Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1377 The Power Of The Six-Character Mantra To Purify All The Power Of Sorcery

"Doesn't work?"

Furukawa narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, he also knew that the Magic Treasures of Hitting the Whip were extremely powerful, almost restraining most of the lives, but it actually had no effect on a small number of special lives.

Especially those dark creatures, the supreme beings who have been with the power of sin all year round, they are very good at using the power of sin, so how can hitting the magic whip work?

And the master of the gray eyeball is the best among them, it can be called the master of darkness, the source of all darkness, curses, and weirdness, when the power of the magic whip comes to it, it is naturally weakened to the extreme.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing, no one can beat all the invincible players in the world with a single skill.

"Little devil, I will let you see what is the source of all the weirdness, sorcery, and darkness. My dark eyeballs will make you regret being born in this world."

Master Gray Eyeball let out a loud shout.

Dominant-level spells——Evil magic kills!

In the blink of an eye, in the depths of the chaotic void, a huge gray eyeball slowly rotated its pupils, like a kaleidoscope, dense magic scenes emerged from the depths of the pupils.

Each magic rune contains incredible 01 evil power, curse, killing, devouring, darkness, erosion, distortion and other terrible magic powers.

Just a magic rune is a kind of supreme magic, enough to destroy a world, or even a universe.

It is the source of countless evil forces in the universe sea, the evil eye that traverses the universe sea, and the existence that controls all strange arts, and is an indescribable evil god.


In an instant, countless magic runes gathered together to form a huge magic field, which fell from the sky and crushed directly towards Furukawa, Shrouding the Heavens to block out the sun.

In this sorcery field, there is a terrifying power of twisting, cursing and killing. The life in this field will be corroded by the power of sorcery immediately, thus becoming a sorcerer. A puppet of power, turned into a cursed thing.

Vaguely, the entire field is filled with endless sinful power, as if countless evil spirits and evil things are living in this area.

"Sure enough."

Furukawa raised his eyebrows. He could perceive the horror of the master's gray eyeballs. He is indeed the supreme existence that is the source of all sorcery and trickery, and he is the real master of evil.

The other party is indeed right, although the power of hitting the magic whip is extremely powerful, but the threat to the gray eyeball is not as great as other masters.

After all, the truly terrifying power of the God Whip lies in the power of sin, which can corrode the souls and bodies of countless lives, but the gloomy eyeballs have no such concerns.

For the gray eyeball, these sinful powers can't harm its essence at all, on the contrary, it may swallow part of its power and increase its own origin.

"But do you think I can't do anything to you without the magic whip? It's really naive."

Furukawa sneered.

He formed a seal with both hands, showing the shape of the swastika, centering on his body, immediately produced bursts of sound waves visible to the naked eye, emitting a magnificent golden light.

In an instant, bursts of Sacred syllables erupted from him.

Om Mani Ba, Me, Hum!

Immediately, these six syllables emerged between heaven and earth. They are the first syllables of this universe sea, and they are the original sound of heaven and earth, the sound of origin.

Indistinctly, these six syllables burst into endless golden light, and each syllable is an origin text, an origin rune, and contains unfathomable power.

And the combination of these six syllables [is to form a peerless chapter - the six-character mantra!


As Furukawa continued to chant the power of the six-character mantra, the nine masters seemed to have heard bursts of the sound of the origin at this moment, and they seemed to have seen the bursts of the sound of the origin at the moment when the Universe Sea was just born.

The source of all syllables comes from these six-character mantras.

Every syllable contains incredible power of purification and blessing. They have the power to purify all evil forces and all evil distracting thoughts.


The complexion of the ruler's dark eyeballs changed drastically, and it felt a burst of fatal crisis. For an existence like it, the source of sorcery and the source of darkness, ordinary purification power is actually useless.

Even the power of light and purification like the Lord of Light can easily distort and erode. This is absolute darkness, and the deepest level of sin and evil cannot be purified at all.

But now the six-character mantra chanted by Furukawa is extremely terrifying. It is the first syllable of heaven and earth, the first law of the universe sea, and contains the power of purification that returns all power to chaos.

Even a source of sorcery like it can't resist this initial power of purification.


In the next second, with Furukawa's body as the center, endless golden light burst out, covering a radius of billions of light years. It seems that at this moment, countless Buddhas are chanting and reciting scriptures.

A series of supreme purification scriptures also appeared between the heaven and the earth, and densely twisted runes appeared on them, as if they were the chapters that recorded the beginning of the universe sea.

In the blink of an eye, the sorcerer killing method collapsed, and the field composed of countless sorcerer powers was torn into pieces by countless golden lights.

It seems that at this moment, countless evil existences, cursed existences, and evil existences are all completely purified under the golden light of Buddhism, disappearing into nothingness.

Countless dark forces were completely expelled at this moment, it was like the first ray of light born between heaven and earth, containing unimaginable power of purification and power of destruction.


Immediately, the Juggernaut's gray eyeballs could not help but let out a shrill scream, because countless golden rays of light blasted towards it, and directly blasted into its eyeballs, burning its eyeballs

There was a sizzling sound, and a huge white smoke came out. 1

Just this strike caused Juggernaut's gray eyeballs to suffer unimaginable heavy damage, a large amount of black blood flowed out from the depths of the pupils, which can be called thousands of holes.

Originally, these streaks of golden light had no lethality to normal creatures and Sacred creatures. No, it was not just as simple as not having lethality, but even had great benefits.

Hearing the sound of the six-character mantra, countless lives will immediately fall into a state of epiphany, and the strength of the body will be blessed immediately, and at the same time, the negative emotions and distracting thoughts will be washed away, making the soul extremely ethereal and infinitely beneficial.

But to the evil creatures, that was simply the most terrifying attack, just like the ice and snow met the sun and began to melt one after another. .

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