Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1083 Nuwa's Research, About The Origin Of The Yuan Beast Family

Originated from the mainland, a certain mansion in the city of Absolute Beginning, this is also the place where the righteous gods of the Six Paths live temporarily.

In fact, most of the Shendu of the Six Paths have already left. They either stayed in the city of the beginning, or left the city of the beginning, and went to other places in the continent of origin to find their own opportunities.

Of course, there are also those who stayed in the mansion of the city of the beginning and did not leave, and she is Nuwa.

The reason why Nuwa didn't leave was because as a researcher, a scientist, he couldn't fight and kill like Lingbao Tianzun and the righteous gods of the Six Paths.

She just needs to find a safe place and do her own research with peace of mind, and she will be able to become stronger.

It can be said that she is a civil servant, and fighting and killing is not something she is good at.

Also because of this, she would not foolishly leave such a safe place as the City of Absolute Beginning, but chose to stay in the City of Absolute Beginning to do her own research with peace of mind.

At this moment, a certain room in this mansion has been completely transformed into a huge laboratory by Nuwa, using the technology of Mustard Nuwa.

Even if it is a small room, it will be expanded into the area of ​​a small thousand world, and this huge laboratory is also densely packed with experimental equipment.

All these experimental equipments were carried over by her from the six universes, and they were all her belongings. It took countless epochs to finally create the ultimate experimental equipment.

Basically every piece of experimental equipment is priceless, no less than a piece of chaos treasure.

At this time, there are experimental products, or specimens, on display in the laboratory. They are all origin beasts captured from various places in the Origin Continent.

For Absolute Beginning City, where countless universe masters have gathered, capturing these origin beasts is really an easy task. Although it is difficult to capture the beast king, it is very easy to capture those ordinary origin beasts.

As long as you spend money, you can buy all kinds of origin beasts.

"Incredible, really incredible". "

Nuwa's eyes lit up immediately, she studied thousands of species of source beasts, and immediately became completely obsessed with creatures like source beasts, as if discovering a new continent.

This kind of unique life born on the continent of origin is completely different from the life of other universes. Their life level and bloodline level are more powerful than the life of other universes.

"This is a unique life that was born by merging the law of origin."

Nuwa squeezed her fists, extremely excited.

By studying these origin beasts, she immediately knew that the birth of the entire origin beast family actually came from the law of origin, and each origin law gave birth to a group of origin beasts.

The king of the Yuan Beast family, that is, the Beast King, is the master of a set of origin rules.

And those countless origin beasts are countless branches under this law of origin.

For example, the law of origin of fire, the entire family of fire-originated beasts has mastered the law of origin of fire, and the beast king of this family has naturally mastered the law of origin of fire.

As for those ordinary fire beasts, they are branches that have mastered many laws of the origin of fire, such as various heaven and earth fires, and the superposition of countless heaven and earth fires is the origin of all fire.

This is also one of the reasons why the more common origin beasts there are and the stronger their strength is, the more powerful the beast king will be.

Because the more branches of these origin forces, and the stronger the branch forces, the great life platform that has mastered this origin law will undoubtedly become more powerful.

And this is somewhat similar to the Chaos Demon Gods born from the Chaos Universe.

In fact, the Chaos Demon God is also a great life born by merging the Dao Law of the Chaos Universe. Every Chaos Demon God contains a part of the Dao Law in his body.

The same reason.

The same is true for these origin beasts born from the origin continent. In fact, they are Chaos Demon Gods born from the origin continent, and they are many times older than those natives.

"If you can thoroughly study these origin beasts, it is equivalent to mastering a law of origin and completely controlling a supreme power of origin."

Nuwa was amazed immediately.

She can also be regarded as a master who has reached the pinnacle of life research. She has almost understood all the mysteries of life and blood. She can easily create countless different types of life

No matter what kind of blood life, she can easily create it.

But after seeing these origin beasts, she realized that her research on life was still too superficial. These origin beast lives seemed to be the source of all blood life.

This made her extremely fascinated, as if she saw the real mystery of life "seeing the gate of origin at the end of the road.

"It's still too little to catch some ordinary origin beasts. It would be great if we could catch some beast kings. They are the great beings who truly master the law of origin."

Nuwa stroked her smooth chin.

To be honest, these ordinary origin beasts are just the origin laws of branch types, and there are too many such branches, exceeding hundreds of millions.

No matter how many are captured, it is not as good as a beast king, after all, the beast king is the master of the law of origin.

But it is almost impossible to catch a Beastmaster.

First of all, the strength of the beast king is too strong. Basically, he is the master of the elementary universe at birth, and the master of the advanced universe when he becomes an adult. After a little breakthrough, he can become the master of the universe.

One can imagine the tyranny of this kind of life.

Other beings want to break through to the Lord of the Universe, but they don't know how much they will have to pay, and they may not be able to succeed, but the Beastmasters are elementary Lords of the Universe from birth.

It can be said that they have stood on the pinnacle of countless lives since they were born.

So how difficult it is to catch the beast king.

Secondly, Beastmasters usually stay in the world of their own secret realm, and usually rarely appear, but once they appear, they are all in groups and mighty.

The most important thing is that the Beastmaster has a strong temperament. Once he is captured, he knows that he has no hope of escaping, and he will immediately explode himself. He will never give the enemy a chance to humiliate himself.

For various reasons, it is almost impossible to study the Beastmaster.

Forget it, even if the king of beasts cannot be captured, it is still possible to capture those ordinary source beasts. As long as there is enough research and enough data, the source can still be traced. just

Nuwa was not discouraged either.

For researchers, there are countless similar setbacks. On the road of scientific progress, every step is a setback, and every step is a bumpy road.

Even every step forward is a negation of all previous knowledge. Science is a process of constantly doubting the predecessors and creating new knowledge.

Even if this path doesn't work, she can still choose other paths, anyway, there is always a possibility of success.

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