Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1261 The Power Of The Six-Character Mantra, The Power Of The First Syllable Of The Universe

"They are all rotten evil creatures, and they dare to shout in front of me."

Seeing these enemies attacking and killing, Furukawa squinted, his heart was very calm, and there was hardly any disturbance.

He immediately took out a talisman from his body. It was the six-character mantra talisman obtained from the dark organization after the previous extermination of the dark organization. It contained six origin characters.

Each origin text has incredible power. If six origin texts are superimposed and complement each other, it is not as simple as one plus one, but a multiple level of growth.

This has also led to the unprecedented power of the six-character mantra, and I am afraid that it can be compared to the master.

Om, blah, blah, blah, blah!

In an instant, as soon as the six-character mantra came out, the six voices of Buddhism burst out at the same time, just like the first syllable of the universe, "eight eight seven" contains the unparalleled power of Sacred.

At the same time, the original energy of Furukawa is superimposed, which doubles the power of the six-character mantra.


Immediately, bursts of vast golden light erupted from these six origin characters, just like the Buddha's light of Buddhism, dyeing the area with a radius of billions of trillions of light-years golden

In the meantime, countless Buddhas seem to be sitting in the chaotic void, meditating in Lotus Position, beating wooden fish, and reciting one after another supreme Buddhist scriptures.

The endless Sanskrit words superimposed together seem to form endless Sanskrit songs.

The power of this six-character mantra is extremely powerful. Although it is only an auxiliary ability, the only thing is that it has unimaginable lethality against evil creatures, almost overwhelming destructive power.

The moment the six-character mantra oscillated, it seemed that the entire universe was buzzing with the sound of the six characters Om, Well, Nea, Ba, Mi, Hum.

This piece of chaotic time and space is vibrating at this moment, as if a huge giant clock is vibrating, rattling, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.

It can be said that this is an unimaginable history of the origin of sound.


"It hurts so much, my head hurts so much, it's as if someone has opened a ladle."

"Damn, what kind of sound is this? What kind of sound is it? It seems to be the origin of the rhythm. The first syllable of the universe contains unimaginable power."

"Stop, stop immediately, don't continue shouting, shut up immediately."

Immediately, these evil eyes, those taboo creatures imprisoned in the infinite prison, and the corpses crawling out of the grave, they were hit hard at once.

They let out a miserable scream, as if Sun Wukong had encountered a magic spell, and suddenly felt a splitting headache, as if someone drilled their own head with an electric drill, which made them feel unprecedented pain.

Even the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty are probably nothing more than that, and I have never encountered such torture in my life.

What's even more frightening is that their bodies are illuminated by the endless Buddha's light, as if the ice and snow met the sun, they melted one after another, and at the same time they made a sizzling sound.

All of them let out miserable screams and disappeared completely almost in an instant.

To be honest, it's not that they are not strong enough, but they just encountered such restrained Li Huang as the six-character mantra.

Especially those corpses that climbed out of the cemetery, they had no power to fight back, and their vitality was wiped out all of a sudden, making them completely return to the tomb, losing all their strength.

Their skeletons were instantly wiped out, and the Death power on them was dissipated instantly, returning to the chaos, and their souls also merged into the deepest part of the chaos.

It seems that at this moment they have been completely rested.

Even before they completely disappeared, each of them had an extremely calm expression and was very happy, as if they had finally got rid of the control of the master and could return to eternal peace.


With the continuous vibration of the six-character mantra, it seems that there are billions of trillions of Buddhas chanting the scriptures of salvation, so that all Death creatures can get a complete rest.

Those corpses that crawled out from the depths of the tomb were severely injured one by one. No matter how powerful they were in life, they are still dead after Death, with their own huge shortcomings.

Facing the power of the six-character mantra, they have almost no resistance.

This is not only the case with these corpses, but also with those evil creatures. They encountered the greatest nemesis, and were hit hard almost instantly, unable to bring any threat to Furukawa.

In an instant, with Furukawa's body as the center, within an area of ​​billions of trillions of light-years in radius, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and all evil creatures are invisible

All evil creatures who dared to be within the illumination of the Buddha's light were instantly purified into residues, turned into wisps of green smoke, and completely disappeared in the universe sea.

This time, they were really dead and perish forever. Even if the ruler of the Chaos Tomb personally took action, they could not crawl out of the tomb again.

"Haha, a group of idiots, it's ridiculous that you want to deal with the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, let's see us." At this time, a group of weapons came to kill.

They are all masters of the giant axe, all of them are sword life, sword life, axe life, etc. They are almost born to master the avenue of weapons, but they are born Martial Dao Great Master


It can be said that their strength is more terrifying than other ascetics, and their bodies are filled with Gengjin Qi, just like the sharp force tearing the universe, invincible.


The moment they appeared, hundreds of millions of Sword Qi bombarded them, constantly cutting through this chaotic time and space, tearing everything apart, sweeping away like locusts wherever they went.

Any existence will be torn apart by such a sharp force, and no one can stop it.

Moreover, they are not evil creatures, and they will not be afraid of the power of the six-character mantra at all, so they attack and kill them so recklessly, showing their sneaky edge.

"Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, you are not a creature of this time and space, and you are not a member of Destiny 4.4. Let us die and perish immediately."

In an instant, another group of monsters came, and they controlled the river of time and space, the river of fate, which seemed to run through this chaotic time and space, wrapping this area.

This made Furukawa inescapable, inescapable.

They are the subordinates who rule the eternal river, endless monsters of time and space, monsters of fate, and endless power of time and space and power of fate permeate from them.

It's as if they themselves are the laws of space and time, symbols of the laws of destiny, and they are the ultimate warriors defending the laws, and it is difficult for any existence to contend in front of them.

The moment they appeared, it seemed that time stood still at this moment, forcibly condensing this piece of time and space, trying to fix Furukawa in this second, so that he could not move. .

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