Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1098: The Invasion Of The Lord God's Dimension, Devouring Countless Universes

"If that's the case, then how do you invade other universes and assimilate the original power of countless universes at the same time?" Pangu asked curiously.

Because if it is the complete state of Six Paths of Reincarnation, then naturally it can easily invade other universes, but at this moment it has become a fragmented state, and the power is probably not as good as before

"It's very simple. I created a super war system. Its name is the main god space, and it can also be called the Samsara space." Furukawa smiled slightly, "All sentient beings of the six realms can invade other universes through the power of the main god space. Plunder the original energy of these universes.

He waved his hand.


Immediately, a huge virtual map appeared in front of Pangu, it was a universe sea map, and densely packed universes were displayed on it.

At this moment, many universes have been connected together by the lines of Karma and fate.

And these lines are like the tentacles of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, easily penetrating into the inner depths of these universes, and no He universe barrier can resist it.

This is the special assimilation power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, which can instantly simulate the original laws of these universes, and treat them as a part of this universe, so that they can be easily integrated into it.

It can be said that many universes have become the prey of Six Paths of Reincarnation, like prey in a spider's web, the more they struggle, the faster they will die.

whoosh whoosh!!!

Even Pangu can see that these lines of Karma seem to be huge void passages, through which countless sentient beings of the six realms can enter these universes.

Basically, these Six Paths beings are like powerful and brave soldiers, responsible for conquering cities and destroying all enemies who try to resist the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"I see."

Pangu was amazed immediately: "Owning the space of the main god, you can easily enter the interior of each universe, and then use the power of the sentient beings of the six realms to weaken the original resistance of these universes to the greatest extent, and wait for the original resistance of these universes to weaken. At a certain level, it can be directly devoured and become a part of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

At the same time, because they are sentient beings of the six realms, they have the characteristic of immortality, even if they die during the battle, they can be resurrected in the Six Paths of Reincarnation [this is simply a non-destructive battle.

Even in this way, the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation will only become stronger and stronger, just like a snowball, the power will continue to grow and improve.

This kind of attack method is like an army of locusts. Wherever it goes, there is no armor left, no grass grows, and it devours one universe after another. It is really powerful. "

He can perceive the power of this way of warfare, it is like a war between the high-dimensional world and the low-dimensional world, with an overwhelming combat advantage, and the enemy has no way to fight against it.

"What army of locusts?"

Hearing this, Furukawa was speechless: "Locusts are creatures that destroy everything, but our army of sentient beings in the six realms is not like that. We just conquer them and bring them a better future and life.

If they integrate into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, they will naturally become a member of the sentient beings of the six realms, isn't this the greatest opportunity for them?"

He felt that everything he did was to liberate these beings and bring freedom and future to all the heavens and myriad worlds. This is an extremely noble and great cause.

Hearing this, the corners of Pangu's mouth twitched: "Furukawa, I have seen your thick skin. It is clearly aggression and war, destroying universes one by one, but it is said to liberate life

To bring equality and liberty to the heavens and all races, and to put yourself in a place of honor, you deserve to be the master of Six Paths of Reincarnation. "

He was completely convinced by Furukawa, and he didn't expect Furukawa to find such a brazen reason, and he didn't think there was anything particularly serious about it.

After all, for those ordinary universe beings, it doesn't really matter where they live. On the contrary, it might be better to become sentient beings of the six realms.

Because the universe sea breeds many terrifying monsters, these monsters use the universe as food and destroy everything.

If they encountered such a universe sea monster, it would be an extremely extravagant thing to survive, and they would be swallowed whole, completely wiped out.

But in the hands of Furukawa, the result is not known how many times better, it is just another place to live, and Life is several times better than before.

In addition to the original disapproval of the universe, the lives of other ordinary universes are probably also very happy.

"However, if you devour the universe so recklessly, will it attract the attention of the nine masters? After all, the nine masters are now looking for you in the entire universe. The master's pursuit." Pangu was worried about these ten points.

After all, who in the entire universe doesn't know that the nine masters jointly wanted the master of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and even gave a huge reward, causing countless masters of the universe to go crazy.

At this moment, not only the continent of origin, but even the entire universe sea, there are many traces of the universe masters, trying to find the whereabouts of the masters of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Once the masters of the universe discover the clues of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, they will inevitably lead to the pursuit of the masters, and Furukawa's plan may not be carried out so smoothly by then.

Indeed, I have thought about this too. "

Furukawa nodded: "After all, I have devoured countless universes in the universe sea, and some of them are also the targets of other universe sea monsters. If the two sides meet, there must be some


Because this is the original energy of the entire universe, it is impossible for both sides to give up so easily. It can be said that if they are in a battle, then the whereabouts of Six Paths of Reincarnation (Zhao's) may be exposed. To deal with these contingencies, I have prepared a cross for all beings of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. "

"Cross policy? What cross policy?"

Pangu asked curiously.

"Hit if you can, and run if you can't."

Furukawa said calmly.

This is the war strategy of our ancestors in the previous life. When facing an enemy that is almost too powerful to contend with, don't choose to confront directly, but choose guerrilla warfare.

And this cross policy is the key to defeating the strong with the weak. After all, the universe sea is so big and boundless, and there are so many universes, there is no need to fight the opponent to the end.

The most important thing for him now is to develop insignificantly, not to waste time.

"What a cross policy."

Pangu gave a thumbs up, sincerely admired.

As a master of the universe with the pinnacle title, he can still have such a not wanting face, this is already invincible. .

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