Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1307 Trying To Overthrow The Old Gods, The New Generations Of The Six Universes

"Could it be that there will be unimaginable changes in the Six Paths Contest this time? Maybe this time, there is no way to get one of the 360 ​​Six Paths Gods before this time, and all of them will be overthrown?"

Some Chaos Demon Gods felt unimaginable fear.

You know, before they always believed that the righteous gods of the Six Paths were superior, and the pattern had been completely fixed. This is the so-called solidification of class, and young people have no way to rise to the top.

Unlike the mortal world, there is a limit on lifespan. Even if one climbs to a high position, as he gets older, he will still retire and let the young people take the position.

But in the world of gods, the gods belong to Immortal. As long as the gods are not dead, it is impossible to give up their own position, which causes young people to have no chance.

Even the most enchanting young gods can only stare blankly, seeing that there are no vacant positions, so they are helpless. This is the class solidification of gods.

But it's different now, the second start of the Six Paths Contest for Gods gave those young men of monstrous level the chance to overthrow the old gods.

So it is conceivable that the second battle of the six gods in 01 will definitely be more terrifying than the first battle of the six gods, more turbulent, and the intensity of the war will be more terrifying.

Even the ancient gods who have always been high above may be overthrown by the latecomers.

"It's not like we can't get one of them. After all, we are not easy to mess with, especially some top Chaos Demon Gods. How can the power they master can be compared with ordinary young gods?"

A Chaos Demon God shook his head.

Although it is very afraid of those young gods, and feels that there must be some top monsters who can overthrow them, it is impossible to completely replace them.

After all, they are not easy to mess with. They have lived for so many years, and they don't know how many ways to prepare. How can these young gods compare.

"Although this is the case, it is conceivable that this time, there will be countless unimaginable evil geniuses, and they will start to show their fangs and sharp claws.

Already aimed at our backs, even ready to overthrow us and take the throne.

A gleam of cold light appeared in the eyes of a Chaos Demon God.

It seems to vaguely see the turmoil of the Six Paths competition this time, and countless arrogances are vying for this opportunity, and they have resorted to all their strengths, without mercy.

Even these young Tianjiao pointed their fangs and spears at the Chaos Demon God of the previous generation, showing their own edge unscrupulously.

"That's right, the scariest thing is not the competitors, but the young people chasing us from behind. Those young people have been dormant all this time, probably just waiting for the opportunity to overthrow us. Now this opportunity has finally come.

If anyone is careless, then whoever will fall behind the times, whoever will be eliminated, will be swept into the dust of history, and become the old god. "

Another god squeezed his fist.

It can feel that this battle for the hegemony of the Six Paths is not just their chance, but also a great crisis for these Chaos Demon Gods, the crisis of falling from the altar.

"Old Gods? What a frightening and dreaded title, have we been targeted? I don't know how many Chaos Gods will become Old Gods this time.

"Hehe, want to challenge us? Then let them challenge. This era still belongs to us. The Six Paths Universe is still led by others. Young people have potential, but potential is only potential after all."

"That's right, the future belongs to them, but now it belongs to us. It's still too far away to snatch the god position that we can only compete for now."

"If they want to try it, let them try it and see who gets the last laugh."

Many Chaos Demon Gods talked a lot. Although they also felt the sense of urgency and the huge challenge from these descendants, they were still fearless.

Because over the years, they have faced too many challenges, and now it is just one of them.

Although there is no obstruction from the masters of the Six Paths Contest this time, even the internal competition is so fierce that outsiders can't imagine it. This is a war that affects the entire Six Paths Universe.

At this time, Zhunti Daoist, Jieyin Daoist, Zhenyuanzi, Fuxi, Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun, Daode Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and others also gathered together.

They exude an inexplicable aura of the law of origin, and they have all been promoted to the Realm titled the Lord of the Universe, at least possessing the power of tens of millions of Universe Samsara.

"It seems that this time the Six Paths Contest is really not easy. What we are facing is not only competitors of the same generation, but also the younger generation who are rushing in, clamoring for heaven-defying, trying to drag us down. Get off the horse."

Zhunti Daoist smiled, showing a kind smile.

"Isn't this a good thing? The more geniuses that emerge in the Six Universes, the more benefits it will have for the Six Universes." Yuanshi Tianzun smiled slightly, calm and relaxed.

"Hehe, it's really a good thing for you, you stealthy madman, the more spells and knowledge of cultivation that others give birth to, you can learn it just by looking at it, who can compare to you.

Introduced Daoist said speechlessly.

He felt that Yuanshi Tianzun was simply a perverted genius, no matter what kind of cultivation method or technique created by others, he could learn it in an instant.

Moreover, Yuanshi Tianzun is not only so simple to learn, but what is even more infuriating is that he is even able to innovate and surpass the founder who created this technique.

It is said that this guy stole knowledge from various sects and sects in the origin continent, and he did not know how many inheritances he stole, and he has become a veritable thief in the origin continent.

What is even more frightening is that Yuanshi Tianzun has not revealed his own identity so far, and many forces originating from the mainland have no idea that the own inheritance has been leaked long ago.

No one knows how much knowledge Yuanshi Tianzun has integrated now, and to what extent the Realm has reached.

"I can't say that. I didn't learn it secretly, but I learned it openly. When others show it, I can just take a look at it. Could it be that my understanding is too high, and I can only be blamed.

Yuanshi Tianzun said with contempt.


Hearing this, both the Daoist and the Daoist were speechless, and they didn't know what to say. These words were too irritating.

Is this the Damn it of a genius? Even if others take out the cheats and study them carefully, they may not be able to learn them after spending a lot of time, but Yuanshi Tianzun is good enough to learn them thoroughly.

To be honest, they can be regarded as Talents who have reached the level of monsters, and their understanding is quite amazing, but they are still not as good as the bug-like existence of Yuanshi Tianzun. .

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