Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1561 The Powerful Fantasy Life Created By Gu Mengmeng

At this time, in the deepest part of the nightmare space, powerful fantasy creatures appeared in a palace, and a little Loli Gu Mengmeng was lying on a big bed and fell asleep, as if he had entered a sweet dreamland. I don't know what kind of dream I'm having.

And these fantasy creatures are powerful creatures born from the dreams of Gu Mengmeng, with powerful divinity, and they will continue to grow with the growth of Gu Mengmeng's power.

"It seems that the master is having a sweet dream. It's really great."

A fantasy creature, Phoenix, said that it is burning with the power of hot flames, but it is not an ordinary Phoenix, but a divine bird born from a dream, born with the power to control all laws of fire.

The dreamy fire gushing out of it can burn reality and illusion, comparable to the legendary fire of red lotus, emperor flame and other heaven and earth fires, it is extremely terrifying.

"It seems that the appearance of this nightmare world really made the master sleep well, and these dreamers also had a good time with the master." Another dream creature said.

It is a dragon, a dragon of dreams, a dragon that controls all the power of dreams, and can easily enter anyone's dreams, in the midst of reality and illusion.

And it is also an immortal existence, as long as the dream still exists, it can be resurrected from anyone's dream, and its power is almost unlimited.

"However, there are also some intruders who have entered the nightmare space. They seem to want to cause damage to the nightmare space and the dream of the owner. We have to guard against this."

A dream creature said in a deep voice, it is an angel, with twelve pairs of white wings appearing behind it, it is a dream angel, born in the most beautiful dream, it is a symbol of innocence, purity and kindness.

It is precisely because of its extreme purity that it cannot tolerate any darkness and dirt. Its power can dispel all darkness and impurity and bring light to life.

It holds an angelic scepter, which symbolizes the authority and power of absolute justice.

"It's just intruders, let me take action and kill this group of intruders. There is no need to talk nonsense with each other." It was a dark spider who spoke.

Endless power of darkness gushes out from its body, and dense black giant webs are woven around its body. It is a nightmare spider, a terrifying dreamlike creature conceived from nightmares

You must know that dreams are not only beautiful dreams, but also nightmares, and the power of nightmares is sometimes many times scarier and darker than beautiful dreams.

The power of this nightmare spider is also extremely terrifying. It is naturally proficient in the power of nightmares, and can easily pull all living beings into nightmares, "At that time, we can only let it be slaughtered.

All the lives that entered the net of nightmares, the more they struggle, the more they will be trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

"Jie Jie, that's right, let me do it, I can silently eliminate this group of intruders, and at the same time give them the cruelest way to die." A clown wearing a mask spoke.

It is also an ever-changing clown born from the nightmares of Gu Mengmeng. It is ever-changing and can change into various appearances, distorting dreams and reality with ease.

It can be said that it is the most terrifying nightmare deep in the heart of life. Whatever the other party fears in his heart, it will become the appearance and thing that the other party fears most.

Once you meet the ever-changing clown, it is like encountering the biggest nightmare in your life, and endless fear is born in your heart.

And it is also an immortal dream monster, a ray of darkness that cannot be erased deep in the heart.

"Enough, don't act rashly, the intruder is only a trivial matter, disturbing the master's sweet dreams is a major matter, you have acted rashly, disturbing the master's sweet dreams, this is a felony that cannot be forgiven a hundred times."

It was a black cat who was talking, and it sat lazily on a chair.

It's obviously just a kitten, but it exudes an unfathomable emperor's aura, and every move contains the undeniable power of an emperor.

It seems that if it says a word at will, it is a golden word, and no one is allowed to violate it.

When the other fantasy creatures heard these words, they immediately calmed down and did not question the black cat's words.

And this black cat is the Emperor Cat, a fantasy creature that governs many nightmare worlds. It has the power to speak words, and as long as it says what it says, it will definitely become a reality.

It can also easily invade various dream worlds.

Although there is no distinction between these fantasy creatures, and they are all equal, they are incomparably obedient to the emperor cat.

After all, no matter the opponent's strength or the owner's love, this black cat is better than other fantasy creatures. [0644012010350]

"But the group of immortals from Heaven Court are still invading our nightmare world. Although there is no way to cause any harm now, it is also a troublesome thing to always send some people to disturb."

The nightmare spider said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, anyway, if they dare to enter the nightmare world, it's a dead end. It's a good thing to let them in. Maybe the master will be happier. After all, it's too boring for mere mortals to play with the master. Let's add more Experts are more fun."

The emperor cat said lazily: "To be honest, those immortals in Heaven Court are not a threat. In fact, our most important task is not this, but to find the book of magical powers. Only by finding enough books of magical powers, the master's The seal will be lifted quickly, this is the most important event in 137."

"Don't worry, so far we have captured a full hundred books of supernatural powers. Although these books of supernatural powers are hiding here and there, thinking that own's whereabouts are very secret, in fact, when it comes to tracking, who can compare to our dream creatures , as long as there are creatures, there will be footprints of our dream creatures."

The dream angel said: "In fact, we have found the specific traces of two or three hundred books of supernatural powers, but we haven't made a move yet, because we are afraid of scaring the snake, and then let them run away.

After our layout is completed, these books of supernatural powers are simply hard to fly, and they will be brought to the master soon, and the master will definitely be extremely happy when he wakes up. "

When she thought of her master, Gu Mengmeng, praising herself after waking up, she couldn't be more excited.

"Very good, since that's the case, then what are you waiting for, as long as you capture all these books of magical powers, mere Immortal World immortals are nothing but ants."

The emperor cat stood up suddenly, a pair of eyes radiated a frightening light, as if piercing through endless empty ministers.


Many dream creatures didn't talk nonsense at all, and immediately started to take action to capture those escaped books of magical powers. After all, they were created for this purpose. 0

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