Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1194 The Underworld Has A Problem, A Paradise For Evil Spirits

"I'm afraid there is something wrong with The Underworld, but it's not too big of a problem for this to happen.

The fairy said in a deep voice.

"Oh, so what do you think is the problem?"

Many immortals asked, wanting to know the other party's opinion.

"According to my guess, maybe The Underworld can't bear the sharp increase of evil spirits, which exceeds the limit of The Underworld's tolerance, resulting in a sharp increase in the Death breath in the depths of The Underworld, so these Death breaths overflow. Arrived in the human world." The fairy said his guess.

He thinks that it may be that The Underworld has too many evil spirits recently, and it is too late to deal with it, resulting in a sharp increase in The Underworld Death's power "exceeding the limit of The Underworld's carrying capacity.

That's why a lot of Death's aura surged out from The Underworld, overflowing into the human world.

"If this is the case, if this matter is not resolved, then wouldn't more and more Death breaths emerge in the human world? This is not good for our world of the living.

A fairy frowned.

When he thinks about such a scene, he finds it extremely terrifying. When more and more Death breath emerges from the world of the living, it will transform the whole world into a world like The Underworld.

At that time, the whole world will become a paradise for the dead, and evil spirits will run rampant everywhere.

Originally this was a paradise for the living, and the dead were not allowed to stay in the human world, but because of the appearance of these Death850 breaths, it became possible for these dead to stay in the human world.

In the future, I am afraid that a large number of evil spirits will appear in the human world and cause huge disasters.

"There is no way. This is a change in the natural environment. It cannot be stopped by manpower. The only thing we can do is let nature take its course, or wait for The Underworld to continue to grow and expand, and accommodate a large number of evil spirits. Perhaps the matter can be completely resolved. .”

The immortal felt that the only solution was to wait until The Underworld grew to a certain level, so that these Death breaths could be withdrawn into The Underworld, and perhaps the problem could be truly resolved.

"Stupid, the change of the world is extremely long, and the unit is hundreds of millions of epochs at every turn. How long will it take for The Underworld to fully grow up, and the mortals in the human spring can't wait for such a long time."

A fairy said angrily.

He felt that such a move was no different from closing his eyes and waiting to die, it was simply suicide.

"Waiting for nature to change, we certainly cannot do nothing."

The immortal shook his head: "The only thing we can do now is not to let these Death breaths leak out, confine them to these cemeteries, and prevent them from escaping.

Fortunately, these cemeteries are all in sparsely populated places, and they can't cause too much danger to the living beings for the time being. This can be regarded as a lucky thing for the living. "

"I see."

A fairy immediately understood: "You want to build a series of Restrictions formations to seal the entire cemetery, so that no matter how strong the Death breath in the cemetery is, they will only wander in the cemetery, and the dead will only enter the cemetery In this way, the risk can be reduced to a minimum."

He immediately understood what his companion was thinking.

"That's right."

The immortal smiled slightly: "As long as we arrange Restrictions formation in these cemeteries, all the dead in the cemeteries will not be able to escape casually, and will always be trapped in this prison.

Then no matter how many dead people there are in this Death area, it will not cause much danger to our human world. We can control this accidental factor to the lowest level so as not to harm the human world itself. "

He expressed his own thoughts.

"That's right, this plan is really good. Although this approach is like that of a paper painter, patching up any broken pieces, it's better than doing nothing."

"No, no, although this is a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause, the problem is that we cannot solve the problems of The Underworld, and now we can only solve the problems of the human world.

"What we have to do now is to procrastinate, wait for change, trade time for space, and wait for the evolution of The Underworld, so that the dangers of our human world can be easily resolved. 27

"It seems that this is the only solution." (abdb) "Immediately inform other sects and other aristocratic families to ask them to contribute people, efforts and money. After all, this matter is of great importance, and it is about the safety of the entire human world. No one should think about solving this problem.”

"Don't worry, they also know the general situation and will not go against the trend, otherwise they will definitely become the target of public criticism, and there is no way to continue to mess around in this world.

Many immortals talked about it, and they immediately returned to their respective sects to discuss this matter with the sect Elder.


Not long after, immortals suddenly appeared in huge cemeteries all over the world. They centered on this cemetery and began to build one after another fairy-level Restrictions formation.

In an instant, the entire cemetery was blocked by hundreds of millions of Restrictions formations, making this place form a huge airtight space, even the breath of Death could not escape

Moreover, this Restrictions formation can only go in, but cannot come out. If those evil spirits enter it, they will no longer be able to escape from this Restrictions formation.

After doing these things, these immortals immediately felt very satisfied. As long as these places are sealed so that the breath of Death cannot leak out everywhere, then the whole world will be safe.

They immediately left very relieved.

But things are far from that simple.

Although these immortals trapped the breath of Death and countless evil spirits in this place, but this is only a temporary solution, not a solution to the problem at all.

As the breath of Death became more and more condensed to the extreme, this sealed space suddenly formed a small ghost creature, which became a paradise for evil spirits, or a country.

Countless evil spirits who didn't want to enter The Underworld jumped into this place one after another.

Even because of these extremely strong Death breath, these evil spirits accelerated their evolution, and even killed and devoured each other, thus creating powerful Ghosts, or monsters one by one.

And these Ghosts are obviously more terrifying than the evil ghosts of The Underworld, because the power of the law of origin pervades the depths of the cemetery, causing these Ghosts to undergo earth-shaking changes, as if they were transformed into another kind of creature.

It can be said that the crisis is constantly brewing.

If the Death breath is strong enough to a certain extent, these Restrictions formation can no longer bear it, then these terrifying evil spirits staying in the sealed space will come out in full force.

At that time, the entire human world will surely usher in a catastrophe.

However, such a crisis was brewing, and there was no sign of it appearing in a short period of time, so these immortals didn't pay much attention to it, and just regarded it as an ordinary crisis. .

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