Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1039 Promoted To The God Of Life, The Power Of The Nuwa Life Avenue

XX Supreme Universe.

At this moment, in the depths of the Supreme Universe, a Chaos Demon God with the head of a man and the body of a snake is entrenched in it, and the body is filled with a huge breath of life, as if it is the Genichi of the origin of life, and the beginning of all life is born from here.

Her whole body was curled up, like an embryo in the mother's arms.

In an instant, the initial energy of life seemed to be bred from her body, and every ray of initial energy seemed to be able to evolve countless birds, beasts, and other lives.

But now it's not just as simple as giving birth to life, it seems that the whole universe has been born, and a small universe is being born deep in her body.


At this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, revealing a terrifying ray of light that tore through the endless darkness, like the first ray of light from the chaotic universe, piercing the sky.

Kacha Kacha~~

Immediately, the embryo that originally conceived the Chaos Demon God shattered in an instant, shattered and crackled, and a Chaos Demon God walked out from the source of the supreme universe, with endless white light blooming from his body, as if a Sacred existence was born from the chaos void, At the same time, bursts of chaotic Taoism sounded, and the entire universe celebrated for it, countless lives were cheering, and the power of nature was surging crazily.

And this Chaos God is Nuwa.

I am the God of life, controlling the source of all life, whoever believes in me, can have eternal life, birth, old age, sickness and death, all go away from you. "

In an instant, Nuwa's voice came out, like the sound of a chaotic dao, it spread throughout the entire six universes in an instant, and was transmitted to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of the infinite sentient beings of the six realms, buzzing.

Immediately, in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of these sentient beings of the six realms, a chaotic demon god with a human head and a snake body appeared, as if he was the original god who created all life.

They were born because of this great Chaos Demon God, the mother of all life.


Immediately, the endless power of faith gathered and instilled in the depths of Nuwa's sea of ​​consciousness, which strengthened the power of the six gods and greatly increased her divine power.

"Is this the God of Life?"

Nuwa sensed the message of the Three Thousand Ways of Law instilled from the depths of the Supreme Universe, and all the mysteries of the Supreme Universe flowed in her sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, she not only comprehended the three thousand great (abai) principles, but also understood the mysteries of life, the mysteries of blood, and all the mysteries of genes

It seems that with a single thought, she can easily create different types of life, just like a real god of creation, able to create infinite life.

"Sure enough, Zerg Doomsday is a technique that only beings at the master level of the universe can master. It is simply the pinnacle achievement of life force."

In an instant, Nuwa also understood the doomsday spell of the Zerg doomsday.

Before that, she kept researching the Zerg Doom technique, the gene treasure house contained in the Zerg, and the reason why the Zerg could produce so many Zerg soldiers.

The more she researched, the more she felt that the Zerg race was unfathomable. It was obviously just one race, but it was all-encompassing, including countless races in the world, and integrated the bloodline advantages of many races.

This is like integrating the advantages of countless races into the genes of the Zerg race. This is simply unimaginable. If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she would not have believed it.

After all, even the Chaos Demon God has extremely powerful blood in his body, and it is impossible for him to merge into the blood of countless races.

Because there are actually conflicts between bloodlines and bloodlines, between genes and genes, and no matter what, they cannot be perfectly integrated.

The mere fusion of two bloodlines will cause disharmony. If billions of trillions of bloodlines are fused together, they will surely explode and die.

So no matter how Nuwa researched before, it was impossible to replicate a super life race like the Zerg.

But at this moment, she was promoted to the realm of the primary universe master, and after becoming the god of life, she instantly understood the infinite mysteries of life blood and genes, as well as the power of Zerg genes.

The reason why the Zerg genes are so changeable and can be integrated into the blood of countless races to produce different Zerg soldiers is because the Zerg genes are a blank sheet of paper, without any blood power, and belong to the existence of nothing.

The reason why Zerg Doomsday can produce so many Zerg is because it has collected a huge gene pool, and then can instill different genes into Zerg soldiers according to the gene pool, so that Zerg soldiers can change into different life races , with the same powerful capabilities.

Before the Zerg Doomsday, they didn't know how many universes, how many lives, and how many racial genes were collected, so the power of the Zerg Doomsday can be seen.

"This is the breath of life."

Nuwa grasped it with a big hand, and the divine power of the God of Life immediately gushed out from his body. It seemed to contain infinite mysteries and endless vitality. If this ray of life energy was integrated into life, it would instantly turn mortals into immortals and improve their aptitudes at the same time. Improve the power of own blood.

She felt as if she had mastered the evolutionary power of life.

Of course, in addition to the power of evolution, she also has the power to destroy life.

What is the God of life.

That is the god who masters the mysteries of life, who thoroughly understands the power of genes and blood, can enhance the evolutionary level of life, and promote the growth of countless lives.

Since it can promote the growth of life, of course it can also destroy life, and even cause bloodline regression.

Just like doctors, they can not only save people, but also kill people. In fact, saving people and killing people are only in the doctor's mind.

Therefore, Nuwa is not only the god of life, but also the god of destruction. This is the ability that she naturally masters after the Dao of Life reaches its limit.

"This is the gas of destruction."

Nuwa grabbed the void, and strands of black aura gushed out from his body. These black auras contained evil, dark, ominous, cursed and other terrible powers.

If these strands of black aura merge into the body of life, it will instantly cause the opponent's life level to go backwards, and may even damage the enemy's Dao foundation.

Even the Lord of the Universe will suffer damage to the Dao Foundation.

You know, after reaching the Realm of the Lord of the Universe, the Dao Foundation has already reached the perfect Realm. If there is a way to damage the Dao Foundation of the Lord of the Universe, it will simply kill the Lord of the Universe and directly kill the other party. Knock down a Realm.

This is an extremely vicious method of fighting.

If you are fighting Nuwa, you may be hitting, the enemy's road base will be damaged, and then the Cultivation Base will continue to drop. Thinking about it, this is an extremely terrifying thing, extremely vicious. .

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