Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1484 The Reincarnated Li Qiuxian Is Bound To The Book Of Fate

"Damn, what's going on?"

Magistrate Cui's complexion suddenly changed, and he was extremely furious. Just when the deceased was reincarnated, such an accident happened. To him, it was no less than a serious dereliction of duty.

If it is pursued, maybe the own black hat will be taken off, and he can't help being angry.

"I don't know, it seems that a book came through the sky just now, and took away the ~ soul just now."

A The Underworld jailer said somewhat uncertainly -.

"What? A book? What kind of book is so powerful that it can break through the many restrictions of the underworld. What happened?" Judge Cui couldn't believe it.

Because the underworld is so tightly guarded, not to mention the Saint, even the Lord of the Universe, don’t even think about running wild in the underworld. So far, I have never heard of any accidents in the underworld.

It was also because there hadn't been any accidents for too long, which also made him a little bit relaxed, thinking that this is the underworld, so how could anything happen.

But an accident happened.

"Is there a way to find out where the soul was reincarnated just now?"

Judge Cui immediately asked.

"There is no way, the mysterious book just now seems to have disturbed the secrets, causing a trace of confusion in the records, and now the soul has disappeared, and there is no way to track it down.

The Underworld jailer said helplessly.

After all, there are too many souls who are reincarnated every day, counted in billions of trillions, and how can it be possible to record it with just an ordinary soul mixed in it.

Coupled with the fact that the mysterious book just now is unfathomable and seems to have the power to deceive the heavenly secrets, it is even more impossible for them to figure out the exact location of the reincarnation of the soul just now.

"What should I do now?"

Judge Cui clenched his fists, he felt that this time he was on the verge of a major event, originally he was responsible for the reincarnation, but such an accident happened.

"Judge Cui."

At this moment, a voice reached the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Master King Yama."

Judge Cui was sweating profusely immediately, he knew that King Yama was here to hold him accountable.

"Don't worry, it was just an accident just now, it has nothing to do with you."

King Yama's voice came over.

"Accident? Could it be that something happened?" Hearing this, Judge Cui immediately felt relieved. Since King Yama did not pursue own responsibility, then he has passed the test this time.

But he couldn't help but guess a little bit in his heart, what was the accident, King Yama even personally asked about it.

"You don't need to know what it is. There are some problems in the Eternal Realm."

King Yama said lightly.

"Yes, Lord King Yama."

Hearing this, Judge Cui's hairs stood on end, and he felt chills. After all, the beings living in the Eternal Realm are all great existences, standing on the pinnacle of the six universes.

To be honest, even a word from such an existence is enough to shake The Three Realms.

He could also hear Lord King Yama's warning, saying that the water of this matter was very deep, so deep that even King Yama couldn't cover it, so he didn't want to pursue it any further.

Although he was very curious, he also knew why curiosity killed the cat. If he knew some special secrets rashly, even if he was a ghost in the underworld, he might not escape death.

"By the way, that soul didn't seem to drink the Yellow Springs soup just now."

Thinking of this, Judge Cui's heart twitched, as if he remembered something, and found that the reincarnated soul hadn't drank the Yellow Springs soup, and hadn't washed the memory of his previous life.

But he shook his head, and didn't plan to pursue it anymore. After all, the water in this matter was too deep, and the soul just now was probably implicated.

And now the other party is also missing, even if you want to investigate, there is no way.

At this moment, the human world is XX vast.

This is a place where humans and monsters coexist and fight each other. Immortal's barbaric world, one of the strongest human countries, its name is Zhou Dynasty.

In the Zhou Dynasty, the first son of the Champion Hou had been born in the Hou Mansion after the palace where the Champion Hou was located, and he fell to the ground.

This also made Hou Ye very excited, because he rewarded the Hou Mansion.

And at this time, in a luxurious room, a baby was lying quietly, and this baby was the reincarnated Li Qiuxian.

"You said that you are the Book of Destiny, a book of supernatural powers that surpass countless books, possessing supreme supernatural powers?" Li Qiuxian was shocked. At this time, he knew that he had just brought himself into Samsara, What exactly is reincarnation? It turned out to be a book of supernatural powers, and the other party also claimed to be the book of destiny.

0·Ask for flowers......

"That's right, this uncle is the book of fate, the book that controls infinite destiny. You should be honored that this uncle chose you as my temporary host. Without my help, you should have drank the Yellow Springs soup long ago , Cleansing the memory on the body, instead of reincarnating with the memory like now."

The Book of Fate said triumphantly.

"Well, I don't know why you signed the contract with me? I'm just an ordinary soul, and it's not worth your trouble."

Li Qiuxian didn't think there was anything special about him, but he deserved the help of the book of supernatural powers, which is so remarkable at first glance. He instinctively sensed that there was something wrong with it.

"Signing a contract with you is naturally to avoid being hunted down."

The Book of Destiny said straightforwardly: "In order to hide the aura of the Book of Abilities, I blend into the soul of any life, but not just any soul will do.

Wanting to avoid being hunted to the greatest extent, I calculated countless future outcomes and chose the best fate choice, which is to enter The Underworld Samsara and use the power of Samsara to disrupt the secrets, so that even if the opponent has a big Even if I don't have the ability, I can't find my trace in the vast six universes.

So don't think that signing the contract between you and me was an accident, but when countless accidents are combined, it is the inevitability of fate. "

It does not conceal the purpose of owning at all, which is to use Li Qiuxian's power to avoid the pursuit of unknown existence.

"Is there such a thing? Is my rebirth planned?"

Hearing these words, Li Qiuxian could feel the breath of fate contained in the voice of the Book of Fate, he seemed to perceive that everything has a reason and is predestined "It's all the inevitability of fate.

This made him feel a deep sense of fate, and made him shudder. Could it be that his reincarnation is also in the calculation of a great existence?!

Deep in his heart, he couldn't help showing deep doubts, and he was a little at a loss. .

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