Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1089 Tao Cannot Be Passed On Lightly, The Inheritance Of The Original Kingdom Of God

"Of course, apart from being able to withstand the catastrophe of extinction like the beast tide, the second safest place in the primitive kingdom of God is the existence of law, which restricts the strong from killing people."

The middle-aged man in black said solemnly: "And this kind of law is not in name only, but is mandatory and violent. Once violated, no matter what background or strength, people will be arrested and sent to prison If it is serious, it will even be executed directly, which allows us the weak to survive, and no longer worry about being killed for treasure."

He felt this was extremely important.


Everyone couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with this point.

You must know that in countries other than the original kingdom of God, the so-called laws and rules are simply useless, and it is not uncommon for people to kill people and seize treasures in cities.

Once you have exposed your wealth and you don't have the strength to keep it, you will basically be sentenced to death.

Those strong men dared to kill in public, and no one dared to stop them.

Although those countries and those cities also have laws restricting this, it is useless at all.

The reason why the so-called laws are effective is because the country has absolute 093 violence, which can suppress all criminals and give all criminals absolute deterrence.

It is not the law that gives security to the people, but the army, the police, that give security to the people.

Just like the African countries on Earth in Furukawa's previous life, even though these African countries have copied developed countries with exactly the same legal provisions, cases still emerge in endlessly, and the murder rate has repeatedly hit new highs.

how so?!

This is because these African countries have no control over all the affairs of their own countries, the country is extremely chaotic, and warlords are rampant. Even if there are so-called laws, it is difficult for the people to feel safe.

The same reason.

Even many countries in the mainland of origin want to create so-called laws and create their own rules. The problem is that these countries do not have enough strength to suppress criminals who enter their own countries.

Once the law is violated, those Primordial Saints and the Lords of the Universe can easily escape, and the so-called law is simply useless.

Over time, the law and order in those countries will naturally be extremely bad.

But the original kingdom of God is different.

First of all, Furukawa possesses absolute force. Even (abaa) the master of the universe can't act wild even if he enters the primitive kingdom of God. There are still many beast kings suppressing him.

But most important is the power of the Immortal Monument.

Its Immortal barrier enveloped the entire primitive kingdom of God. It was like an absolute prison. Anyone who caused trouble in the Immortal barrier, even the Lord of the Universe, would not be able to escape

Once the power of the Immortal Monument is used, those criminals who entered the original kingdom of God will be imprisoned in an instant, and it will be useless to escape anywhere.

It is precisely because of such absolute violence that the law and order of the original kingdom of God is extremely good. Even the Lord of the universe dare not touch the laws of the original kingdom of God, and can only obey the rules obediently.

"Indeed, we dared to walk around at night in the original kingdom of God, but we dare not go to other places.

"It's more than that. In the Primordial Kingdom of Gods, us Open Heaven Saints dare to talk loudly with Hongmeng Saints, or even scold them, because we know that Hongmeng Saints dare not do anything, but outside of the Primordial Kingdom of Gods, how dare we do such a thing? Aren't you afraid of being slapped to death by Hongmeng Saint?"

"It's true. In the original kingdom of God, we have the opportunity for the weak to survive, and the strong no longer dominate everything. We can be regarded as Life with incomparable peace of mind."

Everyone was discussing and feeling extremely emotional.

If they were in other countries, these ordinary Saints would be nothing more than ants, cannon fodder, enslaved by the Primordial Saint and the Master of the Universe at will, and dare not have any resistance.

If you have obtained some precious treasure, if you don't hand it over immediately, it will be the way to death.

But after they came to the Primordial Kingdom of God, they didn't need to worry about this. They gave the weak a chance to grow stronger, and it was like heaven.

"I see, is it safe?"

Yang Wu and Liu Yu also couldn't help nodding their heads. They have been away for such a long time, and they naturally know how important safety is to ordinary people, and the right to survive is more important than everything else.

"Apart from safety, what else in the Primordial Kingdom of God attracts you so much?"

Someone asked curiously.

"In addition to safety, the greatest charm of the original kingdom of God is actually education.

The middle-aged man in black said solemnly: "In the original kingdom of God, as long as you pay the money and meet certain conditions, you can enter a college and learn all the knowledge of cultivation

Even learn what it takes to be promoted to Lord of the Universe. "


As soon as these words came out, it was simply earth-shattering.

People including Yang Wu and Liu Yu couldn't believe what they heard.

You must know that cultivation knowledge is more precious than everything else in the Origin Continent. Knowledge is known as the power of all, and how many people give everything for cultivation knowledge.

After all, the resources in the Origin Continent are too rich, richer than all the chaotic universes, so even a pig can be sanctified if it stays in the Origin Continent.

So resources are not very important for life on the continent of origin.

But knowledge is a precious treasure that can only be born after generations of strong people accumulate over time. This is equivalent to the most precious thing in a civilization.

It is precisely because it is so rare that it is extremely difficult to obtain knowledge.

Especially for those indigenous tribes that originated from the mainland, if they want to get a inheritance, they need to pay countless epochs and countless resources to obtain it.

This is the so-called Tao cannot be passed lightly.

It can be said that anyone who wants to obtain the knowledge of cultivation needs to pay a sufficient price.

And it doesn't mean that if you pay enough price, you will definitely be able to get the teaching, and you need to meet other people's conditions, otherwise others will ignore you.

But now, in the primitive kingdom of God, it is so unbelievable and unbelievable that one can go to school and obtain a complete inheritance by paying money.

They simply couldn't believe that such a pie-in-the-sky thing would happen in the world.

"Is it true, as long as we pay, we can enter the so-called academy and get all the knowledge of cultivation?"

Everyone couldn't help looking at the middle-aged man in black.

"Of course it's true, this is already well known in the original kingdom of God, there is no need to lie to you.

The middle-aged man in black smiled slightly.

He also knew what these people were shocked about. In fact, when he first came to the Primordial Kingdom of God, he couldn't believe that there really was such a thing that fell from the sky in the world.

But such a thing really happened. .

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