otherwise I would go astray and be immersed in killing all day long. You should also be punished by me. The lord wakes up, take refuge in my lord, and become fully enlightened." The eater looked at the extinction man with a sincere face. .

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