Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1096 The Secret Of The Origin Of The Axe, Pangu Is Also Short Of Money!

"Pangu, I didn't expect you to be interested in opening an academy here."

Furukawa raised an eyebrow.

To be honest, he didn't expect that Pangu chose to open a college in the original imperial city, and it grew bigger and bigger, recruiting a large number of students, and they were already ranked in the top ten in the original imperial city

If it continues, even becoming the number one is not impossible.

“There are two reasons for opening this Pangu Academy.

Pangu raised two fingers: "The first reason is that I want to pass on what I have learned all my life and teach more powerful disciples, otherwise this world would be too boring. The second reason is even simpler , I am short of money.

He looked at Furukawa.

"Lack of money?"

Furukawa blinked his eyes, he was very surprised to say such vulgar words from Pangu's mouth, how could the majestic "077" Chaos Demon God be troubled by money.

"You think I'm you, the majestic lord of the primitive kingdom of God, who controls the entire country's finances. I don't think anyone is richer than you, and the resources are inexhaustible."

Pangu said angrily: "As for me, Pangu, I am just a commoner. Although I had some savings in the Chaos Universe before, these so-called treasures were useless after I came to the Origin Continent. There was a pile of mud. It's all about thinking about it.

The most important thing is that my wife gave birth to another son and a daughter. As a result, three children were born. In order to raise them, it costs a lot of money every year. "

He said that it is very difficult to raise offspring. Every child is a gold-eating beast. They eat money when they come out, and they only get in and out. They are purely high-consumption items.

Since the birth of three offspring, his days of leisure and leisure are gone, and he can no longer casually go up the mountain to cut firewood, and needs to find a way to make money.

After all, he doesn't need to spend money, but his own children need to spend money.

So when Pangu was promoted to the master of the universe, he immediately established an academy, and with his outstanding fighting talent and strength, he attracted the teachers and students of the emperor to join him.

Over time, more and more people became aware of Pangu Academy, and more and more students joined it. Since then, Pangu has never been bothered by money.

"Have two more children?"

Hearing this, Furukawa was speechless: "Why are you so able to give birth? Didn't you say that the Chaos Demon God has a very low chance of pregnancy?"

"What is it to have three children? Some Chaos Demon Gods gave birth to ten at a time. This is just pediatrics.

Pangu waved his hands and looked at Furukawa with disdain, saying that this is not a particularly difficult task.

"Well, having more offspring is also a good thing."

Furukawa spread his hands: "Actually, if you are short of money, you can ask me for it. Money is not a big problem for me, and I have so much money that I have no place to spend it."

"Go away, daddy still needs to spend your money."

Hearing this, Pangu said angrily, being a Chaos Demon God also has dignity, he naturally knows this, as long as he speaks, Furukawa will definitely not refuse.

But as the oldest Chaos Demon God, how could he say such a brazen thing, and it's not like he can't make money.

He won't say this until the end of the mountain.

"By the way, it is said that the Six Paths Universe has collapsed. Is this true?"

At this time, Pangu stared at Furukawa. In fact, at the moment when the six universes collapsed, he also had a special perception, as if something important was lost, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

"It's broken, but I took the initiative to let the Six Paths of Reincarnation collapse, the purpose is to make the Six Paths Universe get stronger transformation and evolution." Furukawa stood with his hands behind his back.

"It sounds nice. I heard that it was beaten to pieces by an ancient ruler."

Pangu looked at Furukawa with contempt.

"It is true that I was forced to almost nowhere, so I had no choice but to let Six Paths of Reincarnation enter a state of collapse in advance." Furukawa also admitted this, "I have to say that those masters are indeed very powerful, and they are worthy of crossing the eras The strongest in the universe, we rookies don't have the ability to challenge those ancient masters."

He was very emotional.

"The Nine Masters are really that powerful?"

Pangu narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, he has also heard the legend of the Nine Masters in the Origin Continent, who are the most powerful universes above countless lives in the Origin Continent.

And there have been only nine such universe strongests from ancient times to the present. It is conceivable that the level of terror of the nine masters is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary universe masters.

"It's more than a hundred times more terrifying than you imagined, and that time I didn't let the ruler of the Eternal River use all his strength, I was just able to barely survive."

Furukawa said in a deep voice.

"It's not bad if you can save your life. You and I are young people. Compared with those masters, they are not even babies. Ten Universe Samsara years have not survived.

Pangu is very open-minded: "If even us babies can challenge those ancient masters who have lived hundreds of millions of years of Universe Samsara, it is called underestimating them."

He felt that it was normal not to be able to beat Juggernaut, and it was abnormal to be able to beat Juggernaut.

But if they are given enough time to practice, and they have lived hundreds of millions of Universe Samsara years, he thinks that he will not lose to these ancient masters.

"Haha, you are indeed right in saying that."

Furukawa smiled slightly: "By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. I have observed the nine masters, and there is one master among them, whose name is the giant axe. It seems to have the same effect as your power.

He stared at the giant ax in Pangu's hand, and felt that the power of this ax of origin seemed to come from the same source as the giant ax of mastery.

"Is there such a thing?"

Pangu squinted his eyes: "I know what's going on, in fact, the juggernaut giant ax is also a fetish ejected from the gate of origin, and its body is also the god ax of origin, but it gave birth to wisdom, and thus began to self Cultivated, promoted to the realm of dominance, and possessed unparalleled 4.0 power.

The real ax of origin has two handles, divided into Yin & Yang, and the master ax is of yin attribute, while my ax of origin is of yang attribute, only the combination of Yin & Yang is the real one Origin Axe. "

He revealed an earth-shattering secret, that the juggernaut giant ax is actually a universe treasure, and it is also a universe treasure that knows how to cultivate, possessing unparalleled power.

"Is there such a thing?!"

Furukawa raised his eyebrows. He had already noticed that the Universe Supreme Treasure Origin Ax on Pangu was extraordinary, but from what Pangu said, it was clear that the power of the Origin Ax was beyond imagination.

The Universe Supreme Treasure, which was originally one, unexpectedly split into two halves unintentionally. This is equivalent to a split of power, which also caused great damage to the power.

If this is the case, how tyrannical will it be when these two axes of origin are combined into one. .

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