Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1521 Normal People Can't Do This Kind Of Thing At All, Gu Xixiang's Common Sense

We must know that there will be black holes in He universe, and the so-called black hole is just a special celestial body.

The reason why black holes are formed is because the gravity of this special celestial body is so terrifying that even the speed of light cannot escape from this celestial body.

For example, the earth, if you want to escape from the earth, then you need to reach the second universe speed, but if you want to fly out of the black hole, you must go beyond the speed of light to have a chance.

Now Gu Xixiang is such a monster, the body density of this guy is terrifying.

To be honest, ordinary people can't see the abnormality of Gu Xixiang's body. Ordinary people just think that Gu Xixiang is just an ordinary child, nothing surprising.

But in the eyes of a peerless genius like Han Qing, it was an out-and-out monster.


Han Qing felt that Own's face was starting to stiffen, and said: "But why did you come so soon, didn't you say that you and I are far away, at least billions of light years away."

After discussing the plan with Dan Zhishu, Han Qing became friends with Gu Xixiang, and also revealed his current location. Anyway, his location is not a secret at all, so it's better for 01 to take the initiative to explain.

But he knew where he was, and it was extremely far away from where Gu Xixiang was. According to his estimation, he would not be able to reach it in a few decades.

But now only a few days later, the other party came directly to where he was.

"That's right, it's indeed very far away. It took me six days of space jumping before I finally found your specific location. Several times I made mistakes in space jumping and went to other places. If it wasn't for the wrong jumping position, I'm afraid you're still there." Will arrive at this place earlier." Gu Xixiang said with emotion.

Space jump?!

The corner of Han Qing's mouth twitched. Is this something that human beings can do? When did human beings be able to leap billions of light years so easily.

He is also a human immortal, isn't he clear? Human immortals can't do this kind of thing at all, but for such a monster, no matter what exaggerated things they do, it is not surprising

"You have jumped so many times in space, aren't you afraid that the Magic power on your body will run out?"

Han Qing couldn't help asking.

Ordinary powerful immortals, even if they can jump in space, they don't use it often, but choose to take a spaceship. After all, the farther the distance is for each space jump, the more amazing the Magic power will be consumed.

And if the space jump fails, I'm afraid it will fall into the space turbulence, be completely killed by the space turbulence, and the whole body will be torn into countless pieces.

Therefore, in order to reduce the consumption of Magic power on their bodies, and at the same time, for the sake of their own safety, most immortals choose to take transportation.

Even quasi-sages are the same, if there is no need, they will not choose their own jumping space.

"Magic power exhausted? Why is the Magic power exhausted on the body? Generally speaking, the Magic power of normal people will not be exhausted?" Gu Xixiang looked puzzled, as if he didn't quite understand the problem, because he Since I was born, I have never tried the feeling of running out of Magic power, no matter how I use it, it is endless.

And even if it consumes a lot, but with a breath of time, it will recover instantly.

F*ck, the Magic power of a normal person will be exhausted, if it is not used properly, what kind of monster is it, Magic power is so terrifying, it is already endless, is it still human?!

Han Qing covered his face with his hands, feeling that his heart was twitching. There was really no comparison between people.

"Cough cough."

At this time, Han Qing coughed, and he felt that it was time to change the subject: "Well, even if the Magic power will not be exhausted, but such a long distance, there will definitely be many dangers, if you encounter Life in the void The monsters, and those robbers, I'm afraid there are many good things.

His tone is very serious.

Although the Immortal World is basically a world with strict laws, ordinary immortals dare not break the law at all, and they dare not kill people at will, which is much safer than the human world.

The problem is that this is the only way to get such treatment in a safe area.

If it is in the endless dark starry sky, these places are lawless areas at all. Without the law enforcement officers of Heaven Court, many immortals will act recklessly.

I don't know how many spaceships are robbed by those robbers every year, and there are not a few immortals who were killed or injured.

At the same time, there will be a large number of monsters, even void monsters. In the endless void, they often prey on spaceships and immortals that travel in the interstellar space.

If you don't have enough force, if you dare to travel between the stars, it will be a dead end.

Especially when encountering those monsters living in the void, they would definitely die. Even quasi-sages might not be able to keep their own lives.

"Monster? I didn't encounter any monster."

Gu Xixiang blinked his eyes: "However, I met many animals along the way, such as a very friendly black octopus with many tentacles; a dark golden spider with many beautiful patterns on its body;

There are also a lot of scales growing on the body, and there is a pangolin the size of a planet. They greeted me warmly, but I was in a hurry, so I didn't pay much attention to them.

"Brother Gu, if I'm not mistaken, those are monsters."

The corners of Han Qing's mouth twitched: "The kind black octopus that looks like that should be the famous Death octopus, the spider with beautiful patterns should be the poisonous spider, and the pangolin monster might be the legendary golden octopus that feeds on planets. Armored beasts, they are all out-and-out monsters.

He has seen similar introductions in the monster illustrated book before, and these monsters are the absolute overlords of the void in the Immortal World, the kind that are terribly horrible.

Countless spaceships and immortals die at the hands of these monsters every year, and even quasi-sages are devoured by them, which is really terrifying.

If he encounters these monsters, he will probably have to run away and dare not fight them at all. After all, he is only a human fairy now, but a fairy rookie, how can he fight against monsters of that level.

"How is it possible? I can still tell the difference between monsters and animals."

Gu Xixiang laughed: "The real monster is the kind that is as huge as a star field, and the body exudes an indescribable aura. Ordinary people will die just by looking at it; smelling the smell, they will be eternally cursed, even if they are born The descendants will continue to curse until they become extinct; even if they hear the sound, they will exterminate the species, and they will go completely mad, and their souls will be completely corroded and depraved."

F*ck, this is not a monster, it is an evil god, and it is the ultimate evil god! It is the ultimate evil god that can destroy the world!

Does anyone come to teach this guy what is common sense for normal people?

Han Qing was so weak that he didn't know what to say. .

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