Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1257 The Unprecedented Gate Of Origin, The Vision That Shakes The Universe Sea

"This is the Gate of Origin?!"

Furukawa is simply worshiping, he feels that this is simply the door of truth in the legend, there is nothing in the world, no creature is Immortal, even the master is the same.

But only truth is eternal.

And the gate of origin is undoubtedly the absolute truth, containing all the power of origin, it seems that a trace of origin leaking from the portal can evolve into a universe.

When he was promoted to the title of Realm, Lord of the Universe, he briefly saw the phantoms of the Gate of Origin, but he couldn't see them clearly at all, just like seeing flowers through fog

But it’s different now, he has reached the peak title of Realm of the Lord of the Universe, his soul has completely communicated with the gate of origin, and he has come into contact with the truth of the great way, the origin of everything

So at this moment, he can clearly see the gate of origin, the gate that stands eternally in the depths of infinite time and space, and seems to represent the existence of eternal truth.

Of course, the reason why Furukawa can see the gate of origin so clearly is also because of the power in his body and the power of his soul that has never been stronger. It is simply 01's title of Lord of the Universe that surpasses everything in the past and present.

After all, he is not only as simple as his own power, but also the power of the Universe Supreme Treasure Six Paths of Reincarnation. The combination of the two gives him power beyond ordinary rulers.

In this way, he will be able to communicate with the power of more gates of origin and gain more benefits, which is a treatment that other peak titles of the Lord of the Universe cannot get.

However, this is the law of the universe sea. The more powerful a life is promoted to be a master, the more gifts it will receive from the Gate of Origin, and the less detours it will take.


At this moment, the Gate of Origin finally appeared above Furukawa's head. Although this is also a projection, the projection of the Gate of Origin is many times larger than that of other universe overlords.

To such a huge extent, it seems that the real gate of origin has come down. Such a gate spans a radius of billions of trillions of light years, which is larger than tens of thousands of chaotic universes.

It seems that this portal came down and crushed the surrounding chaotic time and space, as if the time and space with a radius of countless light years had completely stopped at this moment.

bang bang bang~~~

In an instant, at the deepest part of the gate of origin, there seemed to be a giant clock of origin vibrating, emitting bursts of huge sounds of origin, sounds of chaos, and these rhythms collided with each other

Originally, in the boundless universe sea, the speed of sound transmission was extremely slow, or even impossible to transmit at all, but under the vibration of the sound of origin, such a sound resounded in the entire universe sea.

Almost at this moment, all universe sea life heard this sound of origin, and they felt as if they heard the first sound of a baby falling to the ground, the first thunder of heaven and earth.

This is the sound of origin of all life.

Many lives actually shed tears unknowingly, it was the touch of hearing the sound of Taoism, as if he had comprehended the true meaning of Taoism at this moment.

At the same time, huge chaotic Lotus flowers bloomed at this moment, and each chaotic Lotus flower was extremely huge, with a diameter exceeding hundreds of millions of light years.

And hundreds of millions of chaotic Lotus flowers are scattered around Furukawa, blooming with endless light.

Even the light of merit one after another hangs down from the gate of origin and shines on Furukawa, which seems to have dispelled the extremely dark universe sea since ancient times, making this place the only place of light.

Such a vast and huge chaotic vision has completely shocked countless lives in the universe sea, even though many universe overlords have been promoted to masters before, resulting in many chaotic visions

But compared with the chaotic vision in front of us, it's still not worth mentioning, just like the ostentation of an eighteenth-tier starlet is the same as that of a world-class big star.

The gap between the two is simply incomparable.

Immediately, many universe masters saw this scene, and they were all stunned.

"Damn, what happened, why did such an earth-shattering chaotic vision occur?" A master of the title universe showed an unbelievable expression, as if he couldn't believe his own eyes.

"That's right, could it be that a certain master of the universe tried to be promoted to be a master, which created such a huge chaotic phenomenon? The problem is that many universe masters also tried to be promoted to be a master just now, although there were also quite a few chaotic phenomena, but There was no movement to such an extent that it was simply frightening."

The other Lord of the Universe was also completely dumbfounded.

In normal times, similar chaotic visions have not appeared once in millions of Universe Samsara years, but now it is fine, and it appears once every three to five years.

Now, such a huge chaotic vision has been created, like a huge ceremony.

"Isn't it because someone was promoted to master, but something else happened?"

The Lord of the Universe couldn't help guessing.

"No, it is true that someone was promoted to the master, because the other party communicated with the gate of origin. If it was not promoted to master, how could it be possible to communicate with the power of the gate of origin."

An ancient master of the universe said in a deep voice, he is 100% sure that the other party is being promoted to master.

"No way, if someone is really being promoted to the master, then his movement is so loud, doesn't that mean that his power must have reached an unprecedented level, which is why it is so amazing Chaos vision?"

Thinking of this, many universe masters couldn't help but gasped. They looked at each other, and they could see the horror deep in each other's pupils.

You must know that those universe overlords are already the arrogance of each era, and the heroes who are enough to overwhelm an era must be the top powerhouses who have been killed from countless unarrogant.

Such a top powerhouse is already beyond their reach.

But now this one has surpassed these universe overlords, surpassed these arrogances of the era, so how tyrannical will the existence of this promoted master be.

They know that the more amazing the chaotic vision is, the stronger the opponent is. In fact, the two are closely related, and they complement each other and are indispensable.

"What kind of evildoer can actually surpass these universe overlords who have hidden countless years of Universe Samsara?" Some universe masters couldn't help asking.

He can't even imagine any existence that can surpass these evildoers that have existed since ancient times, which is beyond his imagination.

"If I'm not mistaken, this existence trying to become a master is probably the legendary master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation." An ancient titled master of the universe showed a frightening light in his eyes. Doubt, almost 100% sure. .

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