Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1273 The Birth Of The Lingming Stone Monkey, The Son Of Chaos Whose Fate Cannot Be Predicted

At this moment, among the six universes, in the human world, in a certain territory, in Huaguo Mountain.


With the beginning of the struggle for supremacy in the Six Paths, a chaotic stone spirit that gathered the essence of heaven and earth on Huaguo Mountain split apart as if it sensed some opportunity.

Kacha Kacha~~

The moment the chaotic stone split open, the aura shot straight into the sky, seeming to shake the entire six universes, seven clouds appeared in the sky, immortals beat drums, blowing conch shells, and various phenomena of heaven and earth appeared.

The entire Six Paths Universe is buzzing, as if they are celebrating the birth of this creature, which is a special creature beyond the Six Realms - Lingming Stone Monkey.

It was as if at this moment, the moment this monkey appeared, the Six Paths struggle for supremacy was activated, and the endless luck between the heaven and the earth was concentrated on her, as if she was the center of the catastrophe of the heaven and the earth, shaking the sky and the earth.


Immediately, a thin monkey appeared on the top of Huaguo Mountain, with beautiful fur and colorful colors, as if wearing a God of War Kasaya, so beautiful that it cannot be described in words.

Apparently she was a female monkey, not a male.

But even so, the power contained in every inch of her muscles was earth-shattering. When these chaotic stone spirits shattered, they were not scattered on the ground, but melted into the body of the chaotic stone monkey like a liquid.

I saw that the power on her body was evolving at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had merged with the original energy of the endless chaotic stone spirit, causing her body to undergo an unimaginable transformation

Such a change in the world naturally attracted the attention of countless gods in the six realms, even the rulers.

After all, now is a critical period for the Six Paths to compete for supremacy. Any changes in the Six Paths will attract the attention of the gods, and it is difficult to conceal them if any accidents occur.

"What's going on? Why such a change in the Universe of the Six Paths, who caused it? " A righteous god of the Six Paths frowned, extremely puzzled.

You must know that as the evolution of the Six Paths of Reincarnation becomes more and more perfect, the laws of the various avenues are so tyrannical that even the Lord of the Universe can hardly destroy the Six Paths Universe.

It can be said that after reaching this Realm, it is extremely difficult for ordinary ascetics to cause any visions of heaven and earth in the six universes.

Even if it is promoted to Saint, it can't cause any waves in the world, everything happens silently, this is the tyranny of the six universes at the moment, which is enough to compare with the origin continent.

To some extent, the Six Paths Universe can already be regarded as the supreme Sacred Land in the universe sea.

"I don't know. At this moment, the Heavenly Dao of the six universes is in a state of chaos. I can't figure out who caused the disorder of the heaven and earth vision. The other righteous god frowned.

Although his current Cultivation Base has been promoted to the realm of the high-level universe lord, infinitely close to and titled universe lord, the evolution of the six universes at this moment is really too fast.

You must know that during this period of time, Six Paths of Reincarnation did not know how many universes it swallowed up and how many universes it fused into. As a result, these universes were all integrated into the six-path universe.

It is conceivable that the area of ​​the six universes has also expanded rapidly, which is equivalent to the integrated union of hundreds of millions of chaotic universes, and the area is so large that the lord of ordinary universes cannot imagine

Basically, if a high-level universe lord wants to fly within the six-path universe, even if he flies millions of Universe Samsara years, it will be difficult to exhaust the end of the six-path universe.

Therefore, the Six Paths Universe at this moment is much, much larger than the original Chaos Universe.

Faced with such a large area, it is almost impossible for even the righteous gods of the Six Paths to know what happened in a certain Minor World or a certain hill within the universe.

This is simply looking for a needle in a haystack, unimaginable.

They can only perceive the chaos of the heavens in the six universes, the vibration of the avenue, and the emergence of many visions, but they cannot accurately perceive where the visions appear.

"It's an ominous sign that such a vision of heaven and earth appears at the critical moment of the struggle for supremacy among the Six Paths. Maybe it's the birth of the Son of Chaos."

Another righteous god of the Six Paths said with a serious face.

Sons of Chaos, this is the Son of Destiny that will definitely be born when the Six Paths vie for supremacy. They are strange beings spawned by the power of the Nine Great Masters. Their purpose is to create chaos in the Six Paths Universe and set off endless storms.

Obviously, the neat order within the Six Paths Universe is not in line with the purpose of the Nine Masters. After all, order represents law, peace, and unshakability.

Only when there is chaos, war, and death, can the nine masters have a chance to win in the chaos.

It is also because of this that the nine masters gave birth to many sons of chaos, the purpose is to create chaos within the six universes, let them wage wars everywhere, and completely overthrow the Heaven Court.

Moreover, these children of chaos were born according to the fate of heaven and earth, coupled with the power of the nine masters, their fate cannot be guessed at all, and it is difficult for anyone to know the true nature of the children of chaos


So even if they want to target them, it is impossible to solve these children of chaos in advance.

No way, this is the general trend. At this moment, the secrets of the universe are in chaos, and it is difficult for any master of the universe to predict the fate. Even if we want to find the source of the chaos, it is impossible. "

A righteous god of the Six Paths said with emotion.

To be honest, the Six Paths Universe is really too big, and its territory is vast and boundless, equivalent to one percent of the universe sea area. For life, it is simply boundless.

Even if a total of 360 righteous gods of the Six Paths and 1.296 billion subordinate gods are born, it is impossible to monitor every corner and every place of the Six Paths Universe.

This is the shortcoming that the land area is too large (Wang Nuohao), and it is impossible to achieve perfect control.

But this is also impossible, because the Six Paths of Reincarnation evolves too fast, and the sentient beings of the six realms are completely unable to keep up with the growth of Six Paths of Reincarnation, so it can only cause such consequences.

This also makes Heaven Court's power only cover part of it.

But this is the situation deliberately created by the nine masters, making Heaven Court beyond reach.

"Even if it can't be measured, it still needs to be monitored. If it is really the son of chaos, it will come up sooner or later. Monitor every place in the human world, the heavenly world, and the animal world. We must not let these rebels show up. Wait until the Six Paths struggle is over. , then Six Paths of Reincarnation is still under the control of our Heaven Court."

The eyes of many righteous gods of the Six Paths showed a gleam of coldness.

They know that this is the ultimate battle, and if they succeed, their six universes will become eternal Immortals, defeating the other nine masters and becoming an eternal force. .

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