Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1497 Pill Recipe Patent, Immortal World Cannot Sell Counterfeit Medicine

Thinking of this, Han Qing immediately refined the communicator. He felt that the communicator seemed to be connected to a huge spiritual virtual world, just like another universe.

He was immediately curious, but now is not the time to explore the universe virtual network, so he had to hold back his curiosity and desire to explore for the time being.

"By the way, look at your appearance. If I'm not wrong, you should be a Medicine Pill master. The smell of medicinal materials on your body can't be concealed." The immortal director smiled slightly and looked at Han Qing.

Hearing this, Han Qing was immediately filled with admiration. As expected of an Immortal World Immortal, he is well-informed and has seen through his identity as a Medicine Pill teacher at a glance, but it's nothing to reveal the details

"When I was in the human world, I was indeed a well-known Medicine Pill teacher."

Han Qing said modestly.

It is said that he is well-known, but with the power of the Book of Pills, he has long been the number one Medicine Pill Master in the Medicine King Realm. He has refined countless top Medicine Pills, and even refined a lot of elixir.

"If this is the case, there is one thing I need to remind you in advance, don't just sell medicine pills in Immortal World, otherwise you will be arrested." The fairy supervisor reminded.

"What? Why can't you just sell Medicine Pills?"

Han Qing asked in confusion.

"Because in Immortal World, in order to protect the rights of Medicine Pill practitioners, every Medicine Pill is patented."

The immortal director explained: "As long as the Medicine Pill master registers his own pill recipe in Heaven Court, then he has the patent right of this Medicine Pill, then any force in the Immortal World, any Medicine Pill master wants to refine this Medicine Pill Pill, you need to pay him money. And each pill recipe has a patent right of tens of billions of years, the more precious the pill recipe, the longer the patent right.

That is to say, if you do not obtain this patent authorization, you will violate the law in Immortal World and touch the interests of other Medicine Pill practitioners, and you will be sued in court at that time. Losing money is still a small matter, and in severe cases, you may even go to jail``

"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Han Qing's face turned green. He didn't have so many things to do when he was in Yaowangjie. As long as he got a pill recipe, he could sell it as he wanted.

As long as it can be refined, people will buy it, but not so many people care about such trivial matters.

But after coming to Immortal World, he found that even if he had the ability to refine medicine pills, he could not refine them casually, otherwise he would break the law.

"Of course, patent rights are no small matter. You medicine pill masters in the human world just don't have copyright awareness, so after ascending to sell medicine pills everywhere, it is easy to break the law and be sued in court."

The immortal director shook his head: "Because the human world is chaotic and copyright awareness is not so strong, pill recipes can be spread casually, but it doesn't work in the Immortal World. If there is no proof of selling Medicine Pills, it is selling fake medicines and will be arrested. jailed.

Many Medicine Pill Great Masters in the human world don't know this, thinking that they are still in the human world, selling their refined medicine pills everywhere to make money, and they were arrested as a result.

It seems that there was a Medicine Pill Great Master Alchemy son in your Medicine King Realm 100,000 years ago. After ascending to Immortal World, because of lack of money, he sold fake medicines on the street. As a result, he was arrested and sentenced to a million years in prison. Now Still reforming through labor in prison. "


The corners of Han Qing's mouth twitched. He had naturally heard of Alchemy's reputation. It was said that he was one of the top Alchemy Great Masters in the Medicine King Realm. He had also received the inheritance from the other party and benefited a lot.

It can be said that Alchemy has a far-reaching influence in the world of medicine kings. He is the idol of countless pill refining masters, and he exists like the patriarch of the school. However, after he ascended to the Immortal World, he was actually poor and destitute. He started selling fake medicines on the street and was arrested. .

If the disciples and grandchildren of Medicine King Realm knew about this, they would definitely be so surprised that Dao's heart would collapse.

"Can't you refine it yourself and eat it yourself?"

Han Qing couldn't help asking.

"Of course you can eat it yourself, but you can't sell it. As long as there is a profit in the business, it is a violation of the law. If there is no profit, then it is not a violation of the law.

The fairy supervisor explained.

"I see."

Han Qing immediately felt relieved. It would be an exaggeration if he couldn't even eat it by himself. At most, after he refined it, he would sell it in an unscrupulous manner.

"Of course, this kind of regulation is actually of great benefit to the top Alchemy Great Master. If you can develop a new pill recipe and obtain the patent right, you may be able to get rich overnight. At that time, I am afraid that you will get With all the money, you can buy an own planet, or even an own world."

The Immortal supervisor said with emotion: "But those are things that can only be done by top Alchemy Great Masters. How can it be so simple to create an unprecedented and valuable pill recipe?"


As soon as these words came out, Han Qing's heart skipped a beat. He immediately understood the benefits of the Immortal World system, although it was a constraint for most of the Alchemy Great Masters.

But it's also a huge safeguard.

After all, how difficult it is to come up with a new pill recipe. Without the guarantee of the patent system, other pill refiners can copy it as long as they get the pill recipe, and then they will lose everything.

But it is different now, with the guarantee of the patent system, even if the pill recipe is leaked, others cannot use it, even if it is sold, you have to pay yourself a share.

You can still get huge benefits.

After working out a pill recipe, I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life. This is a great motivation for Medicine Pill teachers.

Obviously, the emergence of this system is to ensure that Medicine Pill masters can continuously create new pill recipes and new things. This is the way to ensure the longevity of Alchemy.

There is no doubt that the existence of this system must be an unprecedented Alchemy saint.

I don't know who (Wang De's) came up with this system, it's really amazing. "

Han Qing was filled with emotion, and he was also very excited at the moment.

To be honest, for ordinary Medicine Pill masters, it is extremely difficult to develop a new pill recipe, but it may not be so difficult for me who owns the book of pills

Originally, he wanted to refine Medicine Pill in exchange for money.

But now it seems that it is better to just make a fart, directly research a new pill recipe, then collect the patent right, wait for the money to be collected, and make a lot of money, isn't it better?!

Then he'll have a steady stream of cash cows.

And in this way, he also has more time to practice. This is a good thing only in the Immortal World with complete order and strict laws. It is impossible to make money so easily in the Medicine King Realm.

Thinking of this, Han Qing began to feel that Immortal World is really a good place, and it is indeed the world that countless mortals yearn for. .

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