Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1472 The Gaia Family, The Power To Promote The Evolution Of Life Planets

Tian Mercury, this is the planet where Gu Chen is at the moment.

At this time, the change of Mercury also attracted the attention of ascetics on the planet and even other planets. They gathered one after another to find out what happened.

"What's going on? Why is the Spiritual Qi in the world of this planet suddenly richer by dozens of times, and the richness of Spiritual Qi is still in the process of rising?" A monk was extremely curious and puzzled.

To be honest, he explored this planet countless times, but he couldn't find out why the Spiritual Qi of this planet's heaven and earth suddenly rose, which is really incredible.

"It is impossible for a planet's heaven and earth Spiritual Qi to rise for no reason, and there must be a destiny. Could it be that a powerful Innate Magic Treasures appeared on this planet?"

Some suspect that Innate Magic Treasures may have appeared on this planet.

After all, once a certain planet breeds Innate Magic Treasures, it will immediately have an extremely powerful strengthening effect on this planet, and it is also normal to increase the intensity of this planet's Spiritual Qi.

"I don't know. I checked this planet dozens of times before, but I couldn't find any traces of Magic Treasures. Maybe it wasn't the birth of Innate Magic Treasures."

"Hehe, if Innate Magic Treasures were so easy to find, there wouldn't be so few people in the world who have them. Powerful Innate Magic Treasures can be hidden in the dimensional time and space, so it's naturally hard to find them."

"That's true, but if that's the case, with our strength, it may be impossible to find this Innate Magic Treasures."

"No matter what, stay on this planet and see if there are any treasures about to be born?"

"That's right, even if this planet doesn't bred any Innate Magic Treasures, the richness of Spiritual Qi on this planet alone can be compared to those of the first-class planets. The benefits of practicing here are great."

"It seems that it is indeed necessary to establish a Sect branch on this planet, and we must seize a position as soon as possible."

There was a lot of discussion.

Because of the rise of Spiritual Qi in Tianshuixing Tiandi, it has attracted the attention of countless forces in this star field, and many forces have begun to station on this planet, which has also caused earth-shaking changes in the distribution of Tianshuixing's forces.

And the instigator of all this, Gu Chen, is still walking on the street, admiring the coolly dressed big sister on the street.

"Sure enough, the human world is still good. The culture here is very open, and it is very suitable for me to live here..." Gu Chen looked at the surrounding scene happily, he felt as if he had entered heaven.

So many beautiful big sisters are very seductive, and he feels that his understanding of Dao has been improved to a higher level.

"However, Dad's mission must be solved, otherwise the seal on his body cannot be lifted at all. We still need to find the taboo books scattered in the human world."

Gu Chen rubbed his chin, remembering that his father had given him a task, which was to find all those taboo books scattered in the human world.

After all, the power of the Taboo Book is too powerful, enough to affect the balance of the six realms.

To be honest, even with their current strength, it is difficult to compete with the power of the Book of Taboo in its heyday.

Fortunately, the taboo books also have the seal imposed by Furukawa. It is almost impossible for these taboo books to exert their full power.

But even so, even a part of the power can cause a huge catastrophe.

"The human world is so big, it is still too difficult for me to find the book of taboos alone. It seems that we still need to establish a power and a sect. "Use this sect to help me

Forbidden use. "

Gu Chen rubbed his chin, thinking about how to establish his own power: "And this sect only recruits women, beautiful women, and no men at all. The whole sect only needs me as a man. By the way, the name of this sect is It's called the Back Gong Gate, ahem, it should be the Starlight Gate.

When he thought of this, he was very happy. All the disciples of the sect he created were beautiful big sisters. Thinking about such a scene, it was like heaven.

And he is the only man in the whole sect, which is really wonderful.

Master-student love? It seems that this is also a good way of love.

Gu Chen felt that his mouth was about to drool, and he seemed to see the scene where he dominated the world [gathering countless beauties.

"But now my power is sealed, and I can't sweep the human world for the time being. It seems that I still need to rely on the power of the Gaia clan." Gu Chen's eyes showed a gleam.

Although he doesn't have much powerful combat power and cannot sweep the human world, but his star power is extremely mysterious and can turn decay into magic.

This kind of power can easily create the Gaia family and give birth to countless powerful planets.

If he relied on the power of the Gaia clan, then he could easily sweep across the human world, and whoever dared to resist would be suppressed by countless stars in an instant and wiped out in ashes.

Of course, the star power on him cannot be used casually.

Not every planet can evolve into a Gaia planet.

The prerequisite for becoming Gaia is that it is a living planet with a long history and has bred countless lives. This is the future of becoming a Gaia family.

If it was those barren planets, or resource stars, it would be difficult for the power in Gu Chen's body to enlighten these planets.

After all, his star power needs to damage the original power in the body. Although it will take a while to make up for it, if the loss is too much, it will cause irreparable damage.

He is not so stupid to do such a thing that damages his original strength.

.This world seems to have bred a lot of life planets, and all of these planets can become Gaia planets. "

Gu Chen touched his chin.

During this period of time, he also learned about a part of this world, knowing that this is a star field occupied by a super empire, and there are at least tens of thousands of living planets in it, and each planet is inhabited by billions, or even hundreds of people. billions of lives.

There is no doubt that these life planets (Noli's) have the potential to become Gaia.

In fact, the next step in the evolution of these planets is just a lack of an opportunity, and the arrival of Gu Chen now is to give these life planets ten important opportunities.

"It seems that we should not act rashly for the time being. Attempt all the living planets first, and make these planets completely my territory. Then this world will be in my pocket."

Gu Chen makes up his mind before making a move. He is not an impulsive person like his Little Brother Gu Yan, he is very stubborn, even if he has a huge advantage, he will not act rashly.

Unless he is 100% sure, he will never show up.

It's like picking up a girl. If I'm not 100% sure, I will never confess my love, and I will always be ambiguous. As long as I don't confess my love, the other party will have no chance to reject me.

It didn't take long for the beings in this world to quickly discover that earth-shaking changes seemed to have taken place in every living planet, and they all evolved into the Gaia family. .

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