Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1045: What Is The Change Of The Masters?

"What's the situation? Why is there such a shock?"

"Master, it is Master Eternal River who has made a move."

"Impossible. Why did such an ancient master suddenly attack? What happened?"

In the Continent of Origin, an ancient overlord of the universe woke up and felt a huge shock. Their hairs stood on end, and they were extremely shocked. They couldn't believe what happened before them.

Each of the nine masters is an earth-shattering figure, an existence that is invincible in the world, and if any one is dispatched at random, it will definitely shake the entire universe.

And the ruler of Eternal River is one of the best masters among the nine masters. It is usually hidden in the continent of origin, and it will not act unless the gate of origin appears.

But now, it is obvious that the Gate of Origin has not appeared, but the Eternal River has been dispatched. This kind of thing is simply sensational, and no one thought that such a thing would happen.

"What happened? Why did Juggernaut Eternal River suddenly attack?"

An ancient being frowned.

"Could it be that an ancient universe overlord is about to break through to the ruler's Realm, which has attracted the attention of Eternal River and suppressed it?" The titled universe master thought of this possibility.

Because the nine masters suppressed the title of the master of the universe from the heavens and myriad worlds, so that the world would have no chance to breakthrough the masters. Anyone who dared to break through the masters would be surrounded and killed by the masters.

In the past, there were many ancient existences who did not believe in evil and tried to break through the masters, but they were also besieged and killed by the masters together, and their corpses were dismembered in the wild, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Each of the ancestors is already a skeleton in the wild, killing chickens and scaring monkeys, deterring countless titles of the Lord of the Universe.

Also because of this, countless years of Universe Samsara have passed, no Master of the Universe dared to try to be promoted to Master, and they were all trapped in the realm of the pinnacle of the Master of the Universe.

As the oldest being, the ruler of the Eternal River, the number of times it has shot is actually very few. In fact, it is not the turn of such an ancient existence to kill the new ruler.

Just the other masters' actions are enough to suppress and kill those ancient masters.

"But I didn't feel any breath of He universe overlord being promoted to master."

"Indeed, if someone is really promoted to master, then the erupting chaotic vision will definitely sweep the entire universe, and everyone will know it, and everyone will know it, instead of being silent like it is now."

"But if someone hadn't been promoted to be the ruler, then why even the ruler of the Eternal River has personally dispatched. This is simply unreasonable. What happened?"

"According to the previous information, the master Eternal River once sent his men into the universe sea, as if to find a certain mysterious character. I don't know if Eternal River's attack has anything to do with this matter."

"I don't know, the information is insufficient, and I can't make any judgments at all."

Many universe overlords are talking about it, and they are also confused now. They don't know what happened at all, so they can only keep guessing.

But they can only prove that such a sudden attack by such an existence must be a major event, which will have a profound impact on the situation of the entire Origin Continent in the future.

Not only these ancient universe overlords were shocked, but the other eight overlords were also surprised by Eternal River's move, because they did not expect Eternal River, who had been staying in the continent of origin, would actually make a move in person.

This is also an earth-shattering event for the masters who know the eternal river very well.

"It's really weird. Eternal River actually took action himself, and he was willing to come out of his own lair. What happened? You must know that even if a new master was born, it didn't take action to solve it."

Juggernaut's gloomy eyeballs showed a gleam of light.

It knows the Eternal River very well. The other party is an extremely ancient master, and ordinary things can't disturb it at all. Even if a new master appears, other masters will come forward to solve it.

But now it has disturbed the eternal river, which is really unimaginable.

"Could it be because of the just-born Universe Treasure? If that's the case, what's so great about that Universe Treasure, that even the Eternal River is so eager to mess around?"

The Ruler Talisman was also very surprised. It couldn't help but have a guess in its heart, thinking that the Eternal River must be for the just-born Universe treasure.

After all, the Gate of Origin has not appeared now, and the title Master of the Universe has not been promoted to Master. There is no other reason to disturb the level of Eternal River.

0·Ask for flowers...

Of course, the Universe Supreme Treasure is an extremely precious Magic Treasures for any universe master, even for the master, but it has not reached that level.

Especially for the oldest existence like the Eternal River, it must also have the Universe Supreme Treasure. After all, it has lived countless years of the Universe Samsara [just this alone does not know how many treasures have been collected.

Therefore, an existence like the Eternal River would not labor so hard for a single Universe treasure.

"Something must have happened. Is there something special about that universe treasure that even the Eternal River can't be moved by?" The master of Vientiane Castle also fell into deep thought.


It is impossible for a master like Eternal River to not know that own action must affect the whole body, but even so, it has done such a thing.

It is conceivable that the universe treasure must have a huge effect on the eternal river.

"The Eternal River is very special. It has the ability to predict the future and see the picture of future destiny, so it knows more than all the masters. Now that it has shot, I can't stay here to watch the show, I must Let's go and find out." The master of the Chaos God's Tomb knows this old opponent very well, and the opponent is a master who doesn't see the rabbit and doesn't shoot the eagle. Once he makes a move, he must have found an important prey.

Although it doesn't know what the Eternal River is for, it doesn't prevent it from seeing what happened.

Originally, it wasn't interested in the birth of the universe treasure, but since Eternal River was interested, it also became interested. After all, even if it couldn't get such a treasure, other masters couldn't get it either.

Don't look at these masters who can join forces and fight against each other when facing the new masters, but when facing the real interests, they will still fight to the death and will never hold back.

whoosh whoosh!!!

It's not just the Tomb of Chaos God who has such an idea, other masters obviously have the same idea, but now it's impossible for them to catch up with the eternal river.

So they sent a clone to watch the battle, wanting to know what happened. .

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